
Authorities issuing permits for more disaster zones?

Thursday 25 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Following your recent publication of a photo of coastal protection units (CPU's) mistakenly identified as rock revetments,here are photos of REAL rock revetments.

Letters to the Editor

Kata: PM off to renewable energy conference..

Wednesday 24 September 2014 | Published in Kata


'The dog wags the tail, not the tail wag the dog?'

Wednesday 24 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

The tax issue facing the CIP would not have been so emotional if they had taken a very measured and emphatic approach to its introduction.

Letters to the Editor

'Democratic Party are on the right path to appeal'

Wednesday 24 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I write in response to Mark Browns open letter to the Editor on Saturday 20 September 2014.

Letters to the Editor

Grey Power will march and against doctors' orders

Tuesday 23 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The spiralling unbudgeted post election expenses which has gone viral and out of control is a disaster for the country and the Government in particular who, after being reduced to a care-taker status with limited authority to operate efficiently, is just inching along, so to speak on two flat tyres.

Letters to the Editor

Keep your word, refund elderly

Tuesday 23 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Mark Brown should keep his word and refund the elderly papa’s and mama’s whose bank accounts he as Minister of Finance raided instead of putting his foot in his mouth with his flimsy comments on petitions.

Letters to the Editor

Poverty, inequality tops public concerns

Monday 22 September 2014 | Published in Foxshots

So how has it panned out – Derek Fox comments on the shape of the new New Zealand parliament and what that might mean:


A graduated approach needed to reduce road deaths

Monday 22 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I write with a personal sense of sadness and frustration on the on-going deaths of young people on the roads whose lives could have been saved.

Letters to the Editor

'Withdraw your lies or face the consequences'

Monday 22 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Re – Mark Brown’s letter to the Editor dated 20.09.2014. Mark Brown wrote:

Letters to the Editor

Smokies: Murder of sea creatures?

Monday 22 September 2014 | Published in Smoke Signals

A regular television viewer and smoke signaller writes in – With all the fish conservation programmes on TV these past weeks, has CITV not learned anything? Why does it persist in showing Spearing Paara regularly in its ad breaks? The wanton murder of what's left of God's beautiful sea creatures by a couple of men who can barely disguise their glee, is stomach-churning. And just how much fish do they need? It is this kind of greed that will bring the species to near-extinction like rhinos and elephants. Mark my words!A smoke signaller texts in to 188 – Seems Mark Brown is angry at the Demos blaming them for delays in the government getting on with running the country. What a load of BS! It’s more like the petitions have taken time and money away from their much anticipated travel junkets which you can guarantee they have itineraries waiting for approval for more useless trips. Mark Brown will have fixed for the Rugby World Cup next year – ‘mark’ my words! Hot air on extra votersWhat a lot of hot air about the extra voters on Penrhyn, texts in a smoke signaller to 188. They were in a tere party of Penrhyn people who live overseas but were basically stranded while waiting for the next ship. It just so happened that they were still on the island when the nation went to the polls and exercised their civic right to vote. In fact in some countries for example Australia, it is a civic duty and those who fail to vote are liable to be fined! As for all the fuss- what’s the bet that had they voted for Wilkie, there wouldn’t be any of this hullabaloo! It’s time for Wilkie to admit his days as MP are over and for the Demos to accept their turanga as the opposition party.

Smoke Signals

Nearly half a million dollars on wasted court appeals?

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I think the Cook Islands Party can feel twice vindicated in the High Court rulings of the recent electoral petitions brought against them by the Demo Party.

Letters to the Editor

'Tooth decay is a white man's infliction and fluoride is their poisonous answer'

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,What ever happened about the fluoride debate or more importantly what decisions have been made by the health department?

Letters to the Editor

More support needed for abuse victims

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear editorWe would like to support and salute Thomas Wynn's letter in Friday’s paper.

Letters to the Editor

Peace in our hearts, minds – peace begins with me

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In the year 2000, PPSEAWA Cook Islands hosted what was then the largest conference held on Rarotonga with 350 participants from the Pacific Rim countries.

Letters to the Editor

'Promote a culture of peace and non-violence'

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,Sunday, September 21, is the UN International Day of Peace - “an annual event devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples”.

Letters to the Editor

'Don't blow your trumpet just yet'

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,I was somewhat bemused with Willie John’s fib in your story yesterday when he said that “he has opened doors” for my input and he “still awaits a response”.

Letters to the Editor

'Avoiding a lifestyle leading to diabetes'

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The article showing CITC efforts to bring recycling to schools should be a front page celebration.

Letters to the Editor

Who pays the obese bill?

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ear Editor,Your story ‘Holiday welcome relief from sugary election’ on September 18 is a very timely article, Editor, from somebody who can see the problems we have here in the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Demos slam Cooks-El Salvador deal

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The Democratic Party is concerned and does not condone the secretive way the Secretary of Marine Resources has handled the settlement and deal with the Flag State (El Salvador) over an incident of illegal fishing by an unlicensed foreign purse seine vessel.

Letters to the Editor

Oh flower of Scotland – thoughts from Rarotonga

Saturday 20 September 2014 | Published in Foxshots

I’m FEELING very sorry for the Scots today. I’m sorry that not enough of their people valued freedom and independence ahead of other considerations and scare mongering about the ‘potential downside’ of going it alone.


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