
Kata: VAT Bill walk-out

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Kata


George not to be easily dismissed

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would suggest the Minister of Finance should not so lightly dismiss Norman George's questioning of the validity of the passing of the Value Added Tax Amendment Bill.

Letters to the Editor

Walkout was to protest ambush tactics

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I regard your letter writer “Stallion” yesterday with utter contempt.

Letters to the Editor

Time for a new Opposition leader

Thursday 3 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The Leader of the Opposition simply Does Not Have It.

Letters to the Editor

Kata: VAT increase

Wednesday 2 April 2014 | Published in Kata


VAT act is poor governance

Wednesday 2 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Government’s fast track guillotine motion to pass the VAT increase without debate is tantamount to poor governance and goes against the principles of parliamentary democracy.

Letters to the Editor

Timing of walkout a 'dumb' strategy

Wednesday 2 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Listening to the Parliamentary Debate on Monday, concerning the Bill to increase VAT to 15%, brought home to me how “strategically dumb” the Democratic Party really is.

Letters to the Editor

Pension rules have no exceptions

Wednesday 2 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to clarify the eligibility criteria for the Cook Islands Old Age Pension in reference to a letter to you published on Saturday March 29 2014.

Letters to the Editor

Kata: Stolen goods

Tuesday 1 April 2014 | Published in Kata


Wage increase more important

Tuesday 1 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to the placing of some articles in your Cook Islands News of Thursday 27 March 2014 which I have mentioned below:

Letters to the Editor

Grey Power story deserved more

Tuesday 1 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was disappointed at the front page cover of Friday March 28 issue of the Cook Islands News.

Letters to the Editor

Kata: Politics

Tuesday 1 April 2014 | Published in Kata


Consider animal welfare tax

Tuesday 1 April 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, My partner and I had dreams of visiting the beautiful Cook Islands. That dream was realised and it was more than we expected back in February-March 2013.

Letters to the Editor

Make VAT a matter of confidence

Monday 31 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In view of the fact that the increase in VAT to 15 per cent is crucial to Government's tax reforms and in view of its widespread condemnation and Government’s mismanagement of the economy...

Letters to the Editor

Hook, line and sinker

Monday 31 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Methinks that they have forgotten to include the line and sinker in the logo and sculpture re the Te Mato Vai project.

Letters to the Editor

Are there different rules for pension?

Saturday 29 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was informed last night that a couple came back to live in Rarotonga eight years ago.

Letters to the Editor

Keep a 'pace of grace'

Saturday 29 March 2014 | Published in Virtues in Paradise

Years ago, I found myself at death’s door. I crawled out to my prayer corner one morning to ask God if I should prepare to die, and instead received guidance in the form of 10 Rules for Health.

Virtues in Paradise

Keep dogs on a leash

Saturday 29 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Far be it for me as a non-resident (but enthusiastic tourist) to be seen to be interfering with the running of your country.

Letters to the Editor

Flip flop attitude shows instability

Saturday 29 March 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Government’s reasoning for the change in the pensioner back tax and repayment of the raided bank accounts is a shift in direction.

Letters to the Editor

Kata: Back tax scrapped

Friday 28 March 2014 | Published in Kata


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