
No charges for meeting without permit

Tuesday 18 October 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI– Fiji’s DPP has decided there’s no evidence to charge six prominent Fijians detained and questioned over a meeting last month.


Papuans pin hopes on new UN chief

Tuesday 18 October 2016 | Published in Regional

WEST PAPUA – There are hopes among West Papuans that the new United Nations Secretary-General will help protect the human rights of Papua’s indigenous people.


Franky and Johnny off to the footy

Tuesday 18 October 2016 | Published in Regional

Key and Bainimarama to share box at Eden Park


Few resources to confront sorcery

Tuesday 18 October 2016 | Published in Regional

Police unable to attend crime scenes due to lack of a vehicle


Rethink urged in battle against nuclear powers

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

MARSHALL ISLANDS – A senior researcher at a Dutch think tank says it’s disappointing for the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) that their case against three nuclear powers has been thrown out so early by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).


Refugee teenagers dream of real lives

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

NAURU – There are 755 refugees on Nauru and 128 of them are children.


Noble supports appointment process

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

TONGA – A Tongan noble MP says the current appointment process for top officials is the most independent procedure available in the country.


Refugee journalist awarded

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – A Kurdish Iranian journalist detained on Papua New Guinea’s Manus island by Australia has received a social justice award from a Sydney symposium.


Tuvalu MP claims nepotism

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

TUVALU – A former prime minister of Tuvalu says he still considers himself a Member of Parliament, despite the Chief Justice declaring his seat vacant.


Samoa's Chamber puts on a brave face

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

Samoa business confident of filling Yazaki gap


Sorcery-related attacks continue

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – The Papua New Guinea Catholic church says reports of sorcery-related attacks do not appear to be waning, despite awareness efforts.


Warning of Biblical retribution

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

Editor shames Tonga’s leaders after damning poverty report


Tietjens to Samoa

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

SAMOA – Sir Gordon Tietjens has been officially unveiled as the new head coach of the Samoa Sevens team.


Tourist describes stonefish ordeal

Monday 17 October 2016 | Published in Regional

Australian survives agonising stonefish sting in Fiji


Pacific going down the plug hole off Oregon coast

Friday 14 October 2016 | Published in Regional

USA – It appears as if the Pacific Ocean is being drained away down a giant bottomless hole on the Oregon coast.


Psychiatrist speaks out on 'atrocity' on Nauru

Friday 14 October 2016 | Published in Regional

NAURU – A forensic psychiatrist who studied refugees detained by Australia on Nauru says it’s her duty to speak out about the children engaging in self-harm and attempting suicide.


Women empowered to lead in disasters

Friday 14 October 2016 | Published in Regional

VANUATU – An Australian aid group says its work preparing Vanuatu communities before Cyclone Pam paid off and there needs to be more investment in refresher courses and support for such schemes.


Biomass plant will feed the grid

Friday 14 October 2016 | Published in Regional

FIJI – A South Korean biomass company developing a plant in Fiji says it’s 75 per cent complete.


Refugee assaulted on Manus

Friday 14 October 2016 | Published in Regional

PAPUA NEW GUINEA – The Human Rights Law Centre in Australia says the assault of a Somali refugee on Manus Island shows the asylum seekers detained there by Australia can never be resettled locally on the island.


Tonga's Pacific Games 'will happen'

Friday 14 October 2016 | Published in Regional

Games Council allays doubts over preparations


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