
Shipping monopoly?

Saturday 6 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

What is a monopoly? Dictionary dot Com describes it as,

Letters to the Editor

Kupu tano e tivaevae

Saturday 6 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Kia orana Etita, Kua tatau au i te atikara “Tivaivai and craft intrigue visitors” i roto i te nuti peapa tei tataia no te ra 3 o Okotopa, kua taitaia toku ngakau. Te tumu kua putuputu roa te nuti peapa i te tata i te kupu ‘tivaivai’e kare i te kupu tano e tei matauia e ko te ‘tivaevae’.

Letters to the Editor

Correct name is tivaevae

Saturday 6 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read the article “Tivaivai and craft intrigue visitors” in the newspaper for Wednesday 3 October, and I was concerned because the newspaper seems to write more about the word ‘tivaivai’ instead of the correct word ‘tivaevae’.

Letters to the Editor

Who's the real boss?

Thursday 4 October 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The questions [in their letters to the editor] asked by James Beer and William Framhein about the CITC alleged Coca Cola tax scandal have been to the point and need addressing by government,” a smoke signaller writes. “Instead, we read financial secretary Richard Neves’ pathetic reply that says it’s not worth further investigating [Tuesday’s CI […]

Smoke Signals

Cartoon draws disappointment and anger

Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I feel compelled to express my disappointment and anger in the Kata cartoon that appeared in last Thursday’s Cook Islands News. Quite apart from insulting the people of the Solomon Islands, this cartoon associates Tav with this insult. I find this very disturbing to myself personally and to all that are associated with […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - October 3, 2012

Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Kata


CINews apologises for unintentional offence

Wednesday 3 October 2012 | Published in Kata

Cook Islands News has apologised for any unintended offence caused by a KATA cartoon it printed depicting a Solomon Islands woman throwing a tantrum over the Duchess of Cambridge’s attire. The cartoon depicts a topless woman looking annoyed, and features a caption noting that “she’s upset Kate chose a Tavs dress over her stink t-shirt”. […]


Finsec's response 'unsatisfactory'

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Firstly thank you for printing my letter in respect of unanswered questions put to our Finsec in yesterday’s CINews. Secondly thank you to Mr Neves for responding to my letter but the response was totally unsatisfactory. I took Mr Neves’ advice when he said that future practices would be on the MFEM website. […]

Letters to the Editor

'No merit in tax review' refuted

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In his latest confusing attempt to answer questions posed by Mr Framhein, the Financial Secretary says his letter is about “MFEM’s practice in the past of splitting soft drink imports into separate import entry classifications”. In fact, this was not an MFEM practice at all but instead a long running CITC exploitation of […]

Letters to the Editor

Entertained and appalled by the news

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was recently a second-time visitor to Rarotonga and once again an avid reader of Cook Islands News. A daily dose of CINews is one way a short term Kiwi visitor can try to get a little beyond the surface of charming Cook Islands’ life. Over my morning coffee I found myself by […]

Letters to the Editor

A right to know what happened

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Responding to yesterday’s letter to the editor and response on page 10, a smoke signaller asks: “Did the financial secretary Richard Neves actually read any of the letter from William Framhein regarding the issue of unpaid taxes by CITC? All he does is outline the recommendations with regards to the new Customs Act and how […]

Smoke Signals

Name with-held for fear of retaliation

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to Ben Ponia’s letter of Saturday 29, Ben I respect MMR’s operational premise and responsibility however Webster’s Dictionary describes TRANSPARENCY as “free from pretence or deceit and readily understood” therefore I have to question your statistics. First let’s ignore anything prior to 2011 – it’s immaterial. We are told we have […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - October 2, 2012

Tuesday 2 October 2012 | Published in Kata


MFEM sees no merit in pursuit

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to William Framhein’s recent letter to you in which he makes a number of allegations regarding MFEM’s practice in the past of splitting soft drink imports into separate import entry classifications for contents and packaging. The issue raised by Mr Framhein was also raised in a letter from James Beer (at […]

Letters to the Editor

Frustration and anger over tax

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Financial Secretary (Finsec) Mr Neves has in three email exchanges with me exposed the failings of his ministry in upholding the integrity and credibility of the public revenue collection system of our country. How can anyone in our country be expected to pay their taxes and not feel that they are being […]

Letters to the Editor

3 cheers for Cooks

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We should all be proud of Kevin and Frances Cooks’ transport system here on Rarotonga. There are cities and islands much larger and smaller who would and need to follow the example of Cook’s Island Bus Passenger Transport. They have a well maintained variety of vehicles. They are safe. They do a good […]

Letters to the Editor

Stop the idiocy, govern with dignity

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I make reference to a number of articles in your paper recently about the issue of conflict of interest and government protocols not being followed by cabinet ministers and the prime minister. There are times and places where certain behaviours are expected of our leaders. Such arrogance or poor misunderstanding of these situations […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - October 1, 2012

Monday 1 October 2012 | Published in Kata


Slap on the face

Saturday 29 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would acknowledge it if this letter finds its way to the Letters to the Editor column on your newspaper. This letter seeks to express the general feeling of disapproval from local Solomon Islanders after an edition of the famous Cook Islands KATA cartoon showed up on Facebook. Since showing up on the […]

Letters to the Editor

Don't gloat

Saturday 29 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Imagine if the Duke and Dutchess came to Rarotonga and someone from the Solomons were able to outwit us and have them wear Solomon Islands dress and shirt whilst attending our functions? The furore will be deafening and Tavs and other seamstressers will be on the warpath. It will cause a South Pacific […]

Letters to the Editor

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