Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
“We have recently heard of fears that Moruroa atoll may collapse releasing buried radiation that could head west straight for the Cook Islands, Samoa, Fiji and other innocent island nations,” a smoke signaller writes. “The nuclear testing performed against the will of the peaceful Pacific Island people is surely the worst ‘act of terrorism’ the […]
Thursday 30 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller writes: ”I was wondering why the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was going to visit such an unassuming group of islands and then I saw the answer in the New Zealand Herald online: ‘Security’. The South Pacific is an area lacking in United States bases and troops. To fend off […]
Wednesday 29 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”What a lot of hogwash from Minister Mark Brown on why our people are leaving in droves for overseas,“ writes a smoke signaller in response to yesterday’s p11 article ‘Be more productive’. ”We don’t want to hear why they are leaving because we all know the real reason why they are leaving. What we want […]
Tuesday 28 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”This may be a wonderful opportunity for Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard to make the acquaintance of the Aussie expats resident in the Cook Islands,“ a smoke signaller writes, ”an opportunity which regrettably the Australian High Commissioner from Wellington did not take on his recent visit here. One would have thought that looking out for […]
Monday 27 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”This cavalcade business is way over the top,“ writes a smoke signaller. ”Who gives this lot the right to break the law and speed through town dangerously? The whole thing is overly obtrusive and sometimes pathetic when you look in the VIP cars and see one or two passengers. Saturday night’s effort, all for the […]
Saturday 25 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller observes: ”Frenzied activities on the roads, putting in tiger eyes on the centre line, painting white lines down the middle, grooming, brushing and cleaning…all this just to impress the Forum delegates. Then there’s the new police cars, wow, and we all thought that the police had nothing left in their Budget as […]
Wednesday 22 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”A couple of months ago,“ a smoke signaller writes, ”the Public Service Commissioner came down hard on public servants misusing motor vehicles. Well, all that talk has done nothing, commissioner. The same practice of the misuse of motor vehicles is going on within government. Public funds paying for free fuel for these joy riders is […]
Tuesday 21 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller asks: ”Can someone in government please assure the public that the new land being created at Punanga Nui is not going to be covered with plywood shacks to spoil what is one of the most pleasant waterfront vistas anywhere?“ SS: That’s a very good question. Every town needs safe, open park spaces. […]
Saturday 18 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”Wow, this police corruption saga just gets worse!“ a smoke signaller writes. ”And in my opinion the Crown Law Office and the legal fraternity are accomplices in the cover-up. How on earth do they all justify keeping this a secret? The public has a right to know that systemic corruption and dishonesty are ingrained within […]
Friday 17 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”Holly heck – is this damn Pacific leaders’ forum more important than the lives of our Cook Islands people?“ a smoke signaller asks. ”I’m really angry at an unannounced exercise conducted, apparently by Cook Islands police, for drivers of VIP and government vehicles. Without warning on Wednesday a speeding police bike appears out from around […]
Wednesday 15 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”I applaud Aunty June Baudinet’s letter to the editor on Monday about the Minister of Finance Mark Brown putting extra burden and taxes on our people,“ writes a smoke signaller. ”Where does Mark Brown get his financial advice from? This new, green and inexperienced minister thinks by taxing and increasing prices he will find the […]
Tuesday 14 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”Here’s a story that’s true,“ a smoke signaller texts to 188: ”A man goes to the main hospital, he’s been struck in the eye from a bug strike and wants medical attention. They shine a light in his eye, see nothing, consult a computer, and prescribe Mylanta for stomach, and one for motion sickness. What’s […]
Monday 13 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
After reading Saturday’s smokie ‘Long haul charge’ a smoke signaller writes: ”Air New Zealand Cook Islands manager’s suggestion that ‘Customers are also able to book online for no extra charge’ in response to the extra $100 included in any quote for long haul travel from the local Air New Zealand office, sounds good in theory […]
Saturday 11 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”So there are no more flu vaccinations in stock at our hospital, but there is plenty of money for our politicians to keep travelling overseas,“ a reader writes in response to Thursday’s front page article ‘Flu vaccinations out of stock’. ”This is absolutely ridiculous and more so when a hospital staff member said that this […]
Wednesday 8 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”I have enjoyed the privilege of being able to attend the half-time refreshments at Te Maeva Nui dance competition nights,“ a smoke signaller writes.
Saturday 4 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”That was a great decision by Cook Islands Tourism to fund our Olympic team’s uniforms,“ a smoke signaller says. ”Exposure to billions of people at very little cost! Hope these types of decisions continue now that the CEO has been ousted. Rumour is the Tourism board was unhappy with the expenditure.“
Friday 3 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”Mike Tavioni makes too much sense – government should take immediate steps to silence this man,“ a smoke signaller writes tongue-in-cheek in response to the front page article ‘Sack board, not Beattie: Tavioni’. ”We really don’t need him reminding us that most of the dollars spent by tourists getting here, eating here and sleeping here […]
Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller writes: ”I for one was not amused by Norman George’s uncalled for vicious swiping insult of Lady Marito Maoate during the late Sir Terepai’s state funeral. A number of people laughed at the jokes and revelations he made about politicians and what they get up to but when he turned on Lady […]
Saturday 28 July 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”Wherever Mark Brown [finance minister] got his figures for the withholding tax take, goodness only knows,“ a smoke signaller writes. ”I have had a Westpac Bank account open since November 2011 with an average of $200 in at any one time. Over the course of this time I have received a total of $1.12 in […]
Friday 27 July 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
Dear Editor, The Cook Islands has an 800 percent harsher maximum sentence for possession of cannabis than New Zealand? That seems excessive. Two years for possessing cannabis? Twenty years for cultivating cannabis? Does the punishment fit the crime? I agree with the writer of Monday’s letter to the editor. This person calls attention to the […]