
Tataia te nuti ki roto i te reo Maori

Wednesday 13 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana ete Etita, Te tatau nei au ite pepa Kuki Airani, teia te tata anga i runga ite kapi mua “Cook Islands News” Kia eeu au ite kapi pou rava i roto ite pepa ate Kuki Airani, kare takiri e potonga i roto ite pepa ate Kuki Airani e kua tata ia ki roto […]

Letters to the Editor

Don't be fooled by this person

Tuesday 12 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest the latest chapter of the Bruce Mita trouble making dissertations. I can say with my hand on my heart that during my time as Police Commissioner there was never any pressure on me from any politician from either side of the house to make an arrest of any person […]

Letters to the Editor

Big thanks for honesty

Tuesday 12 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My wife and I have just returned from holidaying in Rarotonga and I would like to thank the lady on a scooter who found my wallet on the road outside the airport about two hours before we were due to leave. She went into the airport and found my wife and returned it […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - April 12, 2011

Tuesday 12 April 2011 | Published in Kata


Seven children in 'correct' geneaology

Monday 11 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have read Toi Tu Rahui’s letter in Cook Islands news dated Tuesday 29 March 2011 and I would like to have part of his genealogy corrected. Rahui said that Okimano (which should have been Akimano) and Rangi Makea’s father is Makea Komako. This Makea’s real name is Makea Te Konako (Our 4th […]

Letters to the Editor

Just give us your money – yeah right

Monday 11 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Government’s plea to have aid donors just hand their money over and the Cook Islands will take care of the rest, was a real blunder for the Prime Minister (CINews April 9). Quoting “the strength of government’s financial management systems” was very bad timing. There are already finance systems in place and the […]

Letters to the Editor

New CI coins minted

Monday 11 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The Perth Mint has announced that it has released the first in a set of five Cook Islands coins that honours the Battle of Midway. The coins are collector’s items and cannot be used as legal tender. The newly-released coin is part of a Famous Naval Battles coin set – the front of the coin […]

Letters to the Editor

It's not easy!

Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read last week’s story about the American visitors being rescued after they attempted the cross island trek. In the article the visitors stated that the hike was referred to in guidebooks as a relatively easy hike. As the two couples found out, it is by no standards an easy hike. As a […]

Letters to the Editor

Here's hoping

Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It’s exciting to see funding has come through for Waste Management. I’m just hoping that all aspects of waste are being addressed. From farm animal and human sewerage, reducing landfill, recycling organic matter, all the way to what to do with industrial waste e.g. whiteware, poor quality imports that very quickly end up […]

Letters to the Editor

Te ara'ara no Akatokamanava

Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Ki te Etita, E te ‘Not 100% Kaakaa’ – Eaa kua mataora koe ia Nane Oaariki raua ko Tumu Mauke. Tu mai ki te atea akariia mai koe. Eaa koe e manako e te ngaro ara koe ki muri i te pu mt. Te na konei oki teia imene “uri taku aro ki te itinga […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - April 9, 2011

Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Kata


Glass beads and axes?

Saturday 9 April 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

“If I read Temu Okotai’s view correctly, we have two agreements with Telecom Cook Islands,” a smoke signalller writes. “One being the legislated monopoly as an act of Parliament, the other as an agreement between the shareholders, which is Telecom NZ and the local shareholders, namely the Cook Islands Investment Corporation, who would hold shares […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - April 8, 2011

Friday 8 April 2011 | Published in Kata


Tangaroa 'just a statue'

Thursday 7 April 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes in response to Olivia Heather’s letter to the editor yesterday: “I find it questionable to be calling Tangaroa the principal ‘god’ of our people. This may come as a surprise, but the Tangaroa is actually just a wooden statue, with as much power as a piece of plastic. Perhaps you should […]

Smoke Signals

Payback time?

Thursday 7 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I totally agree with the Ipukarea Society’s views on protecting fishing stocks in our EEZ. Tuna stocks have plummeted in other oceans across the globe with some species on the brink of collapse. There are plenty of current documentaries highlighting the plight of the world’s oceans being overfished. Spanish fleets are now fishing […]

Letters to the Editor

Airfares went down because of a second airline in market

Thursday 7 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I wish to thank Jules Maher from Telecom for his letter in response to my one previously. He is quite right in saying that you can still get a cheaper fare today if you book in advance. Today the fares have gone down a great deal. But really it went down because of […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - April 7, 2011

Thursday 7 April 2011 | Published in Kata


The people own the motifs

Wednesday 6 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Cook Islands traditional motifs belong to Cook Islands people. Neither Cook Islands News nor Turtles own Cook Islands traditional designs, Cook Islands Maori people do. However, we thank you for drawing attention to the worst imitations of Cook Islands traditonal motifs on fabric available in the Cook Islands today. Apart from the ngaru […]

Letters to the Editor

It's a matter of 'national pride'

Wednesday 6 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m appalled after reading your article ‘Rugby gear pulled from sale’ on April 5 for a number of misguided statements and quotes that have been made. 1. “the graphics on the clothing are plagiarized from designs Turtles did for the official rugby jerseys for the national team” I’d like to see proof that […]

Letters to the Editor

Turtles has only one issue: the logo

Wednesday 6 April 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is my response to Yvonne and Olivia Heather of Vonnia’s. Please note that Turtles has had a contract with the Cook Islands Rugby Union for three years and it was just following a process when we rang Ben Koteka yesterday. The only problem is the use of the CI Rugby logo which […]

Letters to the Editor

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