
Teina rejects 'attack'

Monday 23 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I returned from two weeks in New Zealand to be advised that Norman George had personally named me in an article – referring to me as a “plastic maori”. I have since read the article in which he made his remarks and read my father’s reply and then Norman’s response to my father. […]

Letters to the Editor

Dangers of dog poo

Monday 23 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Why can’t dog owners keep dogs at home, and look after their poo if they are out on a leash?” asks a smoke signaller. “The dogs roam our beaches depositing their poo wherever they please. Why do we have to, in a small island of Rarotonga, be plagued by dogs when we have a paid […]

Smoke Signals

Never too old

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’d like to make it clear for Tere, Moana & Tony and your small group, it is not Sir Terepai Maoate and Aunty Marito that are wanting to continue, it’s the majority of the people of Ngatangiia, for many reasons. Just to name a few: With the support of Aunty Marito, Sir Terepai […]

Letters to the Editor

Not reporting

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, When is a TV sports report not a report – on the CITV Breathe programme, that’s when. Apparently CITV has no reporter competent to deliver commentary and simply runs a video with music followed up by a ‘summary’ from wannabe ‘personalities’. During the Youth Netball it was so much more informative when Sam’Gumpy’ […]

Letters to the Editor

$50 departure tax better

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

On the issue of the inclusion of departure tax and other charges in flight tickets, a smoke signaller writes: “I would suggest that ‘Check the facts’ keys into airnewzealand.com.au and checks any flight Sydney/Rarotonga (direct or via NZ) and you will see additional charges quoted at AU$72.58, Passenger Movement Charge AU$47 (NZ$60), Passenger Service Charge […]

Smoke Signals

Audit out of line

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I see the director of audit gets all touchy when he is questioned or his reports are commented on. He put volumes of his unchallenged verbal diarrhea out to the public but feels that we are actually interested in how he feels about his country, how difficult his job is and, here is […]

Letters to the Editor

Stupid and violent

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I cannot believe Don Mackenzie will react so stupid and violently to a philosophical argument aimed at the new generation of Cook Islanders. There are thousands of Cook Islanders under this generational definition! Why does he think it is aimed solely at his daughter? Is the plastic acronym racist? I simply put it […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - August 21, 2010

Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Kata


Air NZ won't ticket tax

Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

Yesterday’s letter ‘Sort out departure tax’ which suggested the country’s $55 departure tax should be included in the price of an airline ticket to avoid any grumbling at departure time, drew two responses: “The reason we do not have the departure tax in the airline ticket prices is simple: Air New Zealand refuses to do […]

Smoke Signals

QR job for Sir Terepai

Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We have been following the Demo Party happenings in Ngatangiia. It is now clear and proven, ie in the paper about this matter, that Sir Terepai Maoate and Marito cannot give, and will not give up the mana, ngateitei, o te politics, the limelight and public attention they receive. This is very sad, […]

Letters to the Editor


Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I found the letters published recently regarding the Honourable MP Teina Bishop’s current behaviour, disheartening. The concerns raised are fair enough, but the forum used was somewhat inappropriate. As he is indeed a politician, do we not have protocols for dealing with such matters more appropriately? Surely we have in place a channel […]

Letters to the Editor

'Plastic Maori' words racist and ignorant

Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is a reply to Norman George’s statement about “plastic Maori”. Norman, in your undisputed position as Teflon coated prince of Cook Island politics and other questioned (but unproven) activities, I find your description of a “Plastic Maori” as directed toward our daughter Teina MacKenzie as both racist and crassly ignorant. As most […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - August 20, 2010

Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Kata


Real reform debate needed

Thursday 19 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It has been encouraging to see the growing discussion, debate and consensus in the community regarding the fundamental need for political reform in the Cook Islands. The key concern is that since self government over 90 per cent of Cook Islanders have voted with their feet and left the Cook Islands and yet […]

Letters to the Editor

Plea from Aitutaki

Thursday 19 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Could one of your great reporters investigate what has happened to all the money so kindly given by so many to help the people of Aitutaki after cyclone Pat please?” asks a smoke signaller. “We have not seen any of it here and the sad part is that many people are still living like little […]

Smoke Signals

Support for Rule's call

Thursday 19 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It takes great courage for any deserted partner to initiate a driving force petition, calling on the New Zealand and Cook Islands governments to establish a much needed reciprocal agreement for absent parents to pay child maintenance. Rightly so, Moana Rule is sadly being driven by a painful shackled down desperation call for […]

Letters to the Editor

Arise talented people

Thursday 19 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Arise you talented young men and women of the Cook Islands and vote your tropical paradise in line with other major countries around the world. John Key Prime Minister of New Zealand, David Cameron, Prime Minister of Great Britain, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, Julia Gillard Prime Minister of […]

Letters to the Editor

Sort out departure tax

Thursday 19 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Okay, here’s the proof (see left). $89 departure taxes from Australia, with at today’s exchange rate, that’s approx NZ$115. Why then do all our visitors complain about $55? It’s not the amount so much, it’s about peoples purchasing habits. Have $55 included with the ticket purchase upfront (usually on a credit card) and […]

Letters to the Editor

Festschrift for Crocombe praised

Thursday 19 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Not having had the privilege of meeting the late Papa Ron in person, last week’s Festschrift for Ron Crocombe conference certainly provided me with a strong feeling of meeting him in spirit, a thriving and alive spirit, and getting a glimpse of a very wise heart. As a social anthropologist and a ‘fresh […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - August 19, 2010

Thursday 19 August 2010 | Published in Kata


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