
Laptop risks for men

Wednesday 17 November 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

After reading an overseas news article ‘Is your laptop cooking your testicles?’ a smoke signaller writes: “As someone who has been robbed, I hope this article is true and that thieves and receivers of stolen laptops on Rarotonga become infertile for their sins!” The article says that sitting with a laptop computer on your lap […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - November 17, 2010

Wednesday 17 November 2010 | Published in Kata


The truth will honour you, Mann Short

Tuesday 16 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia Orana e te Tama Etita, Kua marekakore tikai matou I te akarongo’anga I te au tuatua akakino a Terepai Maoate e Amoa Amoa I runga I te ratio ia Mann Short. E tuatua taukore ta raua I akakite kia vare a Ngatangiia e kua rave a Mann I te moni a te Ngatangiia/Matavera Sports […]

Letters to the Editor

Looking for the Manifesto

Tuesday 16 November 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A Cook Islands Party smoke signaller says the Democratic Party’s manifesto can’t be downloaded from the Internet. “It’s either too thick or perhaps the Demos don’t want anyone to see it, so it was locked up just like they managed to lock up the Parliament House even though the other 18 MPs wanted it to […]

Smoke Signals

Auditor answers CIP

Tuesday 16 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Normally I do not reply to individuals or non politicians or Parliamentarians that air their grievances through the media. All Members of Parliament are well aware that they can call me in the Audit Office to explain or clarify a certain issue or problem that they may have that involves public resources, be […]

Letters to the Editor

Think about it

Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Kia orana te iti tangata. It’s been a long while since I have made “printable” comments in your esteemed news paper, so I have decided to tone down my use of the more “colourful language” in the hope that I might be able to have my comments printed for the enjoyment of the […]

Letters to the Editor

Who has all the answers?

Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As Tamatoa title holder – being authorised as such by the family at large – I speak up in defence of our principles, our values, our way of life, our culture, that which is important to us. We, the people, have been desecrated by the powers that be (or would like to be) […]

Letters to the Editor

Call for old people's home

Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have noted for a while that no political candidates have ever mentioned anything about what they will do for our elderly folks should they be elected. Firstly, I would like to say that we need an old people’s home or two here in the Cook Islands funded by the government on a […]

Letters to the Editor

My pledge – to be part of the solution

Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I don’t know if you noticed or not but you can’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do. That’s been apparent with our recent calls for reform that haven’t eventuated – yes, there are many reasons reforms haven’t happened (e.g. more research is needed, more consultation with the people again, yadda […]

Letters to the Editor

Looks like a 'chilly bin'

Monday 15 November 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller said he supports the writer of the letter to the editor last week who criticized the design of the Ministry of Education’s new admin building to be built at Nikao. “This is a perfect example of leaders not going back to the people and asking for their opinions: just look at the […]

Smoke Signals

False accusation against Mann Short

Saturday 13 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I feel obliged to respond to accusations made by Ngatangiia’s independent candidate Terepai Maoate and his campaign manager Amoa Amoa on Radio Matariki yesterday morning. They falsely accused Mann Short of expending Ngatangiia/Matavera Club House funds on his building company Muri Beach Building Contractors for the renovation work on the Club House. For […]

Letters to the Editor

Tim Tepaki backs Tim Arnold

Saturday 13 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We have all watched as Tim Arnold took it upon himself to stand and fight politically for his beliefs despite not being of this land and having the wrong DNA. It has to be said he has Aitutaki nuts and hard to crack. He certainly has the heart of a Cook Islander of […]

Letters to the Editor

Getting tired of Pai

Saturday 13 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wonder if anyone else is getting really tired of the independent candidate for Ngatangiia, Sir Terepai Maoate, dominating the Cook Islands airwaves, TV and newspapers. It seems like there is not a fair time given for each candidate in every seat – especially on CI Radio. Makes me want to switch to […]

Letters to the Editor

The Queen runs it

Saturday 13 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In answer to the very fair questions asked by June Hosking, if the nation was a school, June, MPs would be board members, not principals. Some explanation is probably helpful for all voters. Part II of the Constitution deals with the ‘school principal’ – the country’s ‘principal’ is ‘the Executive Government of the […]

Letters to the Editor

Sitting, stalling

Saturday 13 November 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“I read with interest the people of Murienua’s comments (‘We’re tired of your talk’, Wednesday’s CI News) about the efficiency of government and how tired they are,” a smoke signaller writes. “I can but sympathise with their tiredness – it’s enough to want to give up and leave. Rather than assist any new developments or […]

Smoke Signals

The growing cancer of theft

Friday 12 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m supporting Paul Allsworth’s letter. In regards to the ‘burgs’ happening on the island, it’s no surprise. This has been a growing cancer. The theft crimes are most probably organised by adults. These people are the ones who would be driving around the area and staking out times of when people leave or […]

Letters to the Editor

Our future when?

Friday 12 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Reading through the paper in the last few days, one cannot ignore the comments and facts made by the CIP regarding Toagate and the travel warning in Australia about crime in the Cooks because these issues are happening now, not 20 years ago. It seems like every time the Demo Government is blamed […]

Letters to the Editor

Writer offends profession

Friday 12 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, How blown away I was after reading the letter from “Class of ’86 Lawyer” on Wednesday, November 10. In disclosing his/her profession as a lawyer, he/she has just highly offended the legal profession. Class of ’86 Lawyer has employed a very scatterbrained approach to his comments as if he/she was high on ‘P’, […]

Letters to the Editor

Bring on hotmix

Friday 12 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It’s good to see that the roads are finally getting some real attention in preparation for the $10 million road sealing project. The timing is obviously for electioneering purposes especially after four years of nothing. However, what is really worrying is the fact that the roads will get resealed and all that money […]

Letters to the Editor

Telecom defender insulting, belittling

Friday 12 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am not one to write to the print media, however in this case I’m obliged to do so. I’m responding to the letter “Telecom critics one-eyed”. Reading through this Phantom’s letter, it clearly shows that Class of 86 Lawyer is full of hatred and jealousy and how sad, because it clearly identifies […]

Letters to the Editor

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