
Pig plowing amuses June Hosking

Monday 2 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I couldn’t make it through my newspaper catch-up Saturday morning due to the tears of laughter fogging up my eyes when reading page 7 of Friday’s CINews. I was present for this interview and realise that it’s not easy for one to write about a subject that is totally new to you, especially […]

Letters to the Editor

Blood on the hands of our leaders

Monday 2 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, If one life lost is one life too many, then the (at least seven) lives lost on Rarotonga roads in the last year or the over 40 deaths in the last 10 years is a national disgrace! Where are our leaders (MPs, church leaders, community leaders and parents) in all this? The majority […]

Letters to the Editor

Netball effort embarrassing, disappointing

Monday 2 July 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, This year’s Pacific Netball Competition was so embarrassing and very disappointing. I am sure that 80% of the people involved in our inter-village netball season would agree that we have seen better netball being played here on our little island with our talented local players than the ridiculous mix-up they had representing us […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - July 2, 2012

Monday 2 July 2012 | Published in Kata


Our fish: what's going on?

Saturday 30 June 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

In response to yesterday’s page 12 media release from the Ministry of Marine resources ‘Fisheries net $3.7m in revenues’ a smoke signaller writes: ”Why is it that two people with very little knowledge of the tuna fishery in the Cook Islands, i.e. the Secretary and the Minister for Marine Resources, are able to sell off […]

Smoke Signals

Amazed by police comments on accidents

Saturday 30 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Referring to your article on page 7 of the CINews of June 28, I was amazed to read Inspector Tere Patia’s generalisation when he states: ”They (the tourists) think they can please themselves.“ Such comments are sure to alienate and frighten away our visitors, many of whom go to Aitutaki and provide extra […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - June 30, 2012

Saturday 30 June 2012 | Published in Kata


Chainsaw massacre carried away

Saturday 30 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I couldn’t help but notice the number of trees that has been chopped down along the back Avatiu/Ruatonga road and I’m sure many have experience this in their own village as well. We all agree that these trees are a hazard and must be trimmed back or be chopped right down for the […]

Letters to the Editor

Make crash helmets compulsory

Saturday 30 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, OK, confession time. I once wrote on the pros and cons of riding motorbikes. The case against wearing crash helmets was being cool and free, etc. The reality is, there are too many of our own, young and old, locals and even tourists, checking out and leaving our shores permanently, in coffins! No […]

Letters to the Editor

What do we get for $28m wharf upgrade?

Friday 29 June 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

”A couple of years ago,“ a smoke signaller writes, ”the owners of the shipping company that services Raro and Aitutaki said words to the effect, ‘Extend Avatiu wharf to cater for a larger ship and we will reduce freight rates by at least 20 percent’. Yeah right, the same shipping company is now saying only […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - June 29, 2012

Friday 29 June 2012 | Published in Kata


Questions must be asked

Friday 29 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Dealings with Asian or Chinese businesses are always clouded in some secrecy. Our officials at MMR and the minister’s office should at all times be fully transparent about their official and unofficial dealings with these business people. This includes paid private overseas trips, if any, and any payments, direct or indirect that may […]

Letters to the Editor

Mauke water is pure, fresh

Friday 29 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Referring to the article ‘Barge back for Mauke, Mitiaro projects’ on June 14, I just want to correct the false information given by Noel McManaway about our Pure 101% Fresh Water. In the article it states that ‘He says that because the water on Mauke has salt in it, they have to use […]

Letters to the Editor

Emergency glitch prompts citizen rescue

Thursday 28 June 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A regular visitor to the island phoned in a smoke signal yesterday as follows: ”Two Americans had trouble while kayaking over the reef this week. People on the beach phoned the emergency service number 999 to relay the problem. It took 4 minutes to answer the phone; the call was transferred but it got disconnected. […]

Smoke Signals

Kata - June 28, 2012

Thursday 28 June 2012 | Published in Kata


Independence and impartiality essential

Thursday 28 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Choosing the ”right“ Speaker and Deputy Speaker are crucial to the efficient, quality and credible functioning of Parliament. Their impartiality and independence from their choosers or tutoring mentors is paramount. It is within this principle that the Speaker must not only be an experienced MP seasoned in the ”dispositions, idiosyncrasies and foibles“ of […]

Letters to the Editor

Ned gets nod

Wednesday 27 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

After reading yesterday’s front page article ‘3 new HOMs in appointments’ a smoke signaller texts to 188: ”Isn’t it four, not three new heads of ministry, as Ned Howard is new too?“ SS: You are right, and others have pointed this out. We apologise to Ned for this. Ned Howard is the new head of […]

Letters to the Editor

Let's stay hush-hush

Wednesday 27 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I heard that Luen Thai fishing company is going into business with another company, taking our fish right before our very eyes. We do not agree with this agreement between the company and marine resources. I second what opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen said to Teina Bishop last week that the shark fin saga […]

Letters to the Editor

Stop the road toll 'nightmare'

Tuesday 26 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is indeed a very sad moment for the loss of another young life on our road. Yes, our road has yet again claimed another young life and this time a young sailor from the visiting NZ navy boat. I am a mother of children around the same age as the young sailor […]

Letters to the Editor

Obey the rules or 'see you later'

Tuesday 26 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The recent granting of more Chinese fishing licenses with the prospect of even more being issued soon, coupled with increasing public concern over the sustainability of stocks and shark finning activities, raise the need for MMR and the minister to respond to at least two of the major issues at issue regarding licensing. […]

Letters to the Editor

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