Friday 8 February 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka
Tuesday’s tsunami watch prompted Pukapuka to use its new cyclone centre for the first time.
Friday 8 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Thursday 7 February 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller going by the name Disappointed Fan writes: “As a Cookie living in New Zealand I was excited that there was a cricket tournament on with the best players from back home.
Thursday 7 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Thursday 7 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, How can the police give out any sort of fine when not even the police are sure of speed limits.
Thursday 7 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Another cruise liner did not land at Avatiu Harbour last Saturday, and we missed out on more revenue for the country, I think this is the fifth landing in the last three months that was cancelled due to rough seas in town, nearly $500,000 in potential income has been lost to date.
Thursday 7 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
A Kiwi Hash House Harriers gathering was held on Monday to commemorate Waitangi Day.
Wednesday 6 February 2013 | Published in Raro on my mind
There are dozens of reasons to buy and eat local and to support Te Mou O Te Enua on February 14.
Wednesday 6 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Wednesday 6 February 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka
Two hundred Pukapukans from Australia spent their 2012 summer holiday in Pukapuka -- the largest tele party to ever visit Wale.
Monday 4 February 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka
A bright new orange and green playground welcomed the students back to Niua School in Pukapuka.
Monday 4 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Monday 4 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wanted to respond to the Smokie that commented that if Hawaii Exporter paid $15 per maire to the producer then maybe more would be produced.
Monday 4 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Please help me clarify the true nature of this rumour that the above school mentioned will be closed down due to enrolment numbers or other matters we don’t know about.
Saturday 2 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My parents, David and Mia (Andrew) Thompson are in their 29th year importing Cook Islands maire to Hawaii.
Saturday 2 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, As residents in the Cook Islands, we gravely wonder how many other lives were lost unnecessarily due to the carelessness of doctors employed by the taxpayers of this country.
Saturday 2 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Saturday 2 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My wife and I just spent 16 wonderful days on your beautiful island of Rarotonga with our two children.
Friday 1 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Last week I alleged with confidence that there has been a budget blowout in relation to ministerial travels.
Friday 1 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, On reading Thursday’s (January 30) CI News regarding the supply and use of rescue tubes at strategic sites, I am more than a little concerned that this has the potential to cause a double tragedy.
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