
Turning a blind eye

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is alarming that we see and hear every day of more of our people and families leaving our shores for NZ or Australia.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - February 22, 2013

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Kata


Empower ownership of development

Friday 22 February 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka

Freelance journalist Amelia Borofsky is a regular contributor to Cook Islands News.

Return to Pukapuka

Fun bus noise nuisance

Thursday 21 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Your front page article of last Saturday February 16, of another new fun bus to the pub crawl scene would have not made happy reading to many people in Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

Avatea promotes leadership

Thursday 21 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Avatea School prefects were told that not only do they carry the title during schools hours but all day, every day including weekends.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - February 21, 2013

Thursday 21 February 2013 | Published in Kata


House gets to the point

Thursday 21 February 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

Matariki FM breakfast show host William ‘The Don’ Framhein had an interesting question for Finance Minister Mark Brown yesterday.

Smoke Signals

'Go and plant it'

Wednesday 20 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Your smoke signaller really lives as though they are from the dark ages, wouldn’t you agree? What is unbelievable about transport fuel costs, sweat and labour to make a maire ei? What else is there? There is no other expense on the producer’s part -- that is the truth.

Letters to the Editor

Locals given priority?

Wednesday 20 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The carefully construed dribble from the country’s Public Service Commissioner in response to concerns raised about the recruitment of an expatriate to a position in the public service is most worrying.

Letters to the Editor

Pothole problem

Wednesday 20 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Last week I saw a vehicle narrowly miss injuring a small child as it squeezed into the road entrance at Takitumu primary school then veered sharply to avoid a growing number of huge pot holes that have sprouted up due to last year’s heavy rains.

Letters to the Editor

Fiji not suspended

Wednesday 20 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Please allow me to correct one point made in Monday’s press, ‘Fiji situation monitored by Cooks’.

Letters to the Editor

Obesity plagues the Pacific

Wednesday 20 February 2013 | Published in Raro on my mind

Non-communicable disease has reached epidemic proportions in our island paradise.

Raro on my mind

Kata - February 20, 2013

Wednesday 20 February 2013 | Published in Kata


What's the cost of Colagate?

Tuesday 19 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I won’t put my name to this letter and my reasons for this will be obvious to most readers.

Letters to the Editor

Seeing red over Colagate

Tuesday 19 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’ve just picked up a copy of the Investigate magazine from Bounty Bookshop, with the Colagate article, and what an excellent read.

Letters to the Editor

The dangers of Coke

Tuesday 19 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Over the past few weeks the controversy over the Colagate scandal has raged on.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - February 19, 2013

Tuesday 19 February 2013 | Published in Kata


Punu puakaoa

Tuesday 19 February 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “While government is running for cover and denying any plans at all for a major fish processing plant to be built on the reclaimed land in Avarua, perhaps government instead could announce plans for a canine processing plant on the same site? The madly-copulating dog population, in spite of the heroic and much appreciated kindness of the Esther Honey Foundation, continues to grow.

Smoke Signals

Kata - February 18, 2013

Monday 18 February 2013 | Published in Kata


Kata - February 16, 2013

Saturday 16 February 2013 | Published in Kata


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