
Toa deal fuels exodus

Saturday 29 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, While champagne flows in the TOA camp, in-fighting amongst the political parties is relentless, our country is governed by a minority group and meanwhile the voice of the people is being ignored and we wonder why our middle working class continue to leave our shores. Again we hear Sir Terepai on radio apportioning […]

Letters to the Editor

More Toa-ing and froing

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor Some comments on Porter’s explanations as reported in the CI News on May 22: 1. When it established its depot in the 1960s Mobil had a monopoly on the fuel business, thus government felt justified in introducing price control, hence the Fuel Price Template which allowed Mobil to sell its fuel on a […]

Letters to the Editor

'Govt please fund Fiji flight'

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“After reading the paper about the Fiji flights, I hope and pray that government agrees to fund the proposed flights,” a smoke signaller writes. “Not only do we have quicker access to Fiji but also cheaper fares to the Solomons, Tonga and Samoa, to name but a few. Members of most ethnic communities will definitely […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - May 27, 2010

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Kata


Agreement had to be honoured

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Going back to 2006, without some sort of agreement with Government to say “we will continue to buy your fuel”, ANZ and Westpac would not lend Toa (or anyone) money to purchase the fuel farm from Mobil. Where it all went wrong, was halfway through Government changed their mind and gave the fuel […]

Letters to the Editor

We are watching you

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is unconscionable that a national is happy to accept millions of dollars from his country and its people knowing full well the financial state it is in and the manner in which it came about. If Mr Porter had an ounce of compassion and smidgen of humanity he would show this country […]

Letters to the Editor

Sweaty welcome not on

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We have just spent many millions of hard earned dollars on creating a wonderful new airport. And what do our visitors think? Especially if they are the second plane to arrive on a wet night? Herded like sheep into a corral. A corral made from rope and plastic traffic cones! Not much I […]

Letters to the Editor

Chamber challenged on silence

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Why hasn’t the Chamber of Commerce spoken out against the 25 per cent minority led government running the nation? Steve Anderson the chamber president said, “The chamber has no political affiliation but would always speak up for accountability and transparency by government”. A 25 per cent minority government is not being accountable and […]

Letters to the Editor

Porter responds to TAU chairman

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The facts upon which Toa’s assertions are based are very clear. It’s true that in 2007, TAU called for tenders for supply of its requirements for the 2008 -2010 period. No tenders were accepted and that tender process was cancelled. What the chairman fails to state in his response is that in calling […]

Letters to the Editor

Atiu says thanks to health workers

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dera Editor, Re: health team visit to Atiu May 3 to 8. Through you paper I would like to thank all health workers that visited Atiu and conducted health test, check-ups and seminars through the school and the villages. I for one am grateful for the messages that you have shared with our children and […]

Letters to the Editor

Willing to pay for stupidity?

Thursday 27 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Yeah, me again. I read the news re: Ngatangiia candidate and his gang “demanding” he stand again. What a joke. Yes, he is a bully, and like any bully, he can’t see the wood for the trees”. But you gotta hand it to Porter and crew. That surely must be the con-job of […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - May 26, 2010

Wednesday 26 May 2010 | Published in Kata


Rasmussen should go

Wednesday 26 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor Marurai should sack his new minister of finance a second time for taking us the people to court and costing us the people heaps more invaluable taxpayer money. The mediation team had already agreed to the Toa payment and his court case made no difference apart from more money being wasted on this […]

Letters to the Editor

TAU questions Porter's memory

Wednesday 26 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor Please allow me to respond to the article by Brett Porter in your paper dated May 21, 2010. Mr Porter has obviously had a busy week, and so may have mis-remembered how the last two Te Aponga fuel tenders were actually conducted. In mid-2007, Te Aponga called tenders for supply of fuel for […]

Letters to the Editor

Evolving from servants to celebrities

Tuesday 25 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In our self-serving culture with its ‘me first mentality’, acting like a servant is not a wise concept. Bishop Tutai Pere of the Apostolic Church of the Cook Islands, in my personal opinion, he should keep his nose where it belongs, focus on his church members. Let our politicians govern our country. We […]

Letters to the Editor

Where did Apex money come from?

Tuesday 25 May 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “Brett Porter’s explanation of the Apex deal with Mobil Oil in 2006 is that Apex borrowed some millions of dollars and put up ‘its own’ $750,000 to make a $3.25 million dollar deal. On August 11, 2006 the LAT approved a deed of mortgage from Apex to ANZ Bank of 5.7 […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - May 25, 2010

Tuesday 25 May 2010 | Published in Kata


Piho is Manihiki choice

Tuesday 25 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m writing this letter in response to a “newsbrief” published in the Cook Islands Times. The Manihiki Democratic Party Committee have already selected their candidate. The Honourable Apii Piho is the only Demo Candidate that we foresee as being competent and gifted to take on such a role for the Manihiki people. As […]

Letters to the Editor

Two short is one third

Monday 24 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor How arrogant and incomprehensible it is that the Cook Islands Netball Association is quite happy to pat itself on the back while proceeding with the season minus one third of its potential playing members. Hello! You are missing two whole clubs! Irrespective of how difficult negotiations are, you as elected administrators have a […]

Letters to the Editor

Marine park commendable

Monday 24 May 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am delighted to see that the Cook Islands Cabinet has approved a proposal to pursue the establishment of a national marine park. The designation of a significant part of our territorial waters in the southern group as a marine protected area is commendable. This will undoubtedly strengthen the existing Cook Islands Whale […]

Letters to the Editor

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