
Kata - November 9, 2013

Saturday 9 November 2013 | Published in Kata


'If you see something, say something'

Friday 8 November 2013 | Published in Raro on my mind

The news of each fresh fire on Rarotonga is piercing, activating emotions like anger and fear and despair, and raising unanswerable questions: Why would a person intentionally burn down a business or a school? Why hasn’t the perpetrator been caught, arrested, punished? When will the destruction end? It’s true that authorities have yet to determine […]

Raro on my mind

Kata - November 8, 2013

Friday 8 November 2013 | Published in Kata


'Some things are still free'

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Apii Avarua Early Childhood Centre completed their biodiversity study about the marine life in Rarotonga, by taking a glass bottom boat ride at Muri with Captain Tama’s. It was such a great experience for most of our local students who have never been on this trip before. We were given the scenic route. […]

Letters to the Editor

Kata - November 7, 2013

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Kata


'What does Vaile want?'

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, What does Chris Vaile want? When the government was going to take over Toa he led a campaign against government interference in the fuel industry. Now when a private business, Pacific Islands Energy, has found a way to provide cheaper fuel he wants government interference in the fuel industry so that fuel will […]

Letters to the Editor

Protests will continue – Grey Power

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Cook Islands Grey Power has been advocating against the damaging tax proposal by today’s Cook Islands Party government, who is inconsiderately trying to initiate a bullying taxing process onto the NZ-paid pensions; an avenue that many former Prime Ministers before Henry Puna have purposefully ignored. Without a doubt, these former PMs have […]

Letters to the Editor

Schools 'before sports'

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “Top government leaders were quick to travel to watch and donate $60,000 to the Cook Islands’ losing rugby league team, which is not a priority. That money should have been given to our two schools that got smoked up. Thank you to the chiropractor who donated thousands of dollars to the […]

Smoke Signals

Do you know what to do in an emergency?

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Being the first port of call in emergency situations is one of the reasons why getting first aid training is important. Today is the last day that the Cook Islands Red Cross Society is offering a certified comprehensive first aid training course at the society headquarters. The course starts at 8.30am and is open to […]

Letters to the Editor

Frustrated by government travel

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am very frustrated and angry at the way this government is spending public funds without any consideration for the poor financial situation that our country is in now. The Prime Minister’s delegation of about five or six that left for China on Sunday would have cost the country a lot of money. […]

Letters to the Editor

When our lagoon was full of life

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I will start my letter with memories of my childhood in Aitutaki in the late 70s and early 80s. My grandfather was a planter and an excellent fisherman. He used to take me fishing in the lagoon catching mu, tangau, paoa, and many other fish that were abundant in Aitutaki back in those […]

Letters to the Editor

Is secrecy in our best interests?

Thursday 7 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Apparently juicy details of the Prime Minister’s private activities were revealed in a recent court case; however the JP ruled that they should not be published. Is this in the best interests of the community and upon what authority? We read, see and hear in the media of revelations overseas about high-profile people […]

Letters to the Editor

Answers needed on Te Mato Vai

Wednesday 6 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Good on you George Pitt. You are not the only one in the community who has so many questions to put to whoever is responsible for this massive water works undertaking. But you are the only one prepared to confront the Cook Islands Party boxing kangaroo head on. Neves seems to be the […]

Letters to the Editor

Te maata uatu nei te kino

Wednesday 6 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Ki te Etita, I teia mataiti 2013 ite marama Me, tei roto au ite Aremaki i Auckland, kua moe au i tetai moemoea. Teia tei akaari ia mai kiaku i roto i teia moe. Kua aere mai te arataki i kapua ia mai ei te Kavamani Cook Islands Party koia oki a Sir Albert Henry […]

Letters to the Editor

Reward needed to find arsonist

Wednesday 6 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is about time government took some responsibility for these fires. I agree with Wilkie Rasmussen when he said he is "Bitterly disappointed that the prime minister has again left the country when there are grief-stricken families”. The police are requesting the support of the public to come forward with any information. Rarotonga […]

Letters to the Editor

Politicians 'seduced by thought of cheaper fuel'

Wednesday 6 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor With government on a countdown to the next general elections, once again politicians are being seduced by the thought of “cheaper fuel”. And no, this is not a Democratic Party initiative. This time its the Cook Islands Party that thinks it can control the multi-nationals who supply our country with fuel. Late last […]

Letters to the Editor

Our local drunks 'filling graveyards'

Tuesday 5 November 2013 | Published in Smoke Signals

“I think Tui Short [Justice of the Peace] needs to open his eyes,” a smoke signaller texts to 188 in response to Wednesday’s page 9 article ‘Foreigners appearing in court a problem: JP’. “Because of drunks, it is our people that are filling up the graveyards, the police station and the prison cells – not […]

Smoke Signals

Two records for Kaveao

Tuesday 5 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Two new records were set by national women’s cricketer and Muri captain Punanga Kaveao. Kaveao set the highest individual women’s score beating national skipper June George’s record of 131, set earlier this year ironically against Kaveao’s Muri. Even more ironic, Kaveao’s record 138 came up against George’s Turangi side on November 2. Kaveao’s 138 not […]

Letters to the Editor

Wanted – frizzy haired bike thief

Tuesday 5 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, On Saturday night around 10pm my bike, a blue Daelim with single mirror on the left side, no front guards, number plate AAO928, was taken from High Tide where my daughter was working. The person seen on the bike was a young female, small in stature with frizzy hair tied back. She wore […]

Letters to the Editor

More accuracy is needed from police

Tuesday 5 November 2013 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, First of all let me say how sorry I am for Mama Turi and Atua Tika her son, to read about the fire in their Bakery. What a sad occasion. Another fire, another cry for help from the police deptartment for information to help them solve the case. Every time that something bad […]

Letters to the Editor

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