Smoke Signals

There when help is needed

Wednesday 14 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “In the letters to the editor’s column ‘Totally choked’ was really worried about the country because our latest candidates chosen by political parties are village based. Well, why doesn’t he try and put his hand up for the country to see if voters will vote for him? I doubt it! Whether […]

Smoke Signals

Noise complaints at weekend

Tuesday 13 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

The weekend was nearly incident-free for police, whose biggest problem was a high number of excessive noise complaints. On Saturday morning at 4.50am, a car crashed into a taro patch on the back road at Takuvaine. The man sustained only minor injuries but blew a breathalyser reading of 490 mg/s and will appear in the […]

Smoke Signals

OIA request on Telecom documents

Tuesday 13 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

An official information request has been made to the office of the Prime Minister Jim Marurai for documents relating to Telecom Cook Islands by local company Mervin Communications. Director William Framhein confirmed he made the Official Information Act (OIA) request last month and is expecting a final response shortly. Framhein did not wish to divulge […]

Smoke Signals

No worries

Tuesday 13 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“We all know that the Police are trying hard to clamp down on road speeders,” writes a smoke signaller, “but on a Saturday morning drive to town, doing 50k, I was overtaken by three boy bike racers doing 60 plus k without helmets. They don’t have a care in the world and apparently no fear […]

Smoke Signals

Local politics in a nutshell

Monday 12 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Let’s summarise and quantify the political mess,” a smoke signaller writes. “The Democratic party is now in three parts: the Toa-gate bunch (6) and a Demo-splinter group (4) that sort of supports the third lot that happens to be in control (6). Then, there’s the Cook Islands Party including an independent (8) that certainly has […]

Smoke Signals

Political qualifications

Saturday 10 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“It would appear that Mr Maggie has all the prerequisites to become a very successful politician,” a reader writes. “Little education, convicted criminal, arsonist, done a bit of Porridge. He is one step ahead of the other contestants in that he achieved his qualifications before entering politics. Should he make it into the hallowed house […]

Smoke Signals

More tourists are not the answer, yet

Thursday 8 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“It’s not surprising to note that the composition of the Tourism Board is made up of hard core tourism operators,” writes a smoke signaller. “Their motives are clearly profit-driven as entrepreneurs and increasing tourism numbers is good for them. What about the rest of us? Don’t we know that tourism on one hand supports our […]

Smoke Signals

We're worlds apart, Mr Prime Minister

Wednesday 7 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “Mr Prime Minister, while you sleep soundly under a nice roof in your Rarotonga home, the people of Aitutaki sleep in their homes under a tarpaulin roof. While you sleep soundly in the comforts of your private room in your government house, the people of Aitutaki sleep in damaged buildings with […]

Smoke Signals

Showcasing the visiting Japanese group

Tuesday 6 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A Rarotonga resident writes about the Japanese group that’s in town showcasing and sharing their martial arts prowess and their ballet dance: “The photo on the front page of the Cook Islands News of the young girl was fantastic – what amazing form she has! But I thought it was really sad that they had […]

Smoke Signals


Saturday 3 April 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Patrols manning checkpoints around the island this long weekend will be searching cars and pickups – both front and back seats – for any evidence that Easter eggs have been eaten prior to Easter morning this Sunday. The evidence could be either empty foil wrappers left inside vehicles, or chocolate on fingers, door knobs and […]

Smoke Signals

Materials doubled up

Wednesday 31 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “Three weeks ago Wilkie arrogantly boasted in the media about his government’s intentions for a cyclone recovery plan for Aitutaki. The business sector of Aitutaki mobilised to purchase basic building materials – timber, iron roofing and cement – expecting government to purchase from them as part of its plan to stimulate […]

Smoke Signals

Justice for all

Tuesday 30 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “While reading the newspaper court report, one matter that came to my attention was a male adult pleading guilty to careless driving and who to my understanding had been drinking and was only fined a total of $70. One Sunday afternoon my friend was stopped by police and fined a total […]

Smoke Signals

Solving the Toagate saga

Monday 29 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Well Triad’s boss Chris was my hero for taking on Toa and the uncle and nephew tag team, but then the latest revelations hit the press,” writes a smoke signaller. “If Chris had not made the challenge then we the people would now own a fuel farm with a just about to expire lease and […]

Smoke Signals

Water wasting

Thursday 25 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“I’ve just been watching the local news asking us all once again, not to waste water, to use it wisely and with thought for those living on higher ground,” a smoke signaller writes. “The thought crossed my mind when I went to town last Saturday morning where I noticed two organisations offering car washes as […]

Smoke Signals

An attempt at reform

Wednesday 24 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“It’s interesting that the PM in his letter of August 29 was trying to begin the process of political reform within the Demo Party, but it was obviously shot down by the Maoate/Tongia faction,” a smoke signaller writes. “Also interesting that the MPs refuse to answer any questions about reform, in fact they refuse to […]

Smoke Signals

Tourism needs fixing, fast

Tuesday 23 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Something is very wrong in the relationship between the chairman and board of Cook Islands Tourism with those employed at the tourism office. Especially when the chief executive John Dean resigned early and returned to Australia, followed by two very talented Cook Islanders over the weekend, reportedly throwing in the towel: acting CEO Glenda Tuaine […]

Smoke Signals

Aitutaki's building code

Monday 22 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “Before Aitutaki mayor Tai Herman makes too much noise about interference from the capital island, perhaps he can explain how it is that no one has enforced the building code in Aitutaki during his tenure? Most of the buildings damaged or destroyed were built ‘island-style’ without regard to codes or good […]

Smoke Signals


Friday 19 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Referring to yesterday’s front page article in CINews, a smoke signaller writes, “I’m disgusted to read about the squabbling within the cabinet/party. I can’t help but wonder what work any of these boys do as all they seem to show us – “the people they represent” – is a whole lot of puerile bickering. I […]

Smoke Signals

Thank you all

Friday 19 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Dear Editor, Thank you, Cook Islanders for an enjoyable two weeks spent on your beautiful island. I love your gorgeous flowers, native fruits, and crashing waves! You Cook Islanders are so friendly! Following the service at the CICC church in Aorangi we were served a delicious lunch and I want to thank all who made […]

Smoke Signals

Choice minus, aye bro?

Tuesday 16 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A couple of friends were chuckling over photos that were emailed from the Pasifika Festival, which showed plastic containers labelled as ‘Minus (Cook Island potato salad)’. “Cookies in NZ always give us Cookies back home grief about being fobs and freshies – but by the minus sign we reckon the fobs are over there!!” If […]

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