Monday 15 January 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals
I recently read some criticism of George Maggie in CINews. I don’t agree with everything this person was saying about George Maggie because I think Maggie is a great example for the people’s representative and the people in parliament.
Wednesday 10 January 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals
The year was just eight days old when our PM announced he was off overseas yet again, this time to Abu Dhabi for a renewable energy meeting. “Maybe he’s trying to break last year’s record for the amount of time spent out of the country,” a smoke signaller says. BAD AND BADDER… The amount of bad and dangerous driving that’s going on around the island at present points to the fact that we need the increased police alertness to continue. What’s going to happen when the checkpoints fade back to their normal level? ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN The police statement about the very uncertain rules regarding riding on the back of trucks was all well and good, but in the meantime, people are still riding around perched on the side of truck trays, or standing up and leaning on the back of the cab, without holding on to anything. It’s an accident waiting to happen – and if it is against the law, no-one’s doing anything about it. HITCHING A RIDE Unfortunately, it seems the police don’t follow their own rules when it comes to dangerous riding on the back of trucks. Seen yesterday at Panama, a truck driving along the main road with a police bike on the back – and a policeman sitting astride it! If the truck had come to a sudden stop, things could have got pretty tricky. WHALE TALE GAINS NEW LIFE The remarkable story about whale researcher Nan Hauser diving with a humpback whale off Rarotonga last year has gained a whole new life on the internet. Months after the story first appeared in CI News, overseas media have put a whole new spin on the episode. The New Boston Post, which bills itself as “the hub of conservative thought,” ran a story saying: “A Maine woman diving near the Cook Islands in the South Pacific cavorted with a humpback whale that kept trying to shield her with a giant pectoral fin; it took her a while to figure out the whale appeared to be shielding her from a lurking tiger shark. A video associated with the story in the link below shows the woman interacting with the whale, but doesn’t show the shark.” BALANCED VIEW The whale tale has also been aired on CBS news, together of video footage of the whale researcher and the humpback whale said to have protected her from a tiger shark. Thankfully, however, CBS took a more objective approach. “While Hauser credits the whale for protecting her, she acknowledges she can’t know what the whale was thinking,” the CBS story said. “James Sulikowski, a marine biologist and professor at the University of New England who has studied tiger sharks, said he’s not convinced that the whale saved her life. “The shark could have just been hanging around,” he said. “There’s really no way of knowing the whale’s motivation.” TABLOID SENSATION The prize for the most over-the-top version of the story predictably goes to a British tabloid, the Mirror, whose website ran a story and video headlined: “Amazing moment hero whale saves snorkeler from shark by hiding her under giant fin while pushing her to safety.”
Monday 8 January 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals
What’s up with the dismal creatures who stole 100 pineapples from a local gardener recently? Have they no scruples, no conscience at all? Let’s hope they get caught, and soon. The sharp end of a pineapple might make a useful tool with which to exact punishment.
Friday 5 January 2018 | Published in Smoke Signals
Where else in the world but the Cook Islands would a jet loaded with passengers arrive in the middle of the night minus all of their luggage? A big thumbs-down to Jetstar for failing to explain anywhere near adequately why this appalling incident happened – or how it is that the other few airlines seem able to get here with everyone’s bags aboard.
Wednesday 20 December 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
After the debacle in which George Pitt is said to have offered the Demo Party a deal to get them into government with Internal Affairs minister Albert Nicholas as prime minister, Nicholas made a statement in parliament.
Thursday 7 December 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
“Earlier this year, I said I’d eat my hat if Tim Tepaki’s scheme to develop the outer islands and revive the Sheraton hotel project got off the ground in November this year,” a smoke signaller says.
Friday 1 December 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
US Ambassador to New Zealand Scott Brown, who visited the Cook Islands this week, has an interesting past.
Monday 27 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Regarding the story headlined, “Local drivers urged to slow down (CINews November 20), I agree.
Thursday 23 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
A post on Rarotonga Community and Beyond’s Facebook page has shown rubbish left behind at Muri beach.
Monday 20 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Can Joseph Brider stand up and assure us, all is well in his department? Can he explain why there are “goings-on” on the island that don’t get any pressure from the National Environment Service despite public concern?
Monday 20 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
It was great to see the police dog patrols organised to round up wandering pooches around the Te Au O Tonga district was a success.
Thursday 9 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Congratulations are in order for Bluesky staff who have been working hard to ensure services are restored as soon as possible.
Friday 3 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
The crew of the Te Kukupa deserve congratulations for the rescue of a yachtsman they carried out in rough weather 390 nautical miles southwest of the Cook Islands this week. These guys, led by Tepaki Baxter, regularly put their lives on the line to save others. Well done, all of you! I reckon you deserve a medal.
Thursday 2 November 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
A local wag has come up with an easy solution for filling the potholes that are rapidly proliferating around the island – fill them with purumu! Only trouble is, it would wash out in heavy rain –but then so do ICI’s patch repairs.
Tuesday 31 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
You have to feel sorry for Bluesky in their current predicament following Friday’s fire at the Aroa cell site.
Monday 30 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Did anyone else notice that Finance minister Brown looked rather crestfallen during a television interview about the government’s plans to pursue a seat on the United Nations?
Monday 23 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Congratulations to former Health secretary Elizabeth Iro for scoring such an exalted position. So where will the newly appointed Chief Nurse Officer to the World Health Organization be based? New York? Brisbane? Timbuktu?
Wednesday 11 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
This signaller is wondering where or how the tax department gets their information on past tax that is outstanding.
Monday 9 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
Last week I saw a Facebook alert by police about a runaway and read that this guy was likely to commit more crimes while on the run.
Thursday 5 October 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals
In his most recent Saturday column Thomas Wynne only seems to have woken up now after a test and has realised he is obese. But people don’t need to be tested to see if they are obese, because it’s usually blindingly obvious.