
Stop piracy, now!

Thursday 16 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, So we’ve all heard now, that the police are looking into the case regarding DVD piracy in the Cook Islands – finally! Harry Napa, a well respected businessman should not need to wait two years for the police to do something about piracy, what a joke! He has been giving our families, especially […]

Letters to the Editor

Govt vehicles

Thursday 16 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Now that the HOM’s use of a government vehicle is in the news, can the PSC confirm if his vehicle has been in a major accident and if so who was the driver and who is paying for the repairs? All HOMs should not have a government vehicle just to drive. They are […]

Letters to the Editor

Linking to a 'truly Pacific airline'

Thursday 16 December 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The government is deciding on three subsidised airline routes into the Cook Islands,” writes a smoke signaller. “This is an important decision as a lot of Cook Islands taxpayer money is involved to fund any airline subsidy. Air Pacific – recently awarded a top airline rating in the aviation world – is where the Cook […]

Smoke Signals

Contribution more than $200M

Wednesday 15 December 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller calculates that the Cook Islands’ contribution to the New Zealand economy is much higher – by more than a factor of 10 – than the already large amount indicated in yesterday’s Kata cartoon. The cartoon shows NZ Green Party MP Keith Locke ranting about how the country should reconsider aid to Niue, […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - December 15, 2010

Wednesday 15 December 2010 | Published in Kata


Stand tall my brother

Wednesday 15 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to all the negative feedback against Norman George, I would like to convey my congratulations on a job well done Norman, because it goes to show that with your extensive background you won with flying colours. We all knew that you are capable of doing the job right but we know […]

Letters to the Editor

Crackdown needed now

Wednesday 15 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Yay! Now the police commissioner says they will be pushing the case that was handed to them by Mr Morris the chief censor – but when? You have to hurry up because by the time you tie your shoelaces up these crooks will be one step ahead of you and it’s easy – […]

Letters to the Editor

Investiture not supported

Tuesday 14 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana eTama Etita! To the Editor Akataoanga anga o Ngapare Samatua i oti ake nei ite Ruirua. About the Investiture of Ngapare Samatua held last Tuesday Kare au, Potikitaua Taunga Tako Ariki -kauono o TeAriki Taraare Mataiapo Tutara o Koutu Arai-te-tonga i tae ki teia akakoroanga, no taku angaanga. Inara kia tika ia au […]

Letters to the Editor

For whom the road tolls

Tuesday 14 December 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“It appears that our country is not only in the 10 most dangerous places in the world to drive but in actual fact is the second most dangerous place in the world to drive!” a smoke signaller writes after reading an online slideshow ‘The 10 most dangerous countries to drive in’ (see link at end […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - December 14, 2010

Tuesday 14 December 2010 | Published in Kata



Tuesday 14 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, May I extend to you, the staff and management of Cook Islands News a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. Your online edition of Cook Islands News has served us, Cook Islanders living abroad, very well indeed during this year. I wish you all the best in the new year and look […]

Letters to the Editor

Thanks to campaigners

Monday 13 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I simply want to say a big meitaki maata to our climate change campaigners in Mexico. Diane, Mii, Ulamila, Luana, Mona and Myrah – we are so proud of you. Thank you for not giving up on the Kyoto Protocol. Thank you for asking all countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (especially the […]

Letters to the Editor

Confused over George ommission

Monday 13 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have been strongly campaigning for CIP to win and govern our country due to the failures of the past government but now I am confused as to why one of the most vocal members of your party is not a cabinet minister in your cabinet. When you guys were in opposition the […]

Letters to the Editor

Water conservation a priority

Monday 13 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, During the last week of November the island of Rarotonga experienced what was likely one of its heaviest downpours in years, with probably billions of litres of water filling all the streams and flooding the entire island. Three weeks later and Rarotonga is quickly drying up under the sweltering heat, with many water […]

Letters to the Editor

Just have faith in our Lord

Monday 13 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest, Tutai Pere’s message in the paper on Friday. It is interesting that he chose Jude 3 as the basis for his message as Jude was specifically written to deal with false teachers. The beginning of verse 3 starts, “while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our […]

Letters to the Editor

Uniform of a bygone era

Monday 13 December 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“I note that air conditioning costs in the very inferior Ministry of Justice building [see Justice secretary Mark Short’s letter in Saturday’s CINews] are around $50,000 a year – disgraceful!” writes a smoke signaller. “While we wait for the honorable gentlemen from Asia to fix the system, why not revert to days gone by? Allow […]

Smoke Signals

CIP ministers a puzzle

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Reading through the names of the CIP’s first Cabinet ministers for 2010, I was, and still am so puzzled with the composition of Henry’s team. To me, some of these cabinet ministers look like robots that have just come off the assembly line. I cannot foresee any hope for our future, and that’s […]

Letters to the Editor

Island casinos a gamble

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals

“China is building a 40 unit tourist accommodation on our neighbouring island state of Niue,” a smoke signaller writes. “I read in the Cook Islands News that Niue is apparently also building a casino – how dumb is this? Never mind what quality the tourist accommodation will be: Chinese gamblers go to Macau in the […]

Smoke Signals

Hot court house explanation

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The public has a right to know what is happening with the air conditioning that hasn’t been working at the court house so I will respond to hot house (smoke signals) in Thursday’s paper. CIIC has been working closely with us to find a cheaper operating option to reduce the cost of power […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - December 11, 2010

Saturday 11 December 2010 | Published in Kata


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