Monday 3 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In recent weeks, I have been reading and following news items on public individuals and the fair share of public letters criticising the ministers, HOMS and public employees. Most recently, the headlines surrounding the police commissioner and minister over tax matters. It is important to note that these individuals are NZ qualified and […]
Monday 3 September 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I was disappointed to read recently about the incident at a local night club in Rarotonga. As a frequent visitor to the island I would think it was the duty of the police to assist visitors and locals alike in any situation that may arise. It would appear from the reports in your […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
THIS LOCAL WOMAN, flying an upside down American flag, was sending mixed messages outside the Avarua court house yesterday as the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived for breakfast at Traders Jacks. The woman didn’t seem to have a bone to pick with the Americans as she stood alone waving her flag, however according […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
“The $50,000,000 that New Zealand has pledged for surveillance and management of Pacific fisheries is a bit laughable for us here in the Cook Islands,” a smoke signaller writes. “We don’t need any surveillance; we’ve given the Chinese carte blanche to take all our fish and sharks. One wonders if the amount of that $50 […]
Saturday 1 September 2012 | Published in Kata
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It’s wonderful to see all and sundry getting behind the ideas of a shark sanctuary and a marine park – but the interesting absence of any comments or cheers from the Minister and Secretary of Marine Resources has to be noted. The reason for their silence lies of course in their knowledge that […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I read with interest the proposal by Hawaiki Cable Ltd to connect a cable to Rarotonga. It would be fantastic if it got off the ground, but some questions have to be asked. Who is funding the capital cost of the project? It seemed from the article the Pacific islands governments would have […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Perhaps someone can tell me what the purpose of the Cook Islands National Environment Service is. I am very disappointed every time I drive through town watching the machinery work to reclaim land for the Punanga Nui, or see an old tree cut down for ‘beautification purposes’, or see a big scar in […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
“We have recently heard of fears that Moruroa atoll may collapse releasing buried radiation that could head west straight for the Cook Islands, Samoa, Fiji and other innocent island nations,” a smoke signaller writes. “The nuclear testing performed against the will of the peaceful Pacific Island people is surely the worst ‘act of terrorism’ the […]
Friday 31 August 2012 | Published in Kata
Thursday 30 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Mr Tony DeBrum of the Marshall Islands needs to be congratulated for the excellent views he presented in CINews yesterday. His concerns are exactly the same as ours here in the Cooks, and we all need to assist our PM Henry Puna, to bring about the same hardhitting legislation which will cause errant […]
Thursday 30 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in support of Florence Syme-Buchanan’s letter dated August 28. It saddens me that such behaviour is happening on our small island we call paradise. This kind of publicity is so damaging to us, so something really needs to be done NOW. I work in the tourism sector like many Cook Islanders; […]
Thursday 30 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Yesterday’s article headed ‘Fibre optic proposed’ includes a reference to O3b ”which Telecom proposes to introduce early next year“. This is incorrect, and I’d be obliged if you could please rectify this in case it causes confusion. Telecom signed a contract with O3b in June 2010, confirming an order for delivery of their […]
Thursday 30 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is a reply to the opinion piece by Dr Paul G Buchanan headed ‘FOCs need regulatory body’. Dr Buchanan obviously has absolutely no knowledge of the international nature of shipping or the international nature of how shipping is regulated or how ships are registered, surveyed and certified. He seems to suggest that […]
Thursday 30 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller writes: ”I was wondering why the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was going to visit such an unassuming group of islands and then I saw the answer in the New Zealand Herald online: ‘Security’. The South Pacific is an area lacking in United States bases and troops. To fend off […]
Thursday 30 August 2012 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 29 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”What a lot of hogwash from Minister Mark Brown on why our people are leaving in droves for overseas,“ writes a smoke signaller in response to yesterday’s p11 article ‘Be more productive’. ”We don’t want to hear why they are leaving because we all know the real reason why they are leaving. What we want […]
Tuesday 28 August 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals
”This may be a wonderful opportunity for Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard to make the acquaintance of the Aussie expats resident in the Cook Islands,“ a smoke signaller writes, ”an opportunity which regrettably the Australian High Commissioner from Wellington did not take on his recent visit here. One would have thought that looking out for […]
Tuesday 28 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am a regular visitor to the Cook Islands, having been to the country eight times. But the start to my holiday this time was extremely disappointing. I flew in with my wife on the Saturday night flight from Auckland and brought one litre of gin and six bottles of beer from the […]
Tuesday 28 August 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I cannot let Don Silk’s letter to your newspaper go without reply. Don Silk has chosen to ignore the facts supporting my company’s application for judicial review as outlined in your article. The current proceedings are only about our Dangerous Goods Act. Its regulations say that all fuel storage facilities in the Cook […]
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