
Illusionary misconstruction

Thursday 16 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I admired the Public Service Commissioner’s use of descriptive language in the recent article containing several of his quotes on the current and predicted future state of public service. I particularly enjoyed: “…reveals an illusionary misconstruction of realities in the public service”. I don’t know anything about the matter to which he was […]

Letters to the Editor

Call for progress report on super

Thursday 16 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We hope our PM can find time during Mr McCully’s whirlwind visit to remind him of the statement the latter made in the CINews dated 14 May 2011, quote: “He [Mr McCully] applauded the Cook Islands government’s move to change its immigration policy to extend the Kiwi visa to three months and the […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - February 16, 2012

Thursday 16 February 2012 | Published in Kata


When will the rot stop at CISNOC?

Thursday 16 February 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The rot at the Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee continues,” a smoke signaller writes in response to yesterday’s p7 article ‘Special CISNOC meeting postponed’. “Payments of over $9000 of per diems to Sir Geoff and Rosie in Noumea and over $4000 for Koru Club fees in my opinion is downright daylight robbery. The […]

Smoke Signals

Is the 'new way' really necessary at Punanga Nui?

Thursday 16 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Could someone please help me? My grandfather and grandmother, 69 and 75 years respectively, are actively going to the Punanga Nui Market every Saturday to sell their local produce to the many that frequent the markets. They were recently told that they were no longer allowed to sell off the back of their […]

Letters to the Editor

Out with the old, in with the new

Thursday 16 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This is from an observer from the public and a recreational fisherman. Over the last few years I have noticed that things have slightly changed in the Cook Islands within the fishing community and one point I would like to bring out is that I’ve observed there is a new generation of fisherman […]

Letters to the Editor

Volunteer dreams in Pukapuka

Wednesday 15 February 2012 | Published in Return to Pukapuka

American Amelia Borofsky spent her formative years in Pukapuka, where her father was stationed as an anthropologist for the University of Hawaii. She came back to the islands last year to get a taste of her childhood, and has been in Pukapuka since the end of last year. A writer, she has agreed to share […]

Return to Pukapuka

Kata - February 15, 2012

Wednesday 15 February 2012 | Published in Kata


Kata - February 8, 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012 | Published in Kata


Kata - February 14, 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012 | Published in Kata


Suicide statistics pretty much alarming

Tuesday 14 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, What a waste. The statistics on suicide of late are pretty much alarming. Two ministers of the crown contributed their views and concerns about young people at such a delicate age determined to take their own lives without remorse and for no good reasons for doing so. Thanks to the two ministers and […]

Letters to the Editor

'Inspiring' public servants is key

Tuesday 14 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’d like to make a few comments regarding the article in Saturday’s paper regarding the reform of the public service. Specifically I want to talk about one particular aspect of the article. How do you get better performance out of public servants and in turn the public service? Your article points out that […]

Letters to the Editor

Another vote for Joe

Tuesday 14 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It was with much happiness that I read of the recognition for Joe Kaveao’s selfless efforts in his rescuing a stricken tourist recently. In September last year I was unfortunate enough to hit a dog in Matavera on my motorbike and received serious head and facial injuries. The first person to my rescue […]

Letters to the Editor

Discrimination over alcohol

Monday 13 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was surprised to see a notice on the wall at the Aitutaki hospital stating if you are involved in an accident due to alcohol use, you will be charged for your treatment. In reality if you are not under the influence, there will be no charge. To me this is like treating […]

Letters to the Editor

Another junket

Monday 13 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On Thursday it was reported on CITV that Rosie Blake and Lydia Sijp would be attending an IOC World Women in Sports conference in Los Angeles. It is reported that Rosie will receive an award an Oceania Women in Sport award. Somewhat ironic I would have thought given she sits on the CISNOC […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - February 13, 2012

Monday 13 February 2012 | Published in Kata


Translate, please

Monday 13 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We have enjoyed many memorable holidays staying in the Cook Islands – friendly people, good weather (even when it rains), beautiful beaches, great food and cocktails too! BUT and there is always a BUT – when the local news is aired on television it would be so helpful to have a translation to […]

Letters to the Editor

League a 'politically driven mess'

Monday 13 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am responding to this saga concerning the Aitutaki Sharks. It sickens me to think that all the blame is laid on the Sharks for the 2012 league competition. If I may, I want to expose some of the reasons why a couple of the Rarotonga clubs voted against the Sharks entering the […]

Letters to the Editor

'No job losses' sure to be bunkum

Saturday 11 February 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Navy Epati should be promoted from Public Service Commissioner to head of the Prime Minister’s Office so that he can dictate everything,” a smoke signaller writes in response to yesterday’s lead CINews article ‘We are not in a crisis’. “His blather in Friday’s media statement about the Public Sector functional review is the sort of […]

Smoke Signals

Netball meeting criticism is 'hogwash'

Saturday 11 February 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, A thoughtless and gutless someone, who seemingly may have the capacity to momentarily transform from a ‘she’ to a ‘he’, depending on CINews’s ethical standards to accept misleading persuasions, used the Smoke-Signals column to assassinate a simple, peaceful, netball-meeting at Parliament (edition of February 9). What’s the big deal in pushing this into […]

Letters to the Editor

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