
Making mats in Pukapuka

Monday 25 March 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka

Dr Amelia Hokule’a Borofsky, who grew up in Pukapuka and Hawai’i, has returned to her childhood atoll to learn, teach and write.

Return to Pukapuka

Eels 'play to their strengths'

Monday 25 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Nukupure Park battle at the weekend between two evenly matched sides (Sea Eagles vs Eels) was very interesting.

Letters to the Editor

Protecting the poor

Monday 25 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Vaine has worked extensively throughout the Pacific and the Cook Islands as a development economist.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - March 23, 2013

Saturday 23 March 2013 | Published in Kata


Pacific united on energy

Saturday 23 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A dinner hosted by King Tupou VI on Friday evening brought a regal end to the two-day Pacific Leaders Energy Summit in Nuku’alofa.

Letters to the Editor

No longer suffering in silence

Saturday 23 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I’m sitting here, in Ivirua village, Mangaia, peeling potatoes for chips for our takeaway for the market tomorrow, and feeling sorry for myself.

Letters to the Editor

More than meets the eye

Saturday 23 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, With this Coin Save operation now being granted a special licence to conduct business, how is it that MFEM allowed the containers through without once checking if the company concerned was allowed to do business in the first place? I wonder if Mark Brown can explain how MFEM, and subsequently BTIB have allowed this to happen? Do the Chinese or authorities have a hand in this one would have to ask? This is just pure speculation regarding the Chinese involvement, but there seems to be more to this than meets the eye.

Letters to the Editor

The 'forgotten tribe'

Saturday 23 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write in support of the Smoke Signal about those claiming to be the only kopu ariki of Ngati Makea which are the issues of Rangi Makea, Upokotokoa, Sadaraka and Mere (CINews March 19).

Letters to the Editor

City Style in Avarua

Saturday 23 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

A new clothing and accessory store has opened in Avarua, and a salon and spa is soon to follow.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - March 22, 2013

Friday 22 March 2013 | Published in Kata


'Give us some clear facts'

Friday 22 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Reading Minister Brown’s reply to my letter on Rarotonga’s $60m water project I can see the handwriting of a particular senior advisor in government all over it.

Letters to the Editor

'Extraordinary service and humility'

Friday 22 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate everyone who played a role in organising this month’s Woman of the Month.

Letters to the Editor

Leave 'little people' alone

Friday 22 March 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

“As soon as finance minister Mark Brown finishes his tax review he goes after the little people at the Punanga Nui market,” a smoke signaller writes.

Smoke Signals

A home game

Friday 22 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Lately I noticed the rugby league playing time-table has changed.

Letters to the Editor

To be continued?

Friday 22 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write this in response to the letter in yesterday’s CI News ‘Switching off the TV’ from Smoke on the water.

Letters to the Editor

'Declare your business'

Thursday 21 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I demand that all politically appointed candidates, including members of parliament, declare to the public, all their interests in business ventures.

Letters to the Editor

Bringing the world to Wale

Thursday 21 March 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka

Niua School and Pukapuka welcomed the Ministry of Education with a traditional challenge chant, eis, niu, ula pau and four feeds of fish, kaveu and taro over two days.

Return to Pukapuka

'Don't tax' market vendors

Thursday 21 March 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller says finance secretary Richard Neves and the Revenue Management Division of MFEM should stop worrying about gathering tax from Punanga Nui market vendors.

Smoke Signals

Switching off the TV

Thursday 21 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I read in the ‘other’ newspaper, a rather arrogant retort by ‘Big Red’ regarding the anonymous letter writer to this publication regarding CITV.

Letters to the Editor

'Let the people choose'

Thursday 21 March 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to see commercial fishing halted and deep sea mining stopped before it starts.

Letters to the Editor

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