Monday 15 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
No doubt others have noticed that Aitutaki is now the excuse for the powers-that-be to do nothing else. Aid for economic development? Sorry. Political reform conference? Sorry. Even funds for health and education get the chop. Face it, we blew our emergency funds on the Mini Games, ministerial travel and Toa-like foolishness. If we still […]
Monday 15 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Regarding the Cook Islands High Commissioner to New Zealand, I just want to ask, don’t we have any qualified, academic Cook Islands Maori person capable of being appointed to this position instead of the one just appointed? I have nothing against the man, but wouldn’t it be appropriate to have one of our […]
Monday 15 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Walking along the back road from Ngatangiia to Avarua the other day, I was staggered to see just how bad the state of our roads is in some areas. When asked, a planter on the outskirts of the backroad in Matavera told me that the last time the ministry of works had come […]
Saturday 13 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, So health and education are likely to suffer big budget cuts. When have health and education been a priority anyway. It’s more important to have a big impressive sports stadium and synthetic running track. And the Toa debacle is another thing which should never have happened. I can’t believe how fiscally irresponsible our […]
Saturday 13 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller says after reading about all the burglaries etc on the island, it’s so good to know there are also “super honest people out there”. She took her car to Koa Kupu to clean and when she went back later to pick it up, he handed her a sum of money that he’d […]
Saturday 13 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, First of all I’d like to express my disappointment with the way some pro helmet supporters misuse motor vehicle accident (MVA) statistics to support such arguments as “one death should be a good enough reason to have introduced compulsory helmets”. What about the deaths through head injuries of those victims that were involved […]
Saturday 13 March 2010 | Published in Kata
Saturday 13 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Everyone goes on about speeding, drunk driving and talking of bringing the compulsory helmet law in. While this is all well, don’t you think it’s about time someone looked at the actions of the Raro Tour drivers? These drivers have no regard for the speed laws and fellow road users. I ask, are […]
Friday 12 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
Referring to the national power utility Te Aponga Uira, a smoke signaller writes: “The TAU trucks that go out on Tuesdays and Thursdays to disconnect electricity are becoming part of the normal course of events in the Cooks as the recession starts to dig deeper. It would be a far better option for TAU to […]
Friday 12 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, There has been some recent hot gossip flying around saying that government is currently in deficit by over $5 million. If the rumour mill turns out to be true, it is likely that the blame game will begin with MPs in both the current and previous Demo governments pointing fingers at each other. […]
Friday 12 March 2010 | Published in Kata
Thursday 11 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
After reading Cook Islands Party leader Henry Puna’s letter to the editor yesterday, one signaller was confused by the statement that the CIP will not provide government with the numbers to give it supply for non-emergency items such as the Toa settlement payment because these are ‘subject to normal political negotiations’. The signaller asks if […]
Thursday 11 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The new president of the road safety council is over generalising and obviously making a point for all who insist that every motorcyclist should be forced to wear the standard full helmets on sale even at lower costs, but restrictive and hot in our tropical climate. The majority of motor bike and motor […]
Thursday 11 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Some time ago you requested some biographical information and individual response from our MPs on the question of political reform. The question was supported by many readers texting you. I realise we have had cyclone and tsunami trauma since then, but could you please publish the results of the questionnaire as I’m sure […]
Thursday 11 March 2010 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 10 March 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
You’ve heard about the Nigerian scams were people around the world have been conned out of their bank savings by promises of huge rewards for helping to release millions locked away by a relative who supposedly cheated their countries by hidden overpayments on major projects etc. Some individuals and organisations here in the Cook Islands […]
Wednesday 10 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I think it is important to thank all of the kind hearted and generous offers that have gone towards the Aitutaki Appeal. Without so many people offering their time, money and expertise I am sure that, while by no means complete, the recovery effort would have taken so much longer than what it […]
Wednesday 10 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, One would not normally dignify the ramblings of Tepaki’s PR man James Thomson but our young people should not be allowed to believe James’ re-write of history is true. Government development and running of The Rarotongan was most certainly not successful. The ministers and other insiders who ran up bar and food tabs […]
Wednesday 10 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A big thank you to both Alistair Macquarie and Tap Pryor for taking the time to shed more light on the effects of tsunamis and making us realise that islands such as those in our country are actually not vulnerable to the deadly effects of tsunamis. Not only have Alistair and Tap put […]
Wednesday 10 March 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thank goodness that MOIP’s road work gang has finally got around to adding a tar and gravel mix fill into the 6 inch gaps that were recently ripped perpendicular at set intervals throughout the main road in Tupapa. This simple but critical work has probably saved many vehicles from enduring a further bashing! […]
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