
Lets have an athletic muumuu from Tavs!

Saturday 19 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read with interest Ms Tavionis letter titled We all have a closet full of regrettable moments. In her letter she makes unfair adverse comments about Ms Picks attire. It is of course a side show. The bigger issue I would have thought was that women are not able to go about their […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - November 19, 2011

Saturday 19 November 2011 | Published in Kata


We arent that selfish

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Readers, This is an apology on behalf of decent New Zealanders. I wish to apologise to all the people of the Cook Islands for the behaviour of All Black Zac Guilford. We are not all drunks, we are not all violent, we are not all exponents of sexual harassment. And most of us, when […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - November 18, 2011

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Kata


She deserves an apology

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was totally blown away by the disgraceful letter from Ellena Tavioni regarding Ms Pick. Is Ms Pick supposed to run in long track pants and a sweatshirt? Get off your high horse Ellena and stop judging someone because of what they wear who are you to judge? Look around you, are you […]

Letters to the Editor

Dont blame the victim

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Its a shame to see the victim of sexual harassment being blamed, instead of denouncing the negative behaviour of the perpetrator (and offering him appropriate help and support). It is sad to see the victims responses being dissected and critiqued. Women respond to harassment in a different way, in their own time. It […]

Letters to the Editor

The costumes are the same

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

Responding to Ellena Tavionis letter to the editor yesterday in which she said a triathletes training costume almost looks like an eyesore two-piece swimsuit that showed a near naked body, a smoke signaller texts: I feel for Ellena. Have a look at your TV Olympics, Commonwealth Games, Pacific Games all triathletes wear exactly what Kelly […]

Smoke Signals

Establishing status proves difficult

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia Orana, Here are a few notes on the struggle that can occur when Cook Islands Immigration will not openly recognise Cook Islanders legal status due to typographical errors made generations ago in Land Court entries. I am having extreme difficulty in getting my passport processed for Cook Islands permanent resident status even though I […]

Letters to the Editor

Give the artists credit

Friday 18 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, As a visitor to Rarotonga it was wonderful to have the privilege of attending the opening of Metamorphsis, the BCA Gallery Group Show, and view the stunning work displayed. It was disappointing, however, not to have the artists acknowledged. I understand there were artists present whose work was on display and it would […]

Letters to the Editor

Accept his apology

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was peeved to hear on the TV last night Kelly Picks comment that shes seeking compensation from Zac for his verbal abuse on her. Get over it, Kelly, that is not the Cook Islands way of doing things, to seek monetary compensation for oneself and your so-called charity organisation. I dont mind […]

Letters to the Editor

Get on with real news

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, You have sold papers, the lot from TVNZ and TV3 scored themselves a nice junket, Ms Pick got her five minutes of fame (well, 10 minutes, I believe Barb dragged it all out again on One News last night?). Sigh, so will you now please get on with some real news? Look around […]

Letters to the Editor

Great place for bullies

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Our newspapers and talkback in NZ are rife at the moment with stories of young Zac Guildfords misdemeanours on your beautiful island. I think generally we all agree that this young man with so much potential needs help to continue to realise his career as a professional sportsperson he is going to need […]

Letters to the Editor

Isnt it time we left him alone?

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Sorry Zac, didnt you know you came to a country where we dont make mistakes? No one has ever gotten drunk and walked around naked in a public place, wait no actually Ive seen that happen a couple of times. No one has ever punched anyone unprovoked, oh wait Ive seen that happen […]

Letters to the Editor

Police image tarnished worldwide

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor I am totally disappointed that the Cook Islands Police chose not to take any criminal action against Zac Guildford. If this scenario would have occurred where I am in charge of the police department, and I chose to do nothing, I would be sacked and rightfully so. Granted Zac Guildford apologised for hitting […]

Letters to the Editor

Pastoral message to Zac Guildford

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Kia Orana in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. I write to help and support Zac Guildford in his ordeal here in Rarotonga and in what he does now. John 10.10 declares, The Thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have […]

Letters to the Editor

Where was the real harm done?

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have read with, initially, horror and disgust, then amusement, to disinterest and boredom, to eventually not reading at all, about Zac Guildford. No one condones his actions, and time will tell just what price he has to pay, or whether his debt will ever be paid off in some eyes. I certainly […]

Letters to the Editor

Let the punishment fit the crime

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The police have been severely criticised over their handling of the Zac incident, however, to be fair, the police did not receive any formal complaint at the time of the Trader Jacks incident and had no knowledge about the alleged assault. Police dont have a crystal ball so unless someone speaks up, how […]

Letters to the Editor

Zac having a good laugh

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, How pathetic can the Acting Commissioner be? He says police do not have sufficient evidence to lay charges against Guildford, how pathetic. Are the Trader Jacks witnesses not sufficient enough to support the evidence? What about the witnesses at the airport? I can list a whole lot of others but I will not […]

Letters to the Editor

Whole affair stinks

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is the first time a photo of badly behaved tourists appeared on the front page of your newspaper. The guy on the right, Gilbert Enoka, apparently has Cook Islands family connections. Despite these, he does not care much about telling the truth. One moment he said: There are no immediate plans for […]

Letters to the Editor

Police folded under pressure

Thursday 17 November 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals

I find the whole situation with Zac and the police very distasteful,a smoke signaller writes.I think the acting Police commissioners words were his word against hers.To me that implies that he is denying the event. If that is the case, why was he trying to arrange a meeting? I think Guildford is a man with […]

Smoke Signals

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