Smoke Signals

More heading for Perth

Friday 10 February 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

“I’m totally with what Jason Tini was saying in the paper a couple of weeks ago about him and his family moving to Perth,” a smoke signaller writes. “I was a staunch Cook Islands Party supporter but now I’ve given up with all the lies and bullshit. I’m relocating my family of seven to Aussie. […]

Smoke Signals

Local sevens players 'snubbed'

Thursday 2 February 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

“It‘s poor management from Cook Islands Rugby Union to allow all players and officials for the Wellington sevens tournament to come from overseas,” a signaller texts. “Our local players have been snubbed. They are better than the overseas players. Time for a change at the next AGM.” Commenting on the Scott’s Farm odour issue, a […]

Smoke Signals

Chook poop sham

Wednesday 1 February 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

What an absolute sham this survey of the Muri chook poop smell problem has become, a smoke signaller writes. The whole thing is corrupt and ridiculous. The idea of the survey was to test and investigate public complaints about the chicken farm and in particular the smell coming from the farm property. Obviously this survey […]

Smoke Signals

One Foot over the line

Thursday 26 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes that a German man resident in New Zealand, who is alleged to have made hundreds of millions of dollars profit from his computer file sharing website, should be welcomed to the Cook Islands with open arms. Kim Dotcom would bring all that lovely money he has stashed away and then […]

Smoke Signals

Planning ahead for the future: Yeah right!

Wednesday 25 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: I see New Zealands Prime Minister John Key is warning New Zealanders of tougher economic times ahead, where careful expenditure will be the order of the day. Now the Hon. Henry Puna, and Hon. Mark Brown might be smarter than their NZ counterparts, but they have yet to show where they […]

Smoke Signals

Brakes on, brakes off

Tuesday 24 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes to TXT188: In response to the slow-driving Mr Miyagi [Papa Louis] complaint: Who says youre forced to overtake? Is there a law that says you must overtake slow drivers? Personally, Im more worried about those who speed! In addition, I must agree with the smoke signal in Thursdays CINews [Relax and […]

Smoke Signals

OJ to NZ, not noni to China

Friday 20 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

How disappointing to read minister Teina Bishops comments in Wednesdays CI News [Major noni deal sours] in respect of the noni juice to China debacle with Mr Chen, the well documented, apparently rather unsavoury character, a smoke signaller writes. Minister Bishop stated: Nothing has happened. I think Ill just go back and keep hassling them, […]

Smoke Signals

Relax and enjoy paradise

Thursday 19 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writers in response to Kevin Wards rambling complaint over the driving speed of Papa Tauira [yesterdays letters to the editor], one wonders what Kevins priorities might be? We all get stuck behind the papa. No doubt some of us react like Kevin and think our rights are being trampled by one fella […]

Smoke Signals

Best man is a woman

Wednesday 18 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Callers to the newspaper yesterday thought we had made a mistake in the caption and tennis article Tennis star looking to play overseas which stated that Lilian Maui, 17, is the open mens tennis champion. It was mentioned in the article and three or four times before that as the island didn’t have any other […]

Smoke Signals

Swapping Cook Islands fish for junk

Tuesday 17 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Standard & Poors downgrading of the Cook Islands last month to a junk bond rating of B Plus places the nation well below investment grade and severely increases the cost of any borrowing, a smoke signaller writes. Meanwhile the opportunity to realise on the greatest asset, the fishing industry, appears to have been given away […]

Smoke Signals

Many hands make light work

Saturday 14 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Responding to yesterdays p10 article on Mangaia Island Administration workers titled MIA not missing in action a smoke signaller writes: I was in Mitiaro when the island experienced the same weather pattern and perhaps the Mangaia Island Admin could learn from the good example of the Mitiaro Island Admin which utilised the MOIP staff [Ministry […]

Smoke Signals

Everyone must sell the Cooks

Friday 13 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “I have recently heard that some resorts are demanding a commission, also known as a kickback, for referring tourists to certain service providers such as restaurants, fishing charters and dive operators. I hope this falls flat on its face because it’s everyone’s job in the Cooks to ‘sell the Cook Islands’.” […]

Smoke Signals

Follow Singapores car system

Thursday 12 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Imposing restrictions on vehicle imports would be easy, a smoke signaller writes. Do it as Singapore does. If anybody wants to import a car into Singapore, they require a licence to import a car into the island. To get this licence you have to prove to the authorities, by way of an official certificate that […]

Smoke Signals

Survey Nikao's pooey issue

Wednesday 11 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A concerned resident writes to Public Health about the green Enviroflow septic system next to Tereora College: Now that the initiative has been taken for Muri to have its health and environment survey, wouldnt the next step be to have one in Tereora? This pooey issue in Nikao has been long ongoing; it also was […]

Smoke Signals

What's in a name?

Monday 9 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Commenting on suggestions that the country should consider using a local name, a smoke signaller writes: Shouldnt there at least be a text poll for the name change of our country? The people should have a say! There are so many reasons as to why we might not want to be called Avaiki Nui. SS: […]

Smoke Signals

Are our streets roadworthy?

Saturday 7 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

If the government is going to be difficult about warrants of fitness, a smoke signaller writes, I ask the question: Would our roads pass a warrant of fitness? SS: Thats a good point, and probably one thats often raised by those whose vehicles might not pass muster at the WOF inspections! Here’s an interesting thought […]

Smoke Signals

One tuna $936K, 17 boats $800K

Friday 6 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

I hope the minister of fisheries reads where a tuna one whole bluefin tuna was sold for 56.49 million yen (NZ$936,000) to a Japanese restaurant last Thursday, a smoke signaller writes. This surely makes a mockery of the NZ$800,000 fee paid to the Cook Islands for 17 and more long line fishing boats which have […]

Smoke Signals

Reform would be ticket out

Wednesday 4 January 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Whoever is writing these letters on the upcoming reform knows a helluva lot and has hit the nail right on the head, a smoke signaller says in response to the second installment of reform letters to the editor, published last week under the heading Looking beyond the market: Do we go down the path of […]

Smoke Signals

It's not a farm its a factory

Wednesday 28 December 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

The victims of the Scotts Farm smell are hard pressed to find words adequate to convey the degree of the misery they are unable to escape, a smoke signaller writes. When assaulted by such olfactory violence it is difficult perhaps to consider the real cause of the onslaught. Scotts operation is not a farm in […]

Smoke Signals

PM wont tackle tough issues

Friday 23 December 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

Adding their thoughts to the Muri egg farm odour issue a smoke signaller writes: Angry Muri residents, hold your breath, the prime minister has problems showing leadership qualities just read what he and his finance minister say about CISNOC on the front page of the Cook Islands News on Thursday. He shows he does not […]

Smoke Signals

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