
Captain and harbour master disagree

Friday 14 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dea Editor, As captain of the Maungaroa II I am asking the harbour master to explain the reported remarks he made to CINews.

Letters to the Editor

Join the refs

Friday 14 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to respond to the so-called Takuvaine Soccer Official for his letter regarding this particular Ref John Pareanga.

Letters to the Editor

Sign barely visible

Friday 14 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Just a slight correction (if not crucial) to the comments made by Senior Sergeant Cymon Kaivananga in Tuesday’s CINews.

Letters to the Editor

2 types of public servants?

Friday 14 December 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller says: “Prime Minister Henry Puna’s statement that people should ‘stay in the country and get a second job to make ends meet’ has been totally misunderstood by your readers. What he really referred to was the example of the many over-age public servants who collect two pay packets every week; the one from their job in the Agriculture, Power Supply or Island Administration, or wherever they might work as a public servant. Plus their Old Age Pension of a $100 per week. Makes you wonder whether these overage government workers pay tax on the old age pension? I thought there is a policy where it is compulsory for public servants to retire at 60 years of age. If that is the case then there must be two groups of public servants: those who get retired at 60 by the government, and the Cook Islands Party supporters who can carry on for as long as they manage to clock in every day. Surely this is grossly unfair to the non-CIP workers and especially to our Cook Islands youngsters who have to migrate overseas as they cannot find a job in the islands because those over-age workers. Can the Public Service Commissioner confirm that there are at least 11 overage Aitutaki government workers collecting their weekly/fortnightly pay as well as the Old Age Pension, despite the policies set in place by government?”

Smoke Signals


Friday 14 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Congratulations to the government on their announcement for a shark sanctuary in Cook Islands waters (BBC News).

Letters to the Editor

Kata - December 13, 2012

Thursday 13 December 2012 | Published in Kata

December 13


The real misery in this society...

Thursday 13 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The real misery in this society is when hard working productive citizens like John Scott and his family get hostile letters in this newspaper for asking properly posed questions that need to be asked about monopolies and predatory pricing and its effect on local production.

Letters to the Editor

Refereeing criticised

Thursday 13 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing this letter to express my views and disappointment at the way the referees officiated in the match between Nikao Sokattack and Takuvaine on Friday December 7.

Letters to the Editor

Time for action

Thursday 13 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is terrible news that two more people have drowned at Avaavaroa.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - December 12, 2012

Wednesday 12 December 2012 | Published in Kata

Arornagi Jetty not used by cruise ships December 12


Pay tax before perks

Wednesday 12 December 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller wrote yesterday: “While listening to parliament today I was annoyed to hear Wilkie Rasmussen pleading for businesses that have tax arrears, and he’s asking for leniency on them. In my business we make sacrifices and the owners go without personal pay sometimes in order to pay our monthly tax bill. This includes PAYE collected from staff pay packets, VAT collected on behalf of government, and company tax which we pay ahead of overseas trips and luxury things like flash six cylinder 4x4s. What’s up with these bludgers and free-loaders like a certain resort owner and a certain lawyer who live the high life and who run up huge tax arrears, and then self-righteously tell us how the country should be run, or even attack their competitors for so-called restrictive trade practices.”

Smoke Signals

Education Bill passed

Wednesday 12 December 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Parliament passed the Education Bill into Cook Islands law yesterday afternoon with no amendment.

Smoke Signals

Unlawful suspension a shambles

Wednesday 12 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The suspension of the Head of Ministry of MOIP is a real mystery.

Letters to the Editor

'Brown tax' query

Wednesday 12 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Prices rise but pay packets stay the same, said Titikaveka MP Selina Napa during parliamentary question time onMonday. She asked finance minister Mark Brown when he will review the ‘Brown tax’.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - December 11, 2012

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Kata

December 11


The costs of a conviction

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

“A recent criminal court report in Cook Islands News indicates that a convicted drink drive criminal caught driving while his driver’s licence was suspended was made to pay a total of $50 for the offence,” a smoke signaller writes. “The poor fellow, he will be short one case of beer for one weekend of binge drinking. Some punishment. Anyone sitting in the peanut gallery at criminal court sees the smirk on these miscreants faces as they walk out after these wrist slappings and give the thumbs up to mates. What does it cost the taxpayers to collect this $50? Add up police and support staff time, JP sitting fees, Justice and Probation time and can it be less than $500 to collect $50? It would be more cost effective to have a vending machine in the front of the courthouse where the defendant pushes the button for his particular offence, inserts a $50 note, holds his wrist up for a mechanical slap, and gets back to the bush beer school where he needs to be drinking with the mates.”

Smoke Signals

Decriminalise marijuana in the Cooks

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, To our parliament leaders of the Cook Islands, it is to my understanding that a review of the laws regarding sentences towards marijuana users etc, is going into consideration due to how the sentences on our fellow men are, how shall I say, over the top.

Letters to the Editor

Carols not PC

Tuesday 11 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Carols are not very PC

Letters to the Editor

Thanks from America

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My wife and I have just returned to America after paddling in the Vaka Eiva.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - December 10, 2012

Monday 10 December 2012 | Published in Kata

PM off to Africa December 10


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