
Let's just sit on our golden egg

Wednesday 3 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I make reference to the letter in your newspaper the other day from ol’ papa Tap Pryor who appears desperate for this government to urgently proceed with the exploration of the country’s manganese nodules as soon as possible. The way I see things, if the value of the minerals contained in these deep-sea […]

Letters to the Editor

Stick with 24 MPs plus 1

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor Recently MPs have been the target of unfair criticisms – too many, over-paid, under-worked etc. People moan about having far too many MPs. Niue has a population of just over a 1000 with 22 MPs. We have 15,000 with only 24 MPs, so what’s the big fuss! New Zealand went through their parliamentary […]

Letters to the Editor

Kia vai rai te noo'anga o Nukuroa

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

E Tama, Kia orana i te aroa nui o to tatou metua Atua, E kura patianga mei roto atu i te au pu tokotoko e tamarumaru nei ia Nukuroa enua e pera te aronga mana o te enua, te au upoko inaina e tae rava atu ki te unga ma te potiki, i te patoi […]

Letters to the Editor

What's the rush?

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Over the past month, there’s been so much publicity about political reform. But since Marurai and his cabinet have been in power, it’s all been ballyhoo about political reform to cover the real truth. The fact is Marurai and his cohorts have been brainwashed to reform in order to clear the political road […]

Letters to the Editor

Police assurance a huge relief

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is comforting to know that the police commissioner will stand firm to the principles of good law and that he will protect the interests of the public from those in executive power who may choose to break the law and vice versa. That’s a huge relief and sends a very strong reassuring […]

Letters to the Editor

Getting out of this political mess

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

On the hot topic of political reform, a smoke signaller writes: “Why not pick a suitable number of seats and make them all national seats? Everyone has equal votes, the two parties can run their slate of candidates, and independents have an equal opportunity. We are no longer limited in choice. Even the political parties […]

Smoke Signals

Where is our leader?

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Excuses! Excuses! Excuses! That’s all I read in the paper these days and hear from the Prime Minister, the Demo party, including the CIP. No PROACTIVE responses, just reactive, pathetic, negative, finger pointing, passing the blame excuses. I have followed the reports on the Toagate Scandal and found it unbelievably amazing that the […]

Letters to the Editor

Reform should include ministries and civil servants

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The current talk about electoral reform focuses on MPs and voting systems, mostly variants of the US and British system. It may be that with the Pacific culture, a more consensus-seeking system would suit the Cook Islands better. Transparency International, an NGO focusing on governance issues, reported that together with NZ and Sweden, […]

Letters to the Editor

Les Priest's god is the moral law giver

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m replying to a letter by Les Priest “Is God too busy?” Les comes across as an atheist but confusingly he also comes across as an agnostic by his “if” and “I imagine” remarks about God and evilness. Les’s personal belief “that there is no God” is inconsistent with known knowledge and human […]

Letters to the Editor

More positives than negatives

Tuesday 2 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My wife and I vacationed in Rarotonga and Aitutaki two years ago spending a week on each island. Our two-week vacation contributed much to the local economy. We will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in April and we have decided to return. But we’ll be visiting only Rarotonga this time, staying at […]

Letters to the Editor

Tap Pryor comes 'out of closet'

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, You know better than anyone how many anonymous letters I have written to Cook Islands News in support of the Marurai Government of Five. Now I want to come out of the closet to say that the Five are about to kill the nodule opportunity. While boasting of a commitment to transparency, they […]

Letters to the Editor

Avoid messing round with a run-off for pm

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A smoke signaller writes: “Two of the proposed political reforms are about the election of the prime minister. One is that the PM should be voted for directly, the other that person coming top in the national MP election should be PM if he/she gets 50 percent of the vote. If not there’s a run-off. […]

Letters to the Editor

Matariki FM wants better cyclone info

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Matariki FM agrees with your smoke signaller’s comment in the Cook Islands News of Friday January 29 that “we need standards and protocols for anyone on air at a time like this”, referring to the recent cyclone warnings. However, we suggest the signaller is unaware that at times of cyclone warnings or tsunami […]

Letters to the Editor

Warning bells

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have been following the political turmoil of our fair island of late. The team in right now, excellent choice! But beware PM of who you surround yourself with. I’m no angel but these guys make me look like a choir boy. Surrounding yourself with the rich and successful won’t mean they will […]

Letters to the Editor

Let's have a vote

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The time has come for Prime Minister Marurai to give the real people the opportunity to show their support for his decisive action in removing former DPM Maoate – who is an arrogant man. I am a voter in his electorate and do not wish to be included as ‘one of my people’ […]

Letters to the Editor

A call for some political action

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Through all the political squabbling we see continual reference to the 1998 Commission of Political Review. That report showed clearly what the Cook Islands people wanted in detail, however the government of the time and subsequent governments ignored virtually all of its findings. So please explain, CIP and Demo executives, why can’t you […]

Letters to the Editor

Papa Arapati would make it happen

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In the early 1970s, it came on the radio that the Premier would be making an important announcement in two days’ time. I remember that at 7:00 on the night, my parents and aunties and us kids all gathered around the radio to hear what it was about. He came on and said […]

Letters to the Editor

Hoteliers told to pay

Monday 1 February 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In regards to this new tourism marketing group formed by Tata Crocombe and Greg Stanaway, both break the law in so many ways and we’re still listening to them. They’re both are not paying Saturday or Sunday penal rates and clearly they both expect their employees to work for minimum wage yet we’re […]

Letters to the Editor

True colours showing

Saturday 30 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Even after one month, Marurai’s illegitimate and minority cabinet has shown its true colours backed up by advisors Short and Crocombe. Their actions are leading towards anti-parliament by refusing to recall parliament; anti-government by acting out of parliamentary processes; anti-outer islands by proposing to reduce outer islands seats based on emotion rather than […]

Letters to the Editor

Recycle or face disaster

Saturday 30 January 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I find it amazing that government wastes so much on advertising for the public to recycle without taking some decisive action on maximising recycling and maximising the lifespan of our solid waste dump. The simple facts are: The Rarotonga site is filling up much faster than originally planned. This means in less than […]

Letters to the Editor

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