
Development plan to grow economy

Monday 10 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I think we all agree that we have depopulation of alarming proportions and that we need to do something to stop our people leaving and enable those who have left to come home, if we are to have a sustainable economy.

Letters to the Editor

Mama's Caf up for sale

Monday 10 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Mama’s Caf in Avatiu is up for sale by owners Crown Beach Resort & Spa.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - June 7, 2013

Friday 7 June 2013 | Published in Kata

Related article(s): Fines in store for 17 Muri residents


Film Raro: live the dream

Friday 7 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On behalf of Drum Productions Cook Islands, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the government and the people of the Cook Islands for the support shown to us during our Film Raro Paradise Challenge project.

Letters to the Editor

Worried about 'exposing corruption'

Thursday 6 June 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

In response to yesterday’s smokie ‘NZ influence a real worry’, a smoke signaller writes: "The real worry for the smoke signaller denigrating James Beer’s letter is not that New Zealand does anything by stealth; quite the contrary, they are quite open about their offers of assistance.

Smoke Signals

'Society is becoming voiceless'

Thursday 6 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is sad saying this, but the standard of broadcast journalism is appalling.

Letters to the Editor

Was it just another nightmare?

Thursday 6 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Have I gone mad? Or did I dream about it? I am pretty sure I did read when the Demos were ruling the roost that the Chinese had indicated the intention to make a $10 million ship for the Cooks.

Letters to the Editor

'A little smack on the hand'

Wednesday 5 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Yesterday’s article in the Cook Islands News titled “Minister Heather’s Powers Curbed?” is just another way of trying to show the public that this government is doing the right thing when in reality they are giving the minister an easy way out with a little smack on the hand.

Letters to the Editor

The Offshore Pirate's offshore impact

Wednesday 5 June 2013 | Published in Raro on my mind

I just watched The Offshore Pirate and shed a tear.

Raro on my mind

Te Ulu o Te Watu Training Institute opens

Wednesday 5 June 2013 | Published in Return to Pukapuka

Teacher Amelia Borofsky reports on the new tertiary training institute in Pukapuka.

Return to Pukapuka

NZ influence 'a real worry'

Wednesday 5 June 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

“James Beer’s tirade published on May 27 is a load of codswallop,” a smoke signaller writes.

Smoke Signals

Chinese funding for development

Tuesday 4 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, We know we have to grow our economy to deliver wages, cost of living and cost of finance on par with our fellow New Zealanders to stop our people migrating to New Zealand and allow those who have migrated to come home, and the sooner the better! We know tourism on Rarotonga has expanded by some 20 per cent since the crash of 2008 and provided a platform on which to grow our economy and the opportunity to expand tourism to the outer islands to revive their economies, so they may contribute to the economy instead of feeding off Rarotonga’s economy.

Letters to the Editor

Czars better for business, environment

Tuesday 4 June 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Brian Baudinet has some very valid points on cleaning up our national act, including cutting back the public sector,” a smoke signaller writes in response to his page 8 commentary in Saturday’s paper ‘The road to repopulation’.

Smoke Signals

'Taxpayers should boycott Toa'

Saturday 1 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Reading about the scrapping of the Toa withholding tax in this morning’s (May 31)CI News, really just throws salt on an old wound doesn’t it? We read that the taxpayer has had to prop up Brett Porter’s failing business to the tune of $0.515 million for the period July 2012 to January 2013, $1.35 million and $1.32 million for the years 2011-2012 and 2010-2011 respectively.

Letters to the Editor

Trying to keep our culture alive

Saturday 1 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have written to you in the hope that the government will hear our frustrations and do something to fix the poor performance and lack of interest and investment towards our major cultural events in the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - June 1, 2013

Saturday 1 June 2013 | Published in Kata


Not convinced

Saturday 1 June 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thank you Wilkie for your clarification in yesterday’s Cook Islands News on the subject matter of stealing and borrowing.

Letters to the Editor

A cultural perspective on 'borrowing'

Friday 31 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I have a forgiving nature which is a Christian virtue I practice.

Letters to the Editor

Kata - May 31, 2013

Friday 31 May 2013 | Published in Kata


'So much for customer service'

Thursday 30 May 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Mr Editor, I find the comments of the new Westpac bank manager Brett Hooker simply ‘puppet comments’ rather than comments that the banks work to and actually apply.

Letters to the Editor

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