Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,I read with unbelievable astonishment Henry Puna stating, “politicians must improve their integrity before the nation's political system can be reformed".
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,Could the Government please give Tim Tepaki a job to shut him up.
Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Kata
Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to thank those individuals for contacting me to offer their support concerning our New Zealand pension not to be taxed.
Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Smoke Signals
Just wondering how we are going to control this Ebola virus that may make its way to our homeland.
Thursday 16 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,It seems from recent public statements that Demo will appeal the Court’s decision on seats at Penrhyn, Manihiki, Aitutaki and Atiu, which I understand the sponsor may reduce to Aitutaki and Atiu only as lawyers don’t rate their chances highly on Penrhyn and Manihiki.
Thursday 16 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,First, let me congratulate all candidates who have won their electorate’s sanction to be their Member of Parliament for the next term.
Thursday 16 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,It’s all too easy for Henry Puna in hindsight to say the Opposition wanted nothing to do with his attempt at political reform. But let’s get the story right.
Thursday 16 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,John Scott has revealed warts and all, major problems and issues at Parliament. The Clerk John Tangi seems to deflect the real source of the problem at Parliament.
Wednesday 15 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,The letter in Monday’s paper by John Scott raises alarming points for all to take note seriously.
Wednesday 15 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear editor,Full marks to Kata for a brilliant creation in Saturday’s newspaper depicting a Grey Power mama and a forlorn, deflated looking papa saying ‘Cos when its all over, I’m gonna be bored’.
Tuesday 14 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,I was shocked to read the statement in Bone Fisher's letter (October 10) about Teina Bishop and his supposed 'mental health issues' in relation to his ability to act as a member of parliament.
Monday 13 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,The letter by ‘CIP Media’ published on Thursday October 8 indicates how naive and childish they are to hold onto power.
Monday 13 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,Can Ben Ponia please help us, the ignorant public, understand all the excitement over the deal that is to pay some nations $10,000 a day for fishing rights?
Monday 13 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
NZ Bank responds to the letter ‘Sort your ATM charges out and stop ripping us off!’ published on Friday, October 10 by letter writer ‘Ripped Off’:
Monday 13 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,I do not normally reply to letters to the editor by people who do not have the ‘bones’ to put their name to it.
Monday 13 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
"I am bound to say that as we approach 50 years of self-government there is not a lot to celebrate. The Parliamentary fiasco is just one example of our failure."
Saturday 11 October 2014 | Published in Virtues in Paradise
One of the things I learned when serving as Spiritual Care Director at a Hospice was that dying people don’t really want someone to cheer them up. They need someone to meet them wherever they may be on a given day, someone who can be compassionate yet comfortable with their tears, their confusion, their worries, or their humour. When any of us is hurting, feeling loss, grief, confusion, anger, or joy for that matter, the last thing we need is for someone to talk us out of it. Quaker theologian Douglas Steere said, “To listen another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery is almost the greatest service any human being ever performs for another.” I don’t know why we are so ready to come up with little sayings, like ‘it’s okay’ ‘be strong’ and ‘you need to fight this’. Not to mention all manner of sayings about God’s will, as if we can speak for Him. One day when I was at the airport, a woman I had recently met beckoned me over to sit with her. She told me she was leaving the island to visit a sister in Auckland who was very ill. She said, “I don’t know why she asks for me. She’s surrounded by family. And I visited her a couple of months ago.” “What do you do that is different?” I asked her. “Well, they all tell her to fight it, and I don’t. I just sit with her and listen and hold her hand.” “To me, that is called ‘spiritual companioning’”, I said. “She must feel peaceful when you are there.” “Yes, she does seem to calm down.” Then she asked an important question. “What do I do when she cries?” I said, “When she cries, use your compassionate curiosity and ask her ‘What are those tears?’ and then listen. If she can no longer speak, say ‘Good on you, Sis, bless your healing tears.’” Her face lit up and she said, “I can do that. And I’ll ask God to make her well.” “Do you honestly think she is going to get well?” Sadly, she shook her head. “Well, maybe it’s best to ask God to do His will and to give her mercy. Only God knows how long she is meant to live.” She cried a bit and I sat with her, holding her hand. Then I said, “I’ll tell you a great secret. Before you see her, put a shield over your heart of detachment and compassion, so that you can be with her without taking on her feelings.” We hugged and I told her “Your sister is really blessed to have your compassionate presence at a time like this.” Then she went out to board the plane. Her sister did die, and I’m sure my friend’s peaceful, accepting presence was a mercy for her in her last days, giving her a more graceful end of life experience. We all need companions willing to listen to us at any time of life.
Saturday 11 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,It seems to me that Parliament has got on to a bad start.
Saturday 11 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,Democratic Party petition and appeals by the losing candidates Apii Piho of Manihiki, Wilkie Rasmussen of Tongareva, Kete Ioane of Tautu, Eugene Tatuava of Areora and Norman George of Te’enui need a full review for our rank and file supporters to easily understand – especially those 40 per cent loyalist voters.
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