Thursday 20 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My name is Elizabeth Napara from Cairns, Australia. I just want to know how our people in Aitutaki getting on. Please let us know the latest news of our island, we are praying to our Father in Heaven to help our people on the Island of Aitutaki. May God Bless every one there, […]
Wednesday 19 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor. Has the seat of big business come to sit in with Cabinet in the Cook Islands? Is the power of our gover-nment so eroded that it no longer can make decisions that benefit the majority of Cook Islanders? I refer Mr Editor to the most obvious problems this country faces, and in particular […]
Wednesday 19 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor. Now that the trial of the century is over, the public are awaiting reports from Audit on the following. Pacific Mini Games historical line of approvals process, stadium costs, bunk beds, catering, school hosting, where did all the money go, give us the breakdown? TOA Dispel public rumour and political shenanigans. Release the […]
Wednesday 19 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Ron Hickling, Tutakimoa, has hit the nail on the head. There is a retiree market and NZ is your best bet. What do you compare a tourist with a couple of grand to spend, or a retiree with a couple of hundred grand, who wants to live their lives out in the Cooks […]
Wednesday 19 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am writing in response to Mokare Mataiapo’s letter to the editor in the Cook Islands News. Mokare Mataiapo’s letters to the editor makes no sense, they are worthless and pointless. He not only puts down our papaa family and friends, Mokare Mataiapo and his so called son Wilkie Rasmussen bring shame to […]
Wednesday 19 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor The political conference to be called at the end of month on May 31 by Sean Willis and Robert Wigmore is to elect Wigmore as leader of their new party and to sack Marurai as prime minister of this country. They cannot, however, sack the prime minister this side of election 2010 as […]
Wednesday 19 May 2010 | Published in Kata
Tuesday 18 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am writing about Bishop Tutai Pere’s rambling rhetoric in last Friday’s Churchtalk column. There is a rather pervasive religious element in our society, but we are still a secular country, and merging religion with politics can create a volatile mix, as is evident in the deadly insurgencies and wars motivated by this […]
Tuesday 18 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A few months ago, a group of 19 MPs from the Demos and CIP, claiming to have a majority, called on the Prime Minister to call Parliament to resolve any leadership and administration issues within the country. Marurai, Wilkie and Wigmore and their minority group refused and hid behind the country’s constitution even […]
Tuesday 18 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Telecom would like to make a public statement about the ongoing allegations from Mr Franheim on behalf of Mervin Communications. WiFi pricing First, in relation to Telecom’s ISP network services, I can confirm that Telecom sells a variety of broadband connection plans to businesses and residential customers. Telecom also provides WiFi and cybercafe […]
Tuesday 18 May 2010 | Published in Kata
Tuesday 18 May 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
The safe return of the four from Manuae is fantastic news, but attention now must be given to the investigation into what really happened to ensure there isn’t a repeat of what must have been a costly rescue mission. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that all four men should not have […]
Monday 17 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Kia orana i te aroa maata o to tatou Atua. I toku tatau marie anga i te leta a Doreen Kavana Boggs kite koe, te kite nakiri uatu ra au i tona tokorua i muri i tona mokotua. As I read Doreen’s letter I have a feeling her husband was just behind her […]
Monday 17 May 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller writes: “Interesting to read in your paper that a Manihiki woman with a torn Achilles tendon gave up her seat for an emergency case from Pukapuka. I wonder who the Manihiki patient gave up her seat for? Obviously not for the Pukapuka patient. Among the passengers who hopped off the plane when […]
Monday 17 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Local company Mervin Communications is questioning the legality of foreign telecommunications networks operating in the country. Director William Framhein says it is probable that the Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB) and cabinet have not given their consent for the foreign enterprises to carry on business in the Cook Islands. He says it is possible that […]
Monday 17 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I refer to page 6 in CI News of May 14 and would like to correct the headline ‘Let’s all follow CITC’s example’. This should have read: ‘Let’s all follow Spider’s Aitutaki example’. It was Spider’s Supermarket here in Aitutaki, owned by Savage Lockington, who together with his very able CEO James Wearing […]
Monday 17 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read the questions that Pastor Tutai Pere is asking of our leadership, and I read the questions that Sean Willis is asking of Pastor John Tangi. When I consider the notion that politics and religion don’t mix, I get to understand just how flawed some of our thinking is. Should pastors only […]
Monday 17 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was intrigued with the misreporting that has been occasioned by the intention to construct landing areas around Rarotonga, so that cruise ships may have the opportunity to land more of their passengers. The following is my take on the idea to enable more passengers to be landed and the benefits that will […]
Monday 17 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, What is Des Eggleton talking about? What is the positive feedback that he is speaking of? I haven’t heard any positive feedback, I have heard however a multitude of complaints from customs and immigration officials about the intense heat in the building. Most comments I have heard from tourists is why did we […]
Saturday 15 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’m having a great holiday here in Rarotonga. A large part of my enjoyment has been the people I’ve met and watching, talking to and cuddling the friendly dogs on Muri Beach. I’ve observed many other tourists doing the same and see the dogs as a huge attraction as you don’t experience this […]
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