
Kata - May 21, 2013

Tuesday 21 May 2013 | Published in Kata


Focus on attracting people back

Tuesday 21 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, There has been a lot of discussion via letters to the editor recently on employment in the Cook Islands and issues surrounding migration.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - May 20, 2013

Monday 20 May 2013 | Published in Kata


League rule a first in Pacific

Monday 20 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Although the Bulldogs lost its case to have its points reinstated, it is important to note that the Titikaveka Rugby League was fighting on behalf of all non-Cook Islanders for the right to play league in the village that they lived in.

Letters to the Editor

$23K truck overspend: 'Rules broken'

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

“How can one believe chief executive Ben Mose’s explanation when he tried to explain the Ministry of Infrastructure’s overspending of $23,000 for the new truck of minister Teariki Heather?” a smoke signaller asks in response to the purchase last year of the 2012 Ford Ford XLT Ranger at a total cost of $62,835.

Smoke Signals

Kata - May 18, 2013

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Kata


'Big enough for his ego'

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Unbelievably Minister Teariki Heather was allowed to spend over $60,000 on a brand new four wheel drive.

Letters to the Editor

Doomed unless govt wakes up

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, There is no need for us to dig up past failures of previous governments, that’s history.

Letters to the Editor

Call the match with both eyes

Saturday 18 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, If you’ll oblige me I would like to respond to the match-calling writer using the pseudonym ‘Bend it like TC’ (The Coca Cola Cup) and call this match with both eyes instead of one.

Letters to the Editor

The Coca Cola Cup

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Match report for Coca Cola Cup: Trevor Clarke 2 vs James Beer 0.

Letters to the Editor

Everything but league

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “I want to ask a question about one of the sports in the world: rugby league! I showed up to a rugby league training the other day and found out only three non-Cook Islanders per club are allowed to play.

Smoke Signals

Kata - May 17, 2013

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Kata


'A disgrace to this island'

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am not surprised that people loathe your paper and are suing you left right and centre.

Letters to the Editor

Curbing the wild cat population

Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would just like to write in praise of the Esther Honey Foundation.

Letters to the Editor

Importing Coca Cola from Fiji

Thursday 16 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Noticed recently your Coca Cola drink tastes a little differently from your previous purchases? Check the back label you’ll see ‘Made in Fiji’.

Letters to the Editor

Carl's paints coloured our islands

Thursday 16 May 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

If you’re popping in to the CITC Building Centre at Avatiu today or tomorrow, don’t forget to go across to the paint department to farewell the man who has cheerfully dispensed invaluable paint advice to many, many happy customers for the past 10 years.

Smoke Signals

Kata - May 15, 2013

Wednesday 15 May 2013 | Published in Kata


The tip of an important iceberg

Wednesday 15 May 2013 | Published in Raro on my mind

Cook Islands family law is stuck in a time warp.

Raro on my mind

Becoming Kiwis

Wednesday 15 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Leonie Carter (left) and Rainui Marsters were beaming with joy when they gained New Zealand citizenship yesterday.

Letters to the Editor

Recruit Tahitians to fill jobs

Wednesday 15 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It has been thought provoking reading the letters to the editor recently regarding emigration/immigration.

Letters to the Editor

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