Smoke Signals

Pat, a convenient diversion

Monday 15 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

No doubt others have noticed that Aitutaki is now the excuse for the powers-that-be to do nothing else. Aid for economic development? Sorry. Political reform conference? Sorry. Even funds for health and education get the chop. Face it, we blew our emergency funds on the Mini Games, ministerial travel and Toa-like foolishness. If we still […]

Smoke Signals

Honest as...

Saturday 13 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller says after reading about all the burglaries etc on the island, it’s so good to know there are also “super honest people out there”. She took her car to Koa Kupu to clean and when she went back later to pick it up, he handed her a sum of money that he’d […]

Smoke Signals

Slash profit, give cheaper power

Friday 12 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Referring to the national power utility Te Aponga Uira, a smoke signaller writes: “The TAU trucks that go out on Tuesdays and Thursdays to disconnect electricity are becoming part of the normal course of events in the Cooks as the recession starts to dig deeper. It would be a far better option for TAU to […]

Smoke Signals

No CIP support means yes to Toa?

Thursday 11 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

After reading Cook Islands Party leader Henry Puna’s letter to the editor yesterday, one signaller was confused by the statement that the CIP will not provide government with the numbers to give it supply for non-emergency items such as the Toa settlement payment because these are ‘subject to normal political negotiations’. The signaller asks if […]

Smoke Signals

Double scam – be careful

Wednesday 10 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

You’ve heard about the Nigerian scams were people around the world have been conned out of their bank savings by promises of huge rewards for helping to release millions locked away by a relative who supposedly cheated their countries by hidden overpayments on major projects etc. Some individuals and organisations here in the Cook Islands […]

Smoke Signals

No second chances

Tuesday 9 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The police can plead for a stop to drink driving and the loved ones of those killed can hope as well,” writes a smoke signaller, “but until the court locks offenders up in prison on the first offence it is just not going to stop. Forget the tears over the family that will be disadvantaged […]

Smoke Signals

Yes Minister!

Friday 5 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

When it comes to e-mails, it doesn’t get much better than this exchange. Outgoing FinSec Sholan Ivaiti sends a bulk farewell message (with the Einstein quote as reported this week in CINews) to heads of ministries and cc’s Wilkie Rasmussen, Prime Minister Jim Marurai etc. A few days later back comes a reply to Sholan […]

Smoke Signals

Sardines and overnight scientists

Thursday 4 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

If 1500 people were gathered on Hospital Hill and cars were crammed up the road like sardines, in a medical emergency how is the ambulance or someone hurrying up to the hospital on their vehicle going to get safe and fast access, asks a reader? “EMCI’s William Tuivaga helps to calm the public’s rattled nerves […]

Smoke Signals

Tsunami signs

Monday 1 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Early on Saturday morning shortly after the first widespread tsunami warning arrived from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre, some people texted others to say that Avarua harbour was looking very empty, believing this to be the drawback from the tsunami that was still six hours away from Rarotonga. Instead, the very low water was the […]

Smoke Signals

Wellington meetings not their job?

Thursday 25 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

One of our readers going by the handle Retired Diplomat writes on the subject of the Crocombe/Mokoroa trip to New Zealand: “How these two fooled Cabinet into agreeing that they hold important talks with some ministerial officials in Wellington, is beyond us. We have a Minister of Foreign Affairs and we have a Secretary of […]

Smoke Signals

Real appeal accounting

Tuesday 23 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The letter writer (CINews Mon Feb 22) warning of the need to have a real accounting of ALL Aitutaki fund-raising was spot on,” writes a smoke signaller. “Sorry to you folks on the side of the road selling plates of food or watermelons ‘in aid of Aitutaki’ but history suggests a donor would be better […]

Smoke Signals

Storm batters Tongareva

Monday 22 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

While the Southern Cook Islands was waiting yesterday to see which direction a new storm would take, the atoll of Penrhyn was getting a hammering from gale winds and heavy rain from the intensifying depression, beginning on Saturday night. The Fiji Met Service said Penrhyn, 1365km north of Rarotonga, received 156mm of rain over a […]

Smoke Signals

We're always asking for it

Monday 15 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “The policy advisor for the government urges the nation to push for more aid money to combat economic downturns, recessions, global warming, etc (CINews 9 Feb). Workshops and meetings held all over the Pacific, to see where funds can be sourced. Why? There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this economy that […]

Smoke Signals

Next time send workers

Saturday 13 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Mamas wandering around crying, not knowing what to do…A New Zealand businessman staying at Pacific Resort Aitutaki had that in his mind when he was stumbling over fallen trees on resort paths on Thursday, until he noticed a group of about 12 Cook Islands politicians and bigwigs having lunch, which resort staff had stopped (clearing […]

Smoke Signals

Incorrect warning causes major panic

Friday 12 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

While Aitutaki started picking up the pieces from the tragic battering of cyclone Pat on Wednesday morning, over in Rarotonga a single e-mail was causing a huge amount of panic among locals and visitors when it incorrectly stated that Rarotonga was going to be hit by the cyclone at 2pm. At 10.22am an e-mail from […]

Smoke Signals

'No' for a nationally elected PM

Wednesday 10 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

On the subject of political reform, one signaller says in 2006 when prime minister Jim Marurai knew that he did not have the support, he called a snap election. “In 2010 he knows he doesn’t have the support of the MPs in the house but is willing to hold on as long as it takes […]

Smoke Signals

Power savings to the people

Saturday 6 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

It’s said there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but you can get something for free when you next pay your power account. In a project between the country’s electricity utility Te Aponga Uira and the Asian Development Bank, householders in the Cook Islands get a voucher for three energy-saving light bulbs. The only […]

Smoke Signals

Dump asbestos our way

Thursday 4 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Neigbouring nation Niue might follow the Cook Islands’ unorthodox method of dumping asbestos roofing at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Niue MP Terry Coe suggests that asbestos roofing from homes damaged during cyclone Heta in 2004 should be loaded on to a ship that is then sunk 2000 to 3000 metres down. He suggests […]

Smoke Signals

Getting out of this political mess

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

On the hot topic of political reform, a smoke signaller writes: “Why not pick a suitable number of seats and make them all national seats? Everyone has equal votes, the two parties can run their slate of candidates, and independents have an equal opportunity. We are no longer limited in choice. Even the political parties […]

Smoke Signals

Be responsible on air

Friday 29 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Yesterday an irate smoke signaller writes: “Listening to 88FM this morning and even Matariki FM, it’s easy to tell that these people haven’t been in ‘service’ during cyclones yet. Nick Henry’s flapping was irresponsible, and caused one Arorangi accommodation operator to evacuate guests at dawn yesterday. These radio people need a lesson in responsible conduct […]

Smoke Signals

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