Smoke Signals

Smoke siganls

Friday 27 February 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

CIP executives in bit of a spin What a lot of spin doctors the CIP executives have turned out to be.

Smoke Signals

smoke signals More tractors could be nice

Saturday 21 February 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

The dazzling yellow colour of the spanking new Chinese machines lined up military style on the reclaimed Avarua waterfront land last month was impressive, a Smoke Signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Smoke signals: Simply a case of dodgy parking

Sunday 15 February 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

AN ALL-ROUND WINNER If Norman George succeeds in getting $4 million out of the government, it could provide a huge boost to the local economy, a Smoke Signaller says. “Anyone who then takes it into their heads to sue Norman will be greatly encouraged as to their prospects of a win. The lawyers could do well out of it too.” CONTROL THE GAME REF The referee couldn’t event control the game between the Panthers and the Eels last Saturday. It was an ill disciplined game and out of control with too many dangerous tackles around the head area. One player from Avatiu punched on opponent, kicked another and dangerously tackled another player and the referee allowed the high tackles to happen and had no control! OIL ADVERT I watched with interest a paid advertisement on television about an environmental issue that to me has no relevance to us at all. We haven’t had disasters such as an oil leak that could damage our eco system. However, having sighted the advert again last night I have come to realise that this must be someone’s campaign to stimulate discussion on a proposed over-the-reef fuel discharge facility, paid for by one of the suppliers. Do we really need another supplier of fuel, let alone one who wants to discharge it through a pipe over the reef? NEVER HAPPY Regarding petrol prices, it seems we are never happy! When petrol was $2.59, we were moaning and now its $2.19 and we are still moaning just like the two people who wrote letters about it this week. And that’s why we never get anywhere!

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals: Indication of carelessness?

Tuesday 10 February 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

Making a sudden turn to the right without indicating isn’t a good idea. But it’s even less of a good idea when you’re a uniformed policeman driving a Government vehicle.

Smoke Signals

Smoke signals: Pass that by us once again please

Monday 9 February 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

An oxymoron is when two words are put together when they mean the opposite of each other.

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals Setting an example?

Sunday 8 February 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

In this time of economic uncertainty, with no money available to save the environment, there’s an article telling us to “refuse, reuse, reduce and recycle’.

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals: Quit the spin and give us the facts

Friday 6 February 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

The questions in relation to the China grant of heavy machinery are good to see. Our government needs to stop the spin and give us the facts!

Smoke Signals

Smoke signals: An unconventional way to plan

Saturday 31 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

Tourism Corporation plans for a revamped or new purpose-built convention centre reveal several issues that are incompatible with good governance.

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals: Strung out about line up of gift machinery

Friday 30 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

The Chinese tractors all in a row down the wharf only need to have a nice rope stringing them all together to remind us that the invading English talked the people of North America out of Manhattan Island for a string of glass beads.

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals: Weighty questions for the health department

Saturday 24 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

With the Cook Islands number three on the list of countries with the highest percentage of obese people, maybe the health department don’t understand that muscle is heavier than fat so encouraging people to exercise isn’t going to work.

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals: Time for someone to check allegation facts

Tuesday 20 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

The PM is wrong when he said in CINews that ‘If the court thought the allegations were that serious, they would have referred the case to the police.

Smoke Signals

Smokies: What's the word on project CEO?

Friday 16 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

Word has it that the CEO of the Te Mato Vai Project, Mr Latu has resigned and left the Cook Islands....can officials at the ICI confirm or deny this?

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals: Inaccurate mathematics, but still a good read

Wednesday 14 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

The rebuttable to the Albert Henry’s fiasco, by way of letter in Friday’s CI News was a good read.

Smoke Signals

Smoke signals: Strange, Mr Fox

Monday 12 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

Derek Fox takes a curious angle on the massacres that took place in Paris recently.

Smoke Signals

Smoke signals: Fully in favour of fluoride

Friday 9 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

'Power to the People' (Letters January 6) is wrong when he says the people of Rarotonga have declared their opposition to fluoridation.

Smoke Signals

Smokies: Thanks for the great concert, Motone

Wednesday 7 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

Heard a funny real-life story or something out of the ordinary?

Smoke Signals

Smokies: A matter of interpretation

Saturday 3 January 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

A matter of interpretation Prime Minister Henry Puna says, ‘I'm here to stay’. (headline CINews) - Can we interpret this as his New Year's resolution that he will not be

Smoke Signals

Smokies: Appeal after appeal is making people tired

Monday 29 December 2014 | Published in Smoke Signals

The recent statement from the Prime Minister shows how desperate the Demos are in seeking to govern the country.

Smoke Signals


Saturday 27 December 2014 | Published in Smoke Signals

It is a disgrace to see people too drunk to go home and sleep! Especially when you know they have a wife and small child at home. No wonder we are labelled the world champions of binge drinking.

Smoke Signals

Smokies: Female MPs

Tuesday 23 December 2014 | Published in Smoke Signals

What a turn of events that Fiji has a greater percentage of women MPs than we do in the Cook Islands.

Smoke Signals

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