Smoke Signals

5 ministers can do it

Monday 18 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Leave the government alone, says one signaller. “It will prove that we only need up to five people to manage the country – good for a political reform trial run.” And on the opposition thinking about jumping into bed with the Demos to form a coalition, the person says, “Fancy that, it’s monstrous and total […]

Smoke Signals

Ministers, live like us

Friday 15 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

The ministers who have resigned should do the honourable thing and return their perks, cars etc and quit their offices immediately, says one signaller. “Relinquish the right and join us and live like us. By hanging around, you guys are contributing to the fiasco that is going on at the moment.” One of our readers […]

Smoke Signals

Just get some work done

Wednesday 13 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller lets rip with questions and advice on the current political situation: “Regarding the 19 CIP/Demo coalition. Since when has the CIP and Demo exec been given a mandate to run the country? Does Mac see a trip to Wellington slipping into the mist? Is a saving of 100K not worth having, Nandi? […]

Smoke Signals

No surprise at all

Saturday 9 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Dear Editor, Reading Tuesday’s (January 5) Cook Islands News regarding the report on our financial situation – it did not surprise me at all. I know I have mentioned in previous letters that our country is broke and relying on borrowed money to stabilise our economy. The politicians have been alerted to the situation time […]

Smoke Signals

Are those chicks cool?

Tuesday 5 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

One Rarotonga resident stocking up for the Christmas long weekend had wondered whether some Christmas supermarket specials might have given buyers more than they bargained for. "The specials for cartons of chicken were put on the floor all day so are they waiting for us to get food poisoning?" she asked.

Smoke Signals

Boom boom!

Saturday 2 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The island is awash with vehicles emitting loud bass ‘boom boom’ radio sounds all recording 120 decibels and more,” complains a smoke signaller. “It’s a proven medical fact that 110 decibels listened to for more than a minute risks permanent hearing loss. It might be fun now but “listen up out there” because good hearing […]

Smoke Signals

'Unable to live at home'

Wednesday 18 November 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

“On the TV news the other night, New Zealand consumers were reported to be getting hit harder and harder by rising food prices, some of the highest in the world,” a reader says. “If the Cooks buys almost all its food from New Zealand, what does it make our prices? Then compare our lower income […]

Smoke Signals

Nandi, a refreshing change

Monday 16 November 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

Our MPs are notoriously well travelled, attending the most obscure and unjustified courses and talkfests the world over, and they take flak for it, but mostly they just arrogantly ignore the cries of ordinary people for feedback, justification, and accountability. CINews has tried several times to request a travel diary or itinerary of cabinet ministers, […]

Smoke Signals


Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smokesignaller said he loves the unique approach taken by island marketers. “I recall a shoe sale a number of years back that said: ‘Buy one shoe, get the other one free’! Another chuckled after hearing this radio advert: ‘Buy your loved one your love forever. Get her a washing machine… (price etc). Get one […]

Smoke Signals


Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

A former Tereora College student was looking at a 1997 photo of her class online and counted that out of 22 students, three have died (just under 14 percent) since the photo was taken 12 years ago.

Smoke Signals

Monday 24: Our killer roads!

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

The Cooks has come second in the world, but it’s not a record we can be proud of. World Health Organisation figures confirm what the Cook Islands Road Safety Council has been warning all along – our roads are some of the deadliest in the world. WHO says the African state of Eritrea is the […]

Smoke Signals


Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller who claims to have been turned away from a supermarket recently – along with others – at 5.45pm when it’s advertised they close at 6pm – wonders if this is the result of there being a monopoly on supermarkets in town? Another signaller who has a very accurate watch commented that at […]

Smoke Signals

Thursday 20: FAIR TAXI FARE?

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

“I had a great meal in town the other day with a friend from overseas,” one of our readers writes. “We decided we did not want to wait for the next bus, an hour away, so asked the waitress to organise a taxi. ‘Could you tell me roughly how much it would be to go […]

Smoke Signals


Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

Great idea and very successful says one of our readers of the adopt-a-country programme for the netball champs. “Indeed the school visits were seen as highlight experiences for just about all the visiting teams. Just one downer in all of this…while a very limited number of t-shirts were sponsored, all the school children had to […]

Smoke Signals

Thursday 20: OCH AYE

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

On the subject of the netballers, judging by the close-up shots in the filler snippets played on CITV, the Scottish lasses sure know how to swing their bums in time to the local drums!

Smoke Signals

Thursday 20: Copycat crime story

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller wonders whether two Polish prisoners who broke out of a German jail might have heard about our prison breakout on the coconut wireless. They escaped by tying their bed sheets together to abseil down a 15 metre wall. “The wall is pretty high,” a spokesperson for the prison in the southern city […]

Smoke Signals

Wednesday 26: RAINMAN FOR HIRE

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

A weather watcher remarked yesterday that we should loan the Cook Islands’ weatherman Arona Ngari to countries like Australia where they need someone to break the drought. “Every time Arona predicts a weather pattern, or pronounces such and such, we usually get the opposite weather pattern. Like the other day when he said we were […]

Smoke Signals

Wednesday 26: BEST PRICES

Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

Since critics are always quick to slam CITC, someone ought to note how the Main Store’s prices for sports gear are among the best anywhere, a smoke signaller says. “Nike apparel, for example, is cheaper here for the same latest range as in NZ and Australia. Evidence of that was seen on Saturday when visiting […]

Smoke Signals


Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

In responding to Wilkie Rasmussen’s expulsion from the Democratic Party, one signaller says that he only wishes that “MPs like Rasmussen will get off their butt and initiate things, rather than just react to anything and everything”.

Smoke Signals


Wednesday 26 August 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

A reader says rubbish burning is an issue the island needs to urgently address “as it’s a real health hazard for children, the elderly and people prone to developing respiratory illnesses. Shops and households burn cardboard boxes, plastic, cans, green waste, and all other waste in between. These are the Smoke Terrorists – you never […]

Smoke Signals

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