
Chasing cheaper island TV

Tuesday 20 November 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes from Aitutaki: “For several years to recent days Michael Henry, a businessman with ever-widening horizons towards greater things, has also supported Aitutaki people by providing, over-generously, with a free-to-air 24/7 TV service of TCM, NZTV1 and later Foxtel news, sports programmes of local events plus ESPN American/international sports. Now, Araura TV has fizzled out, but Nick and Mike’s 88FM radio station is ‘Booming’ and well received. At earlier dates Aitutaki TV proprietors raised some operating funds by way of TVthons and advertising for equipment power, pay-programmes etc. Multi-media TV via satellite is now expensive and unfortunately now people are obliged to pay/install SkyTel or TCI-Marama TV if they want to add such programmes to paying for DVD rentals. Old people, children (Cartoon Network), and hospital patients need modern entertainment, educational and regional TV but they may be deprived of TV before Christmas. Is there no one or an organised group of community-conscious people at Aitutaki resolute enough to negotiate/action an alternative, reduced costs TV service to all those who may pay less than the high installation charges for SkyTel or TCI-Marama? To Mike and his programmers, meitaki atupaka for past TV initiatives.

Smoke Signals

Kata - November 19, 2012

Monday 19 November 2012 | Published in Kata

Cook Islands Cusstomary Land Rights November 19


It's up to the law-makers

Saturday 17 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read the various comments regarding the above subject which I think has gone wild and out of control.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - November 17, 2012

Saturday 17 November 2012 | Published in Kata

Lawyers get more work there way November 17


Occupation Rights a thing of the past?

Friday 16 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to thank Kata for succinctly illustrating Justice Savages’s rulings in our Land Courts recently, particularly in regards to Occupation Right Applications and Successions to Occupation Rights.

Letters to the Editor

Female leaders applauded

Friday 16 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I really admire and appreciate women with ‘guts’ who stand up and show this nation what metal they are made of.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - November 16, 2012

Friday 16 November 2012 | Published in Kata

Mark cleans up the mess November 16


Banking on Cook Islands tourism

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller wrote yesterday: “I just tried to ring the Bank of the Cook Islands this afternoon and lo and behold, someone at Cook Islands Tourism answered. I was a bit disorientated and said, ‘Um, Tourism, I just rang BCI’. The lovely lady over the phone replied, ‘Yes, this happens sometimes when the bank’s lines are busy, we get their overflow.’ WHAT!!!”

Smoke Signals

Judge has denied a customary right

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read T.A. Henry’s letter to the editor (yesterday’s CINews) and fully understand the illegality of granting an Occupation Right (O/R) with life interest only.

Letters to the Editor

Mayor of Atiu 'illegal'

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write to respond to Taoro Brown’s letter to your newspaper yesterday (14.11.12).

Letters to the Editor

No excuses!

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Just to correct Mr Kave Ringi on his points about overstayers.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - November 15, 2012

Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Kata

Occupation rights November 15


The parakoka boys

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “The Prime Minister and all Cabinet ministers have got the travel bug. As soon as Parliament is finished – with little work done – they all troop off to different parts of the globe. Henry Puna to Dubai, Teina Bishop to China, Nandi Glassie to Korea, Tom Marsters to who knows where, Mark Brown taking off soon, with only Teariki Heather holding the fort. Can someone from government please explain what benefit has this government gained from all the travels and spending of public money since 2010? Can the Opposition force government to show the people just how much public money is spent by each Cabinet minister and MP since 2010? The people have a right to know as it is public money, so we can judge for ourselves who the big spenders are. There is no transparency of public funds spent on travel by all ministers, MPs and even officials. Will the new Ombudsman and the Speaker release this information to the public?”

Smoke Signals

Waste-to-energy plan criticised

Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am most concerned about the newspaper report that Te Aponga Uira is to construct a “waste to energy” incinerator facility.

Letters to the Editor

'Life interest only' is illegal

Tuesday 13 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, A recent letter to the editor by Mrs Teetu Tschan, headed “Life interest only is wrong!” is an excellent description of an alleged move instigated by a papa’a Land Court Judge from New Zealand (a complete stranger) to change the meaning of OCCUPATION RIGHT from what it has been for generations.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - November 13, 2012

Tuesday 13 November 2012 | Published in Kata

Ministers on the road again November 13


Praise for JP

Tuesday 13 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing with praise for Justice of the Peace Carmen Temata in standing up for abused women in the Li Ponini case.

Letters to the Editor

Love is to treat with tenderness

Monday 12 November 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Honour is a deep respect for what we know is right and true. I would like to honour all those who have stood to be counted against cruel treatment from those who are supposed to love them.

Letters to the Editor

Flying north, east, south, west

Monday 12 November 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Our prime minister chuckling away with Norman George as pictured in Friday’s CINews, just before they shut parliament down until whenever, says it all,” a smoke signaller writes. “’Sorry everyone, we have some travelling to do’. What happened to our Cook Islands Party promise of 100 days of Parliament to complete all the bills waiting these many years – obviously just a joke to them, eh? That was one of their promises to do better than the Demos I think. Also in that article Mr Puna went on to use the old tried and untrue spin system of ‘O my God, it’s those tricky papaas raising uncomfortable questions again’. Get a life, Mr Puna, check the surnames of your confederates, relatives and your well-milked taxpayers. Move into the 21st century, you have a multi cultural society to deal with at your own risk. Isn’t it just a bit scary to think that the better we educate our young people, the less likely they are to absorb your antiquated beseeching to the people of Manihiki for one more election, instead of getting on with the business of Parliament?”

Smoke Signals

Kata - November 12, 2012

Monday 12 November 2012 | Published in Kata

Prisoner"ss of the law November 12


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