Thursday 11 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A few weeks ago, I wrote to you raising my concerns about the occurrence of break-ins and burglaries on Rarotonga which are being targeted at the tourist accommodations and tourists being the victims. I was recently in Rarotonga with two disabled adults for the Constitution break. They enjoyed the stay but were terrified […]
Thursday 11 August 2011 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 10 August 2011 | Published in Kata
Tuesday 9 August 2011 | Published in Kata
Tuesday 9 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We take this opportunity to applaud Terry Rangi, Melanie Tuiravakai and the rest of the team with BTIB for the great effort put into ensuring the 2011 Trade Show was a success. We thank you for your professionalism and patience while attending to the numerous queries and requests prior to and throughout the […]
Tuesday 9 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Apart from selling our country as a tourist destination to Californians and Americans, our prime minister would also participate in the welcome ceremony for all six vaka including the Marumaru Atua in America. The six vaka purua/drua/vaa/waka from the Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Tahiti, Hawaii and New Zealand arrived in America two Saturdays […]
Tuesday 9 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is very disturbing to see that our own prime minister of the Cook Islands has turned a blind eye to all organisations that have been working very hard to combat all the kikia and all the wrong-doings that he says brings shame and embarrassment to us all. Firstly, prime minister, take your […]
Tuesday 9 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Recent news over the 15% tax on savings has been given so much attention by the media and brings so many people to their feet to voice their opposition. Yet, the recent tragic death and loss of a very young mans life goes unnoticed by most, or at least no one wants to […]
Monday 8 August 2011 | Published in Kata
Monday 8 August 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
Robin Hood was well-known for taking from the rich and giving to the poor, a smoke signaller writes. Its a shame that all we have is a robbing hood who takes from the poor pensioners and gives to the rich Toa and Air New Zealand. The prime ministers journey to San Francisco has nothing to […]
Saturday 6 August 2011 | Published in Kata
Saturday 6 August 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller who sent in the photo taken on Thursday, August 4, of a car on fire writes: The person on the back road in Matavera must think our Constitution Day gives them the independence to burn cars and ruin our environment! A smoke signaller sends a warning to all scooter riders: It seems […]
Friday 5 August 2011 | Published in Kata
Friday 5 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was interested to read your court report, Alcohol blamed for assault, published Friday, July 22. To quote the article, This is a mother daughter punch-up fuelled by Jim Beam. We all know who the trouble-maker is, its not mother or daughter, its the dreaded Jimmy, JP Kenning said. How can Mr Jimmy […]
Friday 5 August 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
Dear Editor, Wed like to extend our sincere appreciation to all the wonderful people who provided such quick assistance to the Canadian family who unwittingly got themselves into very serious trouble on the beach at Titikaveka, while we were kayaking too close to the reef. We are especially grateful to Don Beer of Whitesands Beach […]
Wednesday 3 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The alarming increase in youth crime targeting mainly tourists should not be tolerated. Our economy relies almost exclusively on the revenue which comes from tourism. It has taken years of patient hard work to build up our reputation as a safe and friendly destination but this is rapidly being destroyed by these irresponsible […]
Wednesday 3 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would like to add to the story Rarotonga mission with sole, published Tuesday, August 2. I was privileged enough to be allowed to participate in the Enua ola groups activities on the island as a part of my Honours research into Cook Island Health Promotion. I feel that Reverend William Hakaoro, Teina […]
Wednesday 3 August 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller writes: For the past week and this week Ive bought a newspaper every day so I can send them to my family back at home to show whats happening here during the Constitution and to check out the fantastic photos from these events. So far since Saturday, I am disappointed that there […]
Tuesday 2 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, To answer Toi Tu Rahui Tepapa Te Rautea Davids letter, yes you are papaa, the real Patuakino had one living son who left Rarotonga for Tahiti and never came back to Rarotonga. Im not telling you his name as Im still in contact with his descendants, this is whats wrong with your facts […]
Tuesday 2 August 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Im enclosing a cutting from our local (Cairns) news- paper, featuring global warming. In that news as you can see rising sea level is a reality. Some of the many islands in the Torres Strait between Cape York and Papua New Guinea are slowly being swamped by excess water. Do you people in […]
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