Wednesday 19 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
The Cook Islands was spared a visit by American socialite Paris Hilton who has been busy jetting this week between Australia, Fiji and Tahiti, according to media reports. Voted the second ‘Worst Celebrity Role Model of 2006’, behind Britney Spears, the Hilton hotel heiress is said to be in Bora Bora now. Paris fans will […]
Wednesday 19 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
Talking about the number of police down at the Telecom Sports Arena last week, has anyone noticed the number of accredited ‘media’ personnel at the netball event? “It’s so hard to attract people to be reporters on the island but there seems to be heaps of wannabes at WYNC,” says one observer. “What’s the bet […]
Wednesday 19 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
And this smokie comes from a table full of disgusted locals after reading news of the new HoM appointments over the weekend. “How on earth can a string of people be appointed to these positions of responsibility when they have already failed audit investigations, and found to be guilty of mismanagement or misspending?” they ask […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
Larry Price says it right in his letter last week titled ‘King or the People?’ comments a smoke signaller. “He asks ‘What is your guess?’ The answer? The court won’t find it easy, but there will be lots and lots of work for the lawyers and lots of work means lotsa money! Who is King? […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
An irate reader reports his disgust at the Minister of Finance’s statement in the budget speech that the Cook Islands faces the same challenges as countries around the world. “Not so,” says our reader. “Other countries don’t have the majority of their politicians as incompetents. Neither do they have a few collaring as many of […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
A visiting couple who were in Aitutaki at the time of the August 4th Constitution Day commemoration commented on a 15 percent surcharge they were required to pay at some places. They said the 15% surcharge at restaurants was similar to what they would face on a public holiday back home, but they were a […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
Referring to whoever advised the Cooks U21 not to worry too much, they just need to do better than 7th place, a smoke signaller said: “Come on kotou, think about how much sweat we had to go through to get them here. Be serious in everything you do or say to them so that they […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
A satisfied diner asked for a bag of bones and scraps for his dog, which the restaurant duly provided, and on the way home he stopped at Whatever Bar for a drink. While there, someone stole his bag! He laughed when he sent us this smoke signal, adding, “I hope they choke on it!”
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
Te Hiva Nui dance team, one of the hit groups at the Billingham International Folklore Festival in the UK that wrapped up this weekend, featured in a news article with the playful title ‘Dancers go nuts as stage bras show up’. “The girls from the Cook Islands thought their traditional coconut bras must have been […]
Wednesday 12 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
Those supposedly responsible for the progress of sports in the Cook Islands are “individually dumb and collectively dumber”, a smoke signaller writes. “The vote to amend the SPG charter was taken right here in Rarotonga, and was passed UNANIMOUSLY. That means that each and every representative from the Cooks was there and voted …so no […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
A reader writes: “Recently, the tennis courts at Tereora College were upgraded, a very good job, they look spiffy. So now someone has padlocked the gates and passed the word that the gates will be opened only for ‘authorised persons’. And all these years, I thought the courts were owned by the taxpayers and all […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
A reader says: “Apparently there is aid money in the pot now to get a sewage system up and running in Muri. Why is yet another environmental report being done? Is this to line the pockets of a few again? We all know that our lagoon is a disaster area. Just fix it before it’s […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
A reader who says he’s a Cook Islander living overseas writes: “I read with great concern and alarm at the debt currently imposed on the CIs people by a government who at best can only be described as totalitarian with no regard for the long term welfare of its people. Who will pay back this […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
About further public service cuts, a smoke signaller writes: “The first place to start cuts is the over bloated ministerial support offices. Fifteen years ago it was one staff with abudget of $25,000. Now it’s over 10 staff with an average budget of $235,000 each! That’s a whopping $1.6 million spent on passing paper around […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller suggests an interesting political study would be to investigate why over the past 25 years or so, the majority of attempts to topple a prime minister or government – apart from a general election – have come a week or two before the annual celebration of self government. Maybe some people want […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
What’s going on with Government’s promise after receiving the Electoral Reform Committee’s report over four years ago, a smoke signaller asks. “It goes to show that the two mainstream parties cannot be trusted and both parties have failed. People Power, where are you?”
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller was amused to read that our Cooks team was to arrive in Rarotonga yesterday for the WYNC. “Despite having some residing Cook Islanders in the team – it is a humorous title.”
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
Alice: “Get those shorts off!” Kip: “You, me, Raro.” Naomi: “You think I’m going to tell you our precious local (surfing) secrets?” Kip: “Can I walk you home tonight?” Naomi: “Not tonight…tomorrow morning.” $80 TO PRESS A BUTTON? What a rip off, says a smoke signaller, referring to charges of $80 for reinstating a phone […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
It’s been over a week since they left Shortland Street to “choose life” in Rarotonga, but neither has turned up to start work at the hospital’s emergency department. Maybe they got confused and are waiting outside the Outpatients Clinic at Tupapa – as in the episode that’s been shown 2.9 times on TV – rather […]
Wednesday 5 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals
You know it’s getting cold on our little Pacific island when a store in Rarotonga has room heaters for sale!