Smoke Signals

House rebel and rabble

Saturday 9 July 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: It was nice, if a little patronising, to hear the gentlemanly exchange in parliament between the speaker Sir Geoffrey Henry and opposition deputy leader Wilkie Rasmussen over their slanging match. Sir Geoffrey first apologised for accusing him of being part of a team of rebels, referring to Wilkies criticism of the […]

Smoke Signals

Charge across the board

Friday 8 July 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

Does government have the wrong end of the stick with the tax on interest? a smoke signaller writes. My savings at the bank is a loan to the bank. That loan earns me a whopping 3 percent. Then when I take a loan for my mortgage the bank earns 11 percent. Go ahead Government; take […]

Smoke Signals

Just a quick cash grab

Thursday 7 July 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

This new tax on interest is a mad piece of rocket science, a smoke signaller writes in response to yesterdays front page CI News article that detailed governments plans to require banks to deduct a withholding tax amounting to 15 percent of the interest earned in savings and investment accounts held in the Cook Islands. […]

Smoke Signals

Secret tutaka visits a stupid idea

Wednesday 6 July 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

I was listening to the Radio Cook Islands on Monday evening and I heard Papa Charlie Ave [Public Health protection officer] talk about the tutaka property inspections. In his speech, he mentioned something about homeowners needing to ensure their dogs are tied up when his officers visit the homes. Papa Charlie also warned us that […]

Smoke Signals

Call to reveal travel benefits

Tuesday 5 July 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

As I understand, the Prime Minister has just globe trotted around the world, a smoke signaller writes. Will he present himself on national television, as other world leaders do, and be questioned by the media and local academics as to just what benefits this jaunt has brought to the Cook Islands people? This should also […]

Smoke Signals

Slaps on the hand

Saturday 2 July 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

The Police Commissioner says they can do only so much in regards to theft, but they can do more if they want by laying the correct charges against these crooks so they can get a good jail sentence for these thieves, a smoke signaller writes. Half the time, charges that could give a deterrent sentence […]

Smoke Signals

Not helping stranded passengers

Tuesday 28 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

What a cop out response by the local Air New Zealand manager in respect of the airfares to Rarotonga in time of serious distress by Pacific Blue customers, a smoke signaller writes. In Saturdays paper Mr Bridge said when their flights are very heavily booked, as is the case at present, all of the cheaper […]

Smoke Signals

Seabeds trillions: what do people want?

Monday 27 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: Saturdays CI News front page contains on the street opinions of Cook Islands voters overwhelmingly opposed to seabed mining, while above those sentiments is a picture of one of our leaders with a handful of nodules and a look that each reader will need to interpret. With respect and in the […]

Smoke Signals

Not movie style courtroom

Tuesday 21 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: The police prosecution [in court] needs further appropriate training instead of their so called local training, especially in terms of court room behaviour and etiquette. We again saw last week the prosecutions senior sergeant approach the bench during proceedings and literally talking to the presiding Justice AND to make things worse, […]

Smoke Signals

Keeping up with the times

Monday 20 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

If you need to check international flight arrival times a lot and have an internet broadband connection, you can save a few dollars each month to help pay for the relatively high cost of the service by checking these online. Both Air New Zealand ( and Pacific Blue ( have excellent websites that provide regular […]

Smoke Signals

Cheese cheaper here

Saturday 18 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

Id like to know how New Zealand cheese is about half the price in Rarotonga as it is in New Zealand? asks Andy in the comments section of a article about a dairy industry report that claims Kiwis could be paying $195 million too much for milk each year from Fonterra. Andy writes: I […]

Smoke Signals

Tyre eating pothole

Thursday 16 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A disgruntled smokie driver writes: It was about the sixth time that the left front wheel of my car crunched its tyre in the growing pothole outside Kiikii Motel, that I realized action men Teariki Heather and George Maggie are like the rest of the politicians who rise to glory in this country. They were […]

Smoke Signals

Country back in begging mode

Tuesday 14 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller looks at recent news headlines from another angle: Prime Minister Puna gets funding and assistance for infrastructure etc direct from the Auckland City Council: wow, fantastic now the council rates will go up even more in Auckland, directly hitting all Cook Islanders who live there and are already struggling with a tightening […]

Smoke Signals

What price do we put on culture?

Monday 13 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes to TXT188 about the stage production based on the legend of Pipirima, the inseparable twins, which may end up being a single performance due to the venue cost: We should have another showing of Once Upon a Reef its awesome. If we need money, lets fundraise and get sponsors. Come on […]

Smoke Signals

Tahiti ag trip surprises

Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

There was plenty of head shaking from some readers yesterday in reaction to the news that the minister of agriculture wants to take a delegation to Tahiti to look at how they grow things that we already know how to grow here. Its great that the minister is open about the plans, says one smoke […]

Smoke Signals

Paper wasps: Not as bad as they look

Thursday 9 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

Rarotonga residents who recently have been ducking and sidestepping frisky wasps will be happy that the large number of these insects has dwindled in the past fortnight. After the tropical depression brought high winds and rain to the Southern Cooks last month, the following sunny weather in turn brought the wasps out in very large […]

Smoke Signals

Were a car dumping ground

Tuesday 7 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

While the world automotive industry re-tools for hybrids and electric drive trains, most every ship landing in the Cook Islands brings a load of petrol-guzzling monsters designed for cheap petrol and 100kph road speeds, a smoke signaller writes. We continue to be on the list of ignorant Third World countries that serve as the dumping […]

Smoke Signals

Go Golden Girls!

Saturday 4 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

Congratulations to our chosen golden girls representing us in Papua New Guinea, a smoke signaller writes to TXT188 about our national netball squad that headed overseas on Wednesday night to compete in the Pacific Netball Series. Go girls, make us proud out there. Do what you can. Win or lose, you guys already make us […]

Smoke Signals

Butts: love them or hate them?

Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: While were on the topic of trying to stamp out smoking, maybe the Government should look at having a law to impose an instant fine against the smokers that flick their disgusting butts and ashes out of their vehicles (or bike) while driving, into the face of the poor bike rider […]

Smoke Signals

Give free patches to help quit

Thursday 2 June 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

I note with interest that Government and the Ministry of Health are trying to stamp out smoking, a smoke signaller writes. Why, with the high tax collected on cigarettes, is the ministry not providing FREE patches for any smoker who wants to stop? The revenue collected by way of tax needs to be directed to […]

Smoke Signals

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