
Future of Melanesian economies studied

Friday 29 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PACIFIC VIEW By Sally Andrews


More sharks than fish in reef pass

Friday 29 July 2016 | Published in Regional

FRENCH POLYNESIA – Marine researchers have found that shark numbers outnumber prey in a French Polynesian shark sanctuary.


Aussie wins resort in a raffle

Friday 29 July 2016 | Published in Regional

MICRONESIA – An anonymous Australian man has won his own remote Pacific island resort in a raffle after shelling out just US$49 for the winning ticket to claim the paradise property.


Detention secrecy law challenged

Friday 29 July 2016 | Published in Regional

AUSTRALIA – The Border Force Act prohibiting workers in Australia’s detention centres from sharing confidential information is to be challenged in the High Court by a group of doctors who say it is having a “chilling effect on their profession”.


Reagan attacker released

Thursday 28 July 2016 | Published in Regional

USA – John Hinckley Jr, who wounded US President Ronald Reagan and three other people in a 1981 assassination attempt, is to be freed after 35 years to live with his mother, a federal judge has ruled.


Pope says world at war

Thursday 28 July 2016 | Published in Regional

POLAND – Pope Francis has warned that a recent wave of jihadist attacks in Europe is proof that “the world is at war”.


Youth spoke of church attack

Thursday 28 July 2016 | Published in Regional

FRANCE – The teenage Islamic State follower who cut the throat of a Catholic priest celebrating mass in northern France was released from prison despite being determined to join jihadis in Syria.


Trump encourages Russian hackers

Thursday 28 July 2016 | Published in Regional

Moscow incited to intercept Clinton’s emails


Tonga wants to be taken seriously at Winter Olympics

Wednesday 27 July 2016 | Published in Regional

TONGA – The Royal Tonga Ski Federation has high hopes for Winter Olympic success after last month’s admission to the International Ski Federation in Switzerland.


Obesity gene helped colonise Pacific

Wednesday 27 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PACIFIC – By studying the genomes of more than 5000 Samoans, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have uncovered a single gene that boosts a person’s obesity risk by upwards of 40 per cent.


Refugee makes plea to Australia

Wednesday 27 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – A Rohingyan refugee held on Manus Island for more than two-and-a-half years has pleaded for Australia to “end this political game” and find resettlement for refugees in a safe country.


Disputed reef under scrutiny again

Wednesday 27 July 2016 | Published in Regional

MINERVA REEF – The status of the disputed Minerva Reef is likely to come under scrutiny after a landmark ruling on China’s activities in the South China Sea.


Asylum seeker 'secretly deported'

Wednesday 27 July 2016 | Published in Regional

AUSTRALIA – A Sudanese man who fled war and persecution and was injured in riots in Manus Island in PNG has been secretly deported from Melbourne to Christmas Island.


Refugees want out of PNG

Wednesday 27 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – Papua New Guinea immigration officials have been given until Monday next week to respond to five refugee statements filed in the Supreme Court.


Veteran PNG swimmer to give it one more go in Rio

Tuesday 26 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – The veteran Papua New Guinea swimmer Ryan Pini said he’s feeling fresh and was excited to compete in his fourth and final Olympic Games next month.


RAMSI marks final anniversary in Solomons

Tuesday 26 July 2016 | Published in Regional

SOLOMON ISLANDS – The final anniversary of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands has been celebrated in conjunction with the start of a yam festival.


Company liable for crimes against humanity

Tuesday 26 July 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – The company that has taken over the management of Australia’s offshore immigration detention regime has been warned by international law experts that its employees could be liable for crimes against humanity.


New Zealand rat and possum free by 2050

Tuesday 26 July 2016 | Published in Regional

NEW ZEALAND – The New Zealand government has announced a “world-first” project to make the nation predator free by 2050.


Trial of 16 Fijians accused of sedition heard next year

Tuesday 26 July 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – Sixteen people accused of sedition in Fiji have had their trial dates moved back to February next year.


Bus crash claims life of loved son

Tuesday 26 July 2016 | Published in Regional

SAMOA – An accident in Samoa last Friday where a speeding bus flipped and landed on its crushed roof has claimed one life. The dead man was one of more than 50 bus passengers admitted to the hospital. Va’a Opetai, of Siumu, died on Sunday night from injuries he received during the crash. His mother, Gau’ula Opetai, said before her son passed away, he was able to speak to her and voiced one last wish. He wanted her to send his regards to all the other victims of the crash and their families.


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