Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Marine Park Trust in my opinion is a fraud and should not be allowed to proceed without proper public consultation. Rumours are that the perpetrators of this scam are politicians and a couple of Heads of Ministries (HOMs) with one prominent business person. One particular HOM is a person that I believe […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is so sad to read the bitter and negative comments made in your column by ‘Eye Witness’ on Wednesday March 30. My heart aches in knowing that ‘Eye Witness’ extended her resentment to my dedicated and highly committed players who rightly deserve recognition. Thank you Matariki (Wilson) for your fair comment – […]
Saturday 2 April 2011 | Published in Kata
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to comment on a letter to the editor published last week from ‘Blue eyed leader’. Since the letter appeared in the paper attacking Lloyd Miles, I have found that in order for Blue Eyes to save himself and his family further embarrassment, they are now trying to spread a rumour that […]
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Kata
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Avatiu Netball Executive missed my point here. I am not referring to the calibre of the Avatiu team, who plays in their team and how old their players are. I merely reiterated what the news reporter stated in her news article which I found one sided. All the other clubs can afford to […]
Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Punanga Tauturu Inc totally supports the letter by Hoana Matapo regarding the voyeuristic type of reporting with regards to the case of indecent assault. PTI has previously highlighted this type of reporting with the Editor of CINews not only to protect the victim but to also reduce further victimisation of women and girls […]
Thursday 31 March 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
“The prime minister wants to know if the public want to be consulted on the establishment of a marine park,” a smoke signaller writes. “The answer is a very firm yes. The public also want to know who the trustees of the marine park charitable trust will be – we don’t want to see just […]
Thursday 31 March 2011 | Published in Kata
Thursday 31 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thank you for the letter headed “Racism alive and well’, however I would like to point out that the proper reference to “the AIDS case” is “person living with HIV”. There is a difference between HIV and AIDS and rightfully the “case” you’re referring to is person living with HIV case. Lavenia Rokoika […]
Thursday 31 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just read the article ‘Teen tells of indecent assault’. As a former Detective in the NZ Police, and having worked on a child abuse squad for several years, I am appalled and absolutely outraged that your newspaper published details of evidence provided by an alleged victim of sexual assault. What the […]
Thursday 31 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We refer to the letter by Eye Witness in your issue of March 30, concerning the netball game between Avatiu Dragonflies and Titikaveka Pearls. Your correspondent considered your report biased and favoured Avatiu. This may or may not have been so. But the point is the Titikaveka Pearls are the reigning champions and […]
Thursday 31 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Through Cook Islands News I would like to make the following comments and raise some real concerns in relation to the concept of establishing Marine Parks or Reserves in our country that the Prime Minister has invited the public to comment on. The PM talks about wanting public consultations over the marine parks. […]
Wednesday 30 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am surely not alone in wondering what on earth are the responsibilities of our top civil servant. In a recent Cook Islands News, there appeared yet another advertisement for a highly paid ‘national consultant to review our public services who will work closely with the international consultant for a period of nine […]
Wednesday 30 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would like to also apologise to the Nicholas family for putting incorrectly a name of the Nicholas family in my letter when, as I have just found out now, it was a member of the Hosking family. And to Mr (Lloyd) Miles, I didn’t mean to call you a racist, it’s just […]
Wednesday 30 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In last Saturday’s letters to the Editor “Wellington Cook Island Maori Supporter” wrote in support of a petition for competition in telecommunications, saying “let’s support our own”. I’d like to make a few points in response: – 40% of Telecom is owned by Cook Islanders through the Government’s shareholding so they are already […]
Wednesday 30 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wonder what the netball headline would have been if Avatiu Dragonflies won against Titikaveka Pearls on Saturday even if they won by one point. I can just see it, DRAGONFLIES THRASHED THE PEARLS IN A TIGHT AND CLOSELY FOUGHT MATCH. The netball reporting on Saturday games is really biased. Watching the weekend […]
Wednesday 30 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Please allow me to comment on the recent “racist” activities on the island. There have been attacks on Fijians and we haven’t seen any serious action taken (seriousness), so we can only assume that this is encouraged right from the top. It is sadly despicable but the truth. It is obvious that most […]
Wednesday 30 March 2011 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 30 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Te Ipukarea Society Inc. has been closely monitoring the debate over our tuna fisheries and has spent much time formulating a position. It has been challenging coming to a position. We understand that our region is still suffering from the “tragedy of the commons” which means, despite some species suffering from overfishing, if […]
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