Thursday 12 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is nave to announce that there was “no conflict of interest” based on the findings of Solicitor General Tingika Elikana and Heinz Matysik, when all they were asked to do was review the documents. Of course no one will find conflict on the documents. It is pointless quoting from Elikana that “unless […]
Wednesday 11 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Rarotonga is surely heaven on earth, as some romantic poet will put it, but that is a yesteryear notion. Today, we have internet and television. Sadly Rarotonga is geographically placed in the middle of the Pacific and even today’s progress cannot alter the fact that Rarotonga is positioned at an ambiguous location that […]
Wednesday 11 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
Did the Suva-based South Pacific Tourism Organisation make a mistake in a press release this week, or has someone jumped the gun and released information about an event that hasn’t happened yet? In an SPTO press release about the World Shanghai Expo celebrating Cook Islands Day on August 4, the first paragraph refers to the […]
Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Kata
Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I think it was a very poor decision of the newspaper to publish the letter concerning Teina Bishop in Monday’s Cook Islands News. Regardless of whether the man is a politician or not he is entitled to some understanding and sensitivity regarding his actions at this time. I think your newspaper could have […]
Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Despite the adverse information surrounding CIIC, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the positive achievements CIIC has undertaken for the Ministry of Justice. CIIC completed the renovations and refurbishment to the Rarotonga Prison and built another two maximum security cells in record time despite not having sufficient resources […]
Tuesday 10 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor The Letter on Saturday by “Keep them honest” is not real, and just a make-up version of the Finbar Kenny- Albert Henry episode. 1. The Finbar Kenny contract with the Cook Islands Government was made and ongoing. 2. A representative of Albert Henry to make a deal with Kenny did not exist. 3. […]
Monday 9 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, You ran an article in your paper last week regarding the erratic behavior of the Honourable Teina Bishop in parliament along with innuendos of mental instability. Well, since his return to Aitutaki last week his condition has deteriorated. There have been outbursts of swearing and the use of very unpleasant words in public. […]
Monday 9 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, After bringing to Telecom’s attention a billing error in our recent telephone account (internet), which was dealt with, the process raised other issues in respect of the landline costs charged by Telecom, including dial up internet access charges. The Telecom website clearly states that local calls are charged at a rate of 15 […]
Monday 9 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
“Can your paper ask the Aitutaki Raro community whatever happened to the money raised for the island?” a smoke signaller writes to TXT188. “Cyclone Pat hit in February and months later we have people here living in tents and the purpose of that was for it NOT to sit in the bank. Would be nice […]
Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Sir Terepai Maoate’s allegations that the director of audit was bribed to produce a report that put the blame on him brings to the fore the question of bribery, backhanders and corruption in general and the question: does it flourish in the Cook Islands? Unfortunately by my own recent observations it does. It […]
Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Our wonderful 10-day break in Rarotonga has drawn to a close. What amazing people, tours and places to explore. The only let down was Aroa Horse Riding. Ponies of poor physical and mental state tethered to ropes. One a nasty biter, another a vicious kicker bullying all within her range. Very inexperienced operators […]
Saturday 7 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
“I wonder who is the dumb one here in regards to protocol?” asks a smoke signaller in response to yesterday’s smokie that suggested the government had no idea of protocol because the Minister of Culture arrived after the Deputy Prime Minister at the official opening of Te Maeva Nui last week. “Minister of Culture Cassey […]
Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Kata
Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I recently wrote a letter headed ‘Treat them fairly’ which pertained to the treatment employers dish out to foreign workers arriving on Rarotonga to fill a much needed gap in the work force, particularly in the hospitality industry. I am surprised that no one replied to the argument, which should prove that by […]
Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
“At the opening ceremony of Te Maeva Nui at the Punanga Nui on Saturday, it was so embarrassing that this government has no idea of protocol,” a smoke signaller emails. “In normal situations, everyone will wait for the Prime Minister to be the last guest to arrive to an official function, but instead acting Prime […]
Thursday 5 August 2010 | Published in Kata
Thursday 5 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The democratic government will establish a political reform commission within six months after taking office. 1) Consult widely with our people and with political experts to determine the best options for political reform in order to do the following: To establish a formula for the reduction of seats in constituencies where there is […]
Thursday 5 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Firstly let me correct the record. While flattering, please do not refer to me as a constitutional expert. I have never claimed to be one and would not want to. We are all fallible but experts are expected to be less fallible than other mortals and I would find that too onerous. I […]
Tuesday 3 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am disappointed that you bannered my response to Pui’s earlier letter as “Battle of the Henrys”. While I understand that every business competitively employs every marketing trick in the book (including the one yet to be written) to increase sales, with respect, in this instance your bottom line avidity is beneath good […]
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