Saturday 5 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I cannot believe Henry Puna can stand up at these world meetings and spout off about how, “we did not cause the problems of today; we believe in big actions, we have designated a 2.2 million sq km area to a marine zone, we aspire to do more to win the battle against climate change.”
Saturday 5 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We have a national disaster on our hands and again we have to wait for a report?
Saturday 5 December 2015 | Published in Opinion
I want to expand on a topic which I touched on briefly previously.
Saturday 5 December 2015 | Published in Opinion
Dan and I are beyond ready to complete our long trip away and come home to Paradise.
Friday 4 December 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals
What’s the best job in the world? Being a member of the Opposition party in the Cook Islands. You get paid a salary for doing absolutely nothing.
Friday 4 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We all know that the tuna swim freely across the Pacific and so simple logic dictates that no country would dare claim ownership over these fish.
Thursday 3 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor Re Tim Tepaki’s letter in Tuesday’s CI News in defence of purse seining.
Thursday 3 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
On Tuesday I attended a public meeting in Muri about Muri lagoon.
Wednesday 2 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, June Hosking’s letter regarding the near death of Muri lagoon is, as we come to expect from June, informative, intelligent and spot-on.
Wednesday 2 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, While everyone is blaming the foreign resort owners for polluting Muri lagoon while pretending locals are not polluting, we have the leader of the revolution, MP Tama, taking hundreds of tourists out every day for 20 years to the motu. Where do the contents of his bush loo go?
Wednesday 2 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, They say every picture tells a story but in the case of your front page picture on your November 23 edition, showing protestors marching against purse seine fishing with anti-Prime Minister (PM) Henry Puna slogans in hand, it told me two stories:
Wednesday 2 December 2015 | Published in Opinion
By Norman George, lawyer
Tuesday 1 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ki te Etita, Kia tika iakoe kia tuku atu i toku manako na roto i taau nuti pepa no runga ite tautai moana e te raitini, e oronga ia nei ei tikaanga tautai no tetai patireia ke i roto ite moana Kuki Airani. Te riro nei ei akakinoanga na tetai papaki ite Kavamani e pera ta tatou ua rai tamaiti tei tu ite pepa apii no teia tuanga koia a Ben Ponia.
Tuesday 1 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Hearing on Radio NZ News on Sunday morning that the Cook Islands government has declared Muri a disaster zone just reduced me to tears.
Monday 30 November 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals
The Esther Honey Centre has been training vets and nurses at the Nikao premises for many years. Why haven’t they trained some locals up to do the work? It’s not as if they haven’t had the time to do it? The island definitely needs a centre for animal care and it would be good if locals could be involved.
Monday 30 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is ludicrous to see a story CI News that the Cook Islands government is considering contacting the US embassy about their citizens who are said to be resisting the Esther Honey Clinix eviction notice.
Monday 30 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Before the current prime minister and the CIP won government, Puna announced that when he and the CIP government come in to power his government would convene parliament for at least 100 days of each year.
Monday 30 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Thought I’d better make it clear that we, the members of MCIPA are not confused about the reigning Miss Samoa attending the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant from the 6th to the 12th of December.
Saturday 28 November 2015 | Published in Opinion
While we are traveling outside the Cook Islands, I rely on friends emailing or messaging me with news from home.
Saturday 28 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Now that concerns about the poor health of Muri Lagoon have come to a head once again, I’d like to point out that just about everyone seems to be shying away from the fact that it is the resorts that are creating most of the pollution in the lagoon, and not local residents.
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