Monday 31 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Again, there appears to be a complete misunderstanding as to the purpose of my first letter on “pa’s” or fish trips. Because three concerned members of the Ngatangiia Community have decided to voice their opinions in terms of preserving the “pa’s” a sector of the community claiming to have the majority support of […]
Monday 31 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This poor Fijian man was mistreated during surgery at the Rarotonga hospital – well it’s not the first time. About four or five years ago my cousin ended up inside a pig cage when it came loose from off a pickup truck. It was traumatising for him and the family but what made […]
Monday 31 January 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller writes to TXT188: “Seeing that having to separate everyone’s recyclables from the rubbish is slowing the poor rubbish collectors down, maybe they should offer an incentive to everyone: separate your own recyclables, otherwise the collectors won’t take it!” SmokeSignals: But isn’t it a shame that many people were already separating their rubbish […]
Saturday 29 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Please! Do not depend on what other health departments say or with their health check on someone entering the Cook Islands. This world is fraud. This person who brought that HIV disease may have been checked by a Dr friend or a member of the family! Do your own checking and don’t be […]
Saturday 29 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in response to your article in Friday’s paper titled George could be ‘kingmaker’. What is Norman trying to do? He, as a duly elected MP for Teenui Mapumai, Atiu, under the CIP flag. Isn’t that enough for him? Does he want to bring back the Demo government to govern this nation […]
Saturday 29 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I do have the Kirk Report and the information it contains is comprehensive and very pertinent to the current situation with the fish traps. A short while ago representatives of the Muri Environment Care Group requested copies of this report, and then met with me to discuss the findings, and were also given […]
Saturday 29 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Following the article about me by Florence Syme at page 7 of yesterday’s CI News, I was sickened by the uninformed simplistic use of the word loyalty by Lynnsay Francis and dear Florence. Loyalty is defined as allegiance, faithfulness, obedience, submissions, constancy and devotion (Nattal Dictionary of England). My track record proves the […]
Friday 28 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’m not one who likes to criticise those who are no longer in power to do anything about it, but I must admit that since he became minister for works some two months ago this Government’s top action man Hon. Teariki Heather has done more to improve the back roads around both Matavera […]
Friday 28 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Please let me comment on some very erroneous statements made by Kiriau Turepu to the Minister of Agriculture and reported in your pages (Wednesday January 26). Turepu is quoted by Glassie as saying: “Rarotonga does not produce vegetables like cabbage, tomatoes and lettuces between January and May because this island is cooler than […]
Friday 28 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, How entertaining to see Norman George say that he doesn’t wear soiled political garments. When they get soiled, he throws them away. Entertaining because his words have a familiar ring of self-fulfilment about them. If he doesn’t already, he should know by now that he is, to use his own words, a “soiled […]
Friday 28 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Some months ago there was a query made to Telecom CI asking why they didn’t adopt a policy of “throttling back” internet users who exceed their monthly data cap as is done by most respected Internet Service Providers (ISP) internationally. TCI responded in their usual glib and patronising manner by saying that this […]
Thursday 27 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The statement made by the Rutaki mataiapo, concerning the person(s) actions (vandalising the sign), implying that the person is “mental”, I notice that the sign was written in English, so, my theory is, maybe the person(s) couldn’t read (i.e. – they’re illiterate) the sign. They may need to write the signs in Cook […]
Thursday 27 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Propaganda is often the promotion of something that is not true. I suggest you visit the prison to see for yourself the vegetables they are planting as part of the replanting programme, new water tanks, uniforms and newly installed communications system. You are also free to contact Kevin Iro or Sister Margaret to […]
Thursday 27 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, To some degree I can understand, appreciate and somewhat sympathise with the small minority of individuals in Ngatangiia who have publicly voiced their opposition to the removal of the rock fish traps. Built some 40 years ago, I guess it is only natural that there are a disgruntled few who are against the […]
Wednesday 26 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Here is a suggestion for the Economic Task Force. There is an abundance of good, machine workable, agriculturally attractive land in Mangaia, Atiu, Mauke, Mitiaro and Aitutaki, most of which is grossly under-utilised, has been for years and will continue so without a radical new approach. Each of these islands at some stage […]
Wednesday 26 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Illegal movies, what’s wrong with that? It’s been given to us, thanks to Mr Gates. Back in the old days there were record players, nowadays we have iPods and flashdrives and we will do anything to get illegal movies to our flash drives because it’s a whole lot better and way more affordable. […]
Wednesday 26 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read with a bit of bemusement and disbelief comments made by your letter writer ‘Green and white’ about the recent Australian floods fundraiser concert organised by a couple of locals. Are you actually on the same planet as the rest of us, you idiot? Unlike the Kiwis eh mate? Yeah right. On […]
Wednesday 26 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is outrageous that the Northern Cook Islands Fishing Company was able to get the green light to basically rip off the people of the Cook Islands on what was, pointed out in November 2009, a dodgy arrangement by a few in power with their connections in the private sector. We want to […]
Wednesday 26 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The action of the Ministry of Justice HOM to waste valuable taxpayer money running a full two-page advertisement in your newspaper last month is not a good look. The ad, which is primarily aimed at showcasing what has been achieved by the Justice Ministry under Mark Short’s management, appears to be nothing more […]
Tuesday 25 January 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write this letter on behalf of concerned members of the Ngatangiia Community. The focus of the letter is to provide an informed, knowledge based understanding of the existence of the “pa’s” of the Muri reef flats. It will also take into account the advice of foreshore engineer Atatoa Herman (MP for Ngatangiia) […]
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