
Return our pounamu please

Friday 8 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My son was part of a New Zealand wedding group having been seduced by romantic tourism advertising and Rarotonga’s idyllic setting. On the 19 December 2009, thieves broke into their accommodation at Island Villas at Muri, rifled through all their property stealing my son’s entire suitcase containing all his belongings including his laptop, […]

Letters to the Editor

Doing desperate things

Friday 8 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, How many don’t know that the sacked maxi-leader attempted a coup of sorts over the long weekend? Maybe there are a few revellers still sleeping it off who don’t know that a ‘vote of confidence’ in Sir Terepai Maoate was circulated by the Ngatangiia MP amongst the remaining Demo MPs and all the […]

Letters to the Editor

Arrogance in the public service

Friday 8 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor We are all aware that not all public servants are dedicated to serving the public. While some certainly do their best to provide the service for which the public pays, there are other petty officials, many of whom have been given authority well beyond their competence, once they get behind a desk surrounded […]

Letters to the Editor

Getting to the bottom of it

Wednesday 6 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Congratulations to Cook Islands News for the fantastic effort carried out by your small team of dedicated reporters late last year relating to the recent Northern group fishing venture that failed to live up to all its many promises. Your excellent media coverage on this very dubious fishing venture both highlighted and exposed […]

Letters to the Editor

Superannuation fund or national super tax?

Wednesday 6 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am so disgusted to finally receive my 2008 (one year later) Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund’s so called “retirement fund” statement last week to see that I had an investment loss deduction of 33.6 percent on my 2008 contribution plus another one percent deduction for insurance. And to make things even juicier, […]

Letters to the Editor

Just get over it sir!

Tuesday 5 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Sir Terepai Maoate, get over yourself and stop holding the country to ransom! You created a ‘patsy’ for your own political security, but didn’t expect anyone to call out enough! This is what happens when government decides to play a corporate game and try to be the ‘be all’ instead of doing what […]

Letters to the Editor

No witches to hunt for

Tuesday 5 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, With the recent happenings around the cabinet table I was amazed to read the press release of the now reinvented minister, Wilkie Rasmussen. He said that "there will be absolutely no witch-hunt against Sir Terepai Maoate and senior public servants associated with him in the Toa Petroleum matter". Why not, is my question? […]

Letters to the Editor

It takes one to know one

Tuesday 5 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, A smoke signaller accused Wilkie Rasmussen of being a hypocrite because he called the PM naughty names the last time Wilkie was sacked for something. In fact, the signaller called Wilkie the "biggest hypocrite ever in the Cook Islands". You have to wonder if that smokie was sent by a tourist or by […]

Letters to the Editor

Are those chicks cool?

Tuesday 5 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

One Rarotonga resident stocking up for the Christmas long weekend had wondered whether some Christmas supermarket specials might have given buyers more than they bargained for. "The specials for cartons of chicken were put on the floor all day so are they waiting for us to get food poisoning?" she asked.

Smoke Signals

Out with the old and in with the new

Saturday 2 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Had some thick-headed politicians observed my letters to the editor concerning the Vaimaanga debacle some years ago, we wouldn’t have been in such chaos nowadays. Those letters were for the government to stay clear of any business dealings. No, my pleas were ignored and now it has turned around to bite the hard-working […]

Letters to the Editor

Smart money on the rebels

Saturday 2 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, At the top of Wednesday’s front page, minister Wilkie Rasmussen said that the Marurai government, Sir Terepai Maoate and the Democratic Party will try to resolve their differences. At the bottom of the same page, the Democratic Party withdrew its support of the Marurai government. Cook Islands News helpfully noted that these are […]

Letters to the Editor

Cook Islanders deserve better

Saturday 2 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As an ex-pat watching this mess unfold with the Cook Islands government, it strikes me how incredibly ridiculous this whole affair is. It’s blatantly obvious how diabolical the circumstances were that led to Sir Terepai Maoate’s sacking. Yet three ministers resign in support of somebody that has fundamentally betrayed his duty of office. […]

Letters to the Editor

Boom boom!

Saturday 2 January 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The island is awash with vehicles emitting loud bass ‘boom boom’ radio sounds all recording 120 decibels and more,” complains a smoke signaller. “It’s a proven medical fact that 110 decibels listened to for more than a minute risks permanent hearing loss. It might be fun now but “listen up out there” because good hearing […]

Smoke Signals

Same talk, same vision

Thursday 31 December 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Re Koutu Nui Community Visioning project. And the visioning still goes on after many years of talking about the same issues of good governance, social, environment, economic and culture. It’s time now to move on to more creative and active thinking. The current political turmoil, the increase in crime, and the downturn in […]

Letters to the Editor

Where was the anger?

Thursday 31 December 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor Member of the opposition from Aitutaki Teina Bishop managed to grab a headline by accusing the prime minister of causing instability. This was surely a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Who was it four years ago who abandoned a coalition government to incite a failed coup? There’s nothing wrong with […]

Letters to the Editor

Sunday flights and all that

Thursday 31 December 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The protest against government for approving the flight scheme highlights several crucial elements that seems to have escaped the media from day one. Those who endorsed the Sunday flight scheme should think twice. Although the message coming across to us appears to be an issue about Sunday, the campaign was always intended to […]

Letters to the Editor

'Reaction to protest gone too far'

Wednesday 18 November 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We refer to your front page article in the Cook Islands News on Monday November 16 headed ‘Protest gone too far’. It made for interesting reading when you quoted the many half truths from the local politician Teina Bishop. We feel we have to respond and convey the real facts. The protest group […]

Letters to the Editor

'Unable to live at home'

Wednesday 18 November 2009 | Published in Smoke Signals

“On the TV news the other night, New Zealand consumers were reported to be getting hit harder and harder by rising food prices, some of the highest in the world,” a reader says. “If the Cooks buys almost all its food from New Zealand, what does it make our prices? Then compare our lower income […]

Smoke Signals

Akaou'anga, kia vai teateamamao tatou

Tuesday 17 November 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana Eaa te tuatua Maori no te kupu reform. Eaa tona aiteanga e tona puapinga no tatou i teia ra. Eaa tona ngai tu kaui. Manganui te kupu Maori tau no te akamarama i teia kupu papa’a – akaouanga/akatuke’ anga/ taui’anga e te vai atura. Kiriti mai au i te kupu akaou’anga ei tatara […]

Letters to the Editor

Farewell to Rarotonga

Tuesday 17 November 2009 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Having been to your very beautiful country on a few occasions, I would just like to point out that the whole world is not rich! I for one will not be back to your wonderful island and have to pay that large of a departure tax. I think someone’s head got hit by […]

Letters to the Editor

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