
Asylum seekers in armed hold up

Wednesday 13 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Two asylum seekers have been threatened at gunpoint at accommodation housing asylum seekers and refugees in Port Moresby.


Jarryd Hayne fails to make Fiji's Olympics squad

Wednesday 13 July 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – Former rugby league star and NFL player Jarryd Hayne won’t be going to the Rio Olympics after being cut from Fiji’s rugby sevens squad.


News service denied chance to cover election

Wednesday 13 July 2016 | Published in Regional

NAURU – Australian news portal SBS World News claims it was not granted a journalist visa to cover Nauru’s general election last weekend, despite a direct approach to President Baron Waqa in April.


Domestic violence worsens post cyclone

Wednesday 13 July 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – Fiji has one of the highest levels of domestic violence in the world, and Cyclone Winston has reportedly worsened the already less than satisfactory situation.


Stranded Kun flees Nauru

Wednesday 13 July 2016 | Published in Regional

Former MP slips through border with New Zealand passport


Nauru election called 'free and fair'

Wednesday 13 July 2016 | Published in Regional

Observers dismiss claims of unfair media access


Kiwis buy back pristine beach

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

NEW ZEALAND – A pristine beach in New Zealand bought through an online crowdfunding campaign has been handed to its new owners – the public.


'Unconscious bias' revealed

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

NEW ZEALAND – Teachers’ unconscious biases and low expectations are hurting Maori children – and teachers need more support to deal with it, New Zealand educationalists say.


Turnbull declares victory

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

AUSTRALIA – Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has declared victory for his conservative coalition in last week’s closely fought general election.


Unitech head denies incompetence

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – The Vice Chancellor of Papua New Guinea’s Unitech in Lae says critics of his management need to substantiate their claims.


Strike action threatened

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PNG professional workers call for PM Peter O’Neill’s resignation


Government romps back on Nauru

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

Suspended opposition MPs fail to be re-elected


Public service commission firm on social media ban

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

VANUATU – The Public Service Commission (PSC) of Vanuatu has reiterated its decision to ban the use of online social media during working hours.


Pressure on Ryan to pick squad for Rio

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – Time is running out for Fiji’s sevens hopefuls to force their way into the final squad for the Rio Olympics, which will be unveiled on July 16.


Suing Samoa police for a million tala

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

SAMOA – Samoa’s Police Commissioner, Fuiavailili Egon Keil, has declined to comment on a million tala lawsuit being filed against him, the Minister of Police Sala Fata Pinati and the Ministry of Police by an unhappy member of the public.


Solomons reconciliation celebrated

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

SOLOMON ISLANDS – Organisers of a week of reconciliation ceremonies held in Solomon Islands say the programme is a first step towards national healing.


Blame and apology for 'chaos'

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – The Papua New Guinea Works Minister Francis Awesa says the country risks disintegrating into small fragmented ethnic groupings controlled by illegally armed warlords.


Nauru's election results awaited

Monday 11 July 2016 | Published in Regional

NAURU – The 8000 registered voters on Nauru went to the polls yesterday after what independent observers say were free and fair election campaigns, despite disagreement between government and opposition candidates over campaign advertising.


12-year-old author in London for launch of book

Friday 8 July 2016 | Published in Regional

SAMOA – Twelve-year-old Samoan student Lupeoaunu’u Va’ai won a gold medal award for her story The Voice of an Island in the UN-partnered Voices of Future Generations children’s story writing competition last year.


NZ women MP's mentor Pacific counterparts

Friday 8 July 2016 | Published in Regional

NEW ZEALAND – Women MPs from New Zealand are helping their counterparts in the Pacific to operate better in their own parliaments.


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