Smoke Signals

An example for Puna to follow

Tuesday 28 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“IN THE UNITED Kingdom PM David Cameron announced his resignation when his referendum to stay with the European Union failed,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Quick return to Raro tells the real story

Monday 27 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

NO JOB THREAT in the caucus - is that right? Why did the PM cut his trip short? First time I’ve known the PM to do that.

Smoke Signals

Political crisis more like a political circus

Thursday 23 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“SOMEONE ON THE radio on Monday evening was saying the Cook Islands was in the midst of a political crisis,” a smoke signaller says. “We rather think he meant political circus, different clowns, same circus. Or should that be same trough, different snouts?”

Smoke Signals

More to poisoning case than meets the eye

Tuesday 21 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“IN THE CRICKET news on Monday of last week it said a number of players from one team were missing due to food poisoning,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Justice delayed is justice denied

Monday 20 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

IT’S NEARLY 18 months now since the Chief Justice found MP Mona Ioane guilty of electoral bribery.

Smoke Signals

Still no answers about guilty MP

Friday 17 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

It's nearly 18 months now since the Chief Justice found MP Mona Ioane guilty of electoral bribery. The recommendation then was for the police to complete their investigation and report back to the courts if possible criminal charges could be laid.

Smoke Signals

CAN SOMEONE please tell me what is so interesting about the BBC news?

Tuesday 14 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

And what was wrong with the One News? I was disappointed to turn the television on to watch the One News to see that the BBC News was on. Can the Cook Islands not afford to pay the One News to be broadcast? Come paa kotou!!

Smoke Signals

First session of parliament off to boring start

Friday 10 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

PARLIAMENT sure has got off to an unexciting start. In fact, the first day was downright boring and the second wasn’t any better.

Smoke Signals

Counting the cost of private schools

Thursday 9 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“SENDING our kids to a private school especially has become way too expensive these days,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Another view on Punanga Nui wall

Tuesday 7 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

After hearing the Punanga Nui vendors on radio being questioned on why they had the new wall built alongside the road, it is clear she meant well.

Smoke Signals

Hitch-hiking tourists travel on the cheap

Saturday 4 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“IF the Finance Minister is saying tourism will get a boost in the annual budget I am wondering why we are getting “cheap-as” tourists visiting our shores?” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Move over John, James is coming

Friday 3 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“AFTER reading James Thomson’s letter in Thursday’s Cook Islands News, it seems to me that it would be nice if he took over the job of Clerk of Parliament from John Tangi,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

One hazard leads to another

Monday 30 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

A NOTE and a photo from smoke signaller Kevin Cook:

Smoke Signals

Some questions about leaf-blowing MP

Friday 27 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Can someone please explain to the public what right MP George Maggie has to be holding motorists up on their way to work at 8.00am and at 4.00pm and why he can’t do his ‘blow-waving’ at a more appropriate time of day?” a smoke signaller asks.

Smoke Signals

Don't just write about it, do something

Thursday 26 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Just a thought for Ruth Horton,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Mail on slow boat to Aitutaki

Monday 23 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

Why is it that a Bluesky invoice dated April 30 and issued about May 4 does not hit the mailbox on Aitutaki until May 18? This is an ongoing problem that we had with TCI, and the new mob are just as complacent, the invoice arriving only a day or two before the required payment date.

Smoke Signals

Nice to watch, but not over and over

Friday 20 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

It’s great that Bluesky has introduced assorted channels to air on Moana TV. But why are some of the programmes being repeated from months ago and why do we pay full price for this? I thought the advertisements were the only things on repeat.

Smoke Signals

Three could become too much of a crowds

Thursday 19 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

Rumour has it that some well-meaning, but clearly naïve, person at the Justice Department appointed three lawyers to help with land matters. Never has the saying been more appropriate, “the foxes are in charge of the chicken coop.”

Smoke Signals

Transport from bars would be helpful

Wednesday 18 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“After visiting Rarotonga for the second time, it seems to me that the major part of local industry revolves around bars/food, but there is no easy way of getting to the next destination after having consumed alcohol,” a smoke-signalling visitor says.

Smoke Signals

Look at other ways of making money

Monday 16 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

Whatever we do to generate revenue, stripping our already-assaulted marine environment bare for a few cents should not be part of it.

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