Monday 19 December 2011 | Published in Kata
Saturday 17 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Fantastic to read of a shipping service between Samoa and the northern group. I enjoyed my travels on Tapis boats but the shorter trip will be much better. One idea for income for these islands is recycling which would clear the clutter. Merry Xmas all.
Saturday 17 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, $55 for departure tax is way too much, not only for the oldies but for any visitor to our shores. Think about a young couple with a family of five leaving our beautiful shores after an exceptional holiday having to dig much deeper to put together $275 to tidy up the departure tax. […]
Saturday 17 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to raise an issue with Cook Islands News concerning the CITV nightly programme, the timing and so on. As a regular viewer of the local and One News, I am very disappointed that the Cook Islands Television is not doing its job properly. For example the One News is supposed to […]
Saturday 17 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We visit beautiful Rarotonga every year and stay at Muri beach. This year our visit was spoiled by the dreadful smell from the chicken farm. Talking to other visitors I believe you will have a problem with tourists not wanting to come back in future and telling other potential tourists about the stink. […]
Saturday 17 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The other night the stench from Scotts farm was so pungent and unbearable that I could not sleep. Nor could my wife and grandchild. We are situated approximately 200 metres from Scotts farm, and the smell coming from that farm is simply unbearable at times. When talking to my neighbours and others in […]
Saturday 17 December 2011 | Published in Kata
Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to the letter to the newspaper on Thursday December 15, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning has an annual road works programme that is freely available to the general public. Regrettably the extent of repairs and maintenance to our roads needed, far exceeds our annual budget allocation. A scenario that is […]
Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read the letters to the editor with interest, but notice that many are quite personal and do not stick to the point. As far as I can see the acting secretary at MOIP is making a big difference to the ministry. Obviously the writer (Time for a change) is not aware that […]
Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As a resident of Muri living approximately 300 metres from Scotts farm, I would like to add my firm voice of support to a recent letter writer about the disgusting smell coming from Scotts farm that my family and I have had to put up with over the years. Sometimes the smell is […]
Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to Matthew Tauia doing things the Wale way I hope he knows what doing things the Wale ways means. We want our leaders to have a caring, loving and patient heart. We do not want people who are violent and aggressive and self-centred. I have watched what Nuku Rapana has built, […]
Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your article on the Iorama Ngatua acquittal with the highlighting of previous convictions in the publication of December 15 does Iorama and the jury who served at the trial a disservice. Your reporter has wildly oversimplified this matter which lasted the better part of 4 days in the High Court. She was there […]
Friday 16 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write this letter in the hope that something tangible comes of my most disappointing dining experience of late. Having spent $39 at Bamboo Jacks in Tupapa for a dismal Friday night takeaway for two, the only potential positive to come of my purchase is that the restaurant learns something and implements some […]
Thursday 15 December 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
Do you have to be married to get permanent residency (PR)? a smoke signaller asks after reading yesterdays front page article Prioritising PR for spouses. Other questions on the subject: Is handing out PR to spouses married to Cook Islanders opening an old can of worms? What if the couple gets divorced do they have […]
Thursday 15 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, If you have a well-paying job then its easier to pay for stuff like groceries. But because of a lack of awareness or government advertising to get a better education to receive higher wages, some get paid five dollars an hour and it sucks. Because of a failing economy a lot of potential […]
Thursday 15 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In 2006 I purchased a 54-ft wooden ketch, the Manureva, in Sebana Cove Malaysia, where it had apparently laid for some years. It was the property of a deceased estate, so obviously I wasnt able to learn anything of its history from the previous owner. I am informed from records found that she […]
Thursday 15 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Some time ago the tar sealed road leading from Rarotongas power station in Avatiu valley right down to the intersection in Ruatonga was excavated to install water/electrical pipes. Since that time MOIP has failed to reseal those parts of the road damaged during the excavation. Used by many people on a daily basis, […]
Wednesday 14 December 2011 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 14 December 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
There will undoubtedly be an enormous hue and cry over the pittance Chinese fishing vessels will be paying for the so-called three year exploratory licenses in the vast Cook Islands waters, and so there should be, a smoke signaller writes. The Ministry of Marine Resources release makes reference to the high nature of Cook Islands […]
Wednesday 14 December 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Now that the departure tax has been raised again I am issuing a challenge to the present government to look into the matter and reduce the departure tax fee to at least $35. A number of our elderly people do travel overseas especially to New Zealand for medical check-ups. With the amount of […]
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