Thursday 28 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was sickened and disgusted to read in Tuesday’s paper of Tangata Katuke avoiding jail after having been convicted of assaulting his partner for the FOURTH time.
Thursday 28 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, After a busy day we look forward to sitting down to watch TV, but over the past week or so the programmes after TV One News seem to come to an abrupt end part way through the story, and the local CI Television news comes on.
Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Beginning January 28, 2013, I spent three weeks in the Global Volunteers programme in the Cook Islands.
Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would like to clarify inaccuracies in a series of articles by your reporter Calida Smylie.
Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Related article(s): HOMs give feedback on OIA Toward a culture of freedom of information
Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka
Dr Amelia Hokule’a Borofsky, who grew up in Pukapuka and Hawai’i, has returned to the atoll to live, listen, learn and write.
Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals
A smoke signaller wrote last week: “Very unusual to note Norman is not on the front page of CI News of this week as he always does after every trip to Atiu, in this instance last week.
Wednesday 27 February 2013 | Published in Raro on my mind
There is a big difference between freedom of information and a culture of freedom of information.
Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Upon hearing that NZ High Commissioner John Carter will shortly be returning to NZ, it is with a tinge of sadness that I write this letter.
Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is a letter to the two thugs who broke into our house at the weekend cutting open a mesh screen protector and walking past us with a bush knife while we slept.
Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Related article(s): ‘Go to hell,’ says George
Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In response to ‘Sleepless in Tikioki’ and the other booze bus comments last week by PJ (‘Fun bus noise nuisance’) I would like to say that our company, charters our buses for nightlife tours.
Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, My fianc and I left the Cooks almost 8 years ago and have never looked back.
Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka
Dr Amelia Hokule’a Borofsky, who grew up in Pukapuka and Hawai’i, has returned to the atoll to live, listen, learn and write.
Monday 25 February 2013 | Published in Kata
Monday 25 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have to agree with the last couple of letter writers about the so called ‘booze buses’.
Monday 25 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I note in Saturday’s CI News that a joint ministerial forum will be held in Queenstown to discuss, inter alia, economical development and, of course, aid.
Monday 25 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Can I add my grizzle about pothole non-repair on side roads? There are numerous potholes which continually get ignored along the short road to Nukupure Park and the Muri Beach Club Hotel.
Monday 25 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It’s not just out-going mail that is held up.
Monday 25 February 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor
The much-maligned CISNOC management seems to have sorted itself out, as there is no mudslinging being done through the media, said the sports minister.
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