Tuesday 12 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Readers will recall Andy Olah reporting from his side of the island and an Avarua reader reporting the same thing - the multiple motor bikes on the main road, day and night, in seemingly endless trips, with no mufflers, making misery for those who, literally, have to stop talking until the deaf riders have gone by.
Tuesday 12 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
I have respect for Thomas Wynne’s writing but I believe he should stop trying to justify his attack on Sir Gaven Donne.
Tuesday 12 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Dear Editor, Here we go again. We hear the greedy Members of Parliament from government are trying to push through a constitutional amendment to increase the number of ministers in cabinet from six to eight.
Saturday 9 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Kata, Opinion
Saturday 9 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion, Virtues in Paradise
A friend of mine just flew overseas for Christmas. Before she even stepped on the plane, the family dynamics of mama drama were already flaring up amongst her adult children. Who got to pick her up at the airport? Who had the privilege to have her stay first? Longest?
Saturday 9 December 2023 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials, Opinion
People often say that power corrupts and to this I disagree. Power does not corrupt a person, it merely exposes what lies in all our hearts, and simply gives it room, opportunity and permission, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Friday 8 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Kata, Opinion
Thursday 7 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Kata, Opinion
Thursday 7 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Dear Editor, This is hard evidence that politicians and statisticians cannot deny – we have a depleted population base, when the Courts cannot muster a jury of 12 unrelated citizens.
Wednesday 6 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Kata, Opinion
Wednesday 6 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Firstly, and importantly the bravery of Ms George to make public a very traumatic experience needs to be acknowledged. I can attest to the commitment of Alana to her goal and love for the people of the Cook Islands. As to the TMO and Mr (Bob) Williams, the lack of proper processes, the lack of trust and possible interference is once again evident.
Wednesday 6 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Dear Editor, Contrary to popular belief, Tim Tepaki, a previous Sheraton developer and current developer of the private sector $300 million PERCI development, wasn’t broke.
Tuesday 5 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Kata, Opinion
Tuesday 5 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Dear Editor, The thing most clear about Tim Arnold’s explanation of the historical decisions about the Sheraton is it’s all about the money (‘Pa Ariki acted in good faith, Crown must follow suit’, Cook Islands News, November 18). He didn’t deny she (Pa Ariki) received payments; he is arguing she didn’t receive enough money.
Tuesday 5 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Dear Editor, Will CISNOC (Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee) show us where their policy allows the Secretary General to leave his post and work for someone somewhere else and more to the point when and who made the policy? (CISNOC head’s remote work arrangement questioned, Cook Islands News, December 2).
Monday 4 December 2023 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Opinion
Finally, it is December and we can hear Christmas coming with all the jingles bells and whistles.
Saturday 2 December 2023 | Written by Te Ipukarea Society | Published in Opinion
Is the radioactivity of polymetallic nodules an problem? The simple answer to that question is, we do not know. Yet.
Friday 1 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Kia Orana, I am just an average PR enjoying my dinner and listening to my local station Cook Islands Radio. It is so frustrating to night after night, listen to the third replay of a music reel during 12 hours.
Friday 1 December 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Dear Editor, It is so good to see that we have won medals from the swimming team at the Pacific Games in the Solomon Islands.
Thursday 30 November 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
Dear Editor, I once again find myself having the blessed good fortune to spend multiple weeks in wonderful Rarotonga.