
It's all a matter of politicians' priorities

Tuesday 15 December 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

Word on the coconut wireless is that parliament will wrap up its second sitting of the year today… It is Aitutaki day tomorrow and the PM and his mates will surely want to get into the festive spirit by Friday. So much for democracy!

Smoke Signals

Planned cable project raises questions

Tuesday 15 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Recently the CI News published an article which said that Bluesky had signed a turnkey project with Alcatel Lucent to provide a cable link via the about to be built Moana cable.

Letters to the Editor

Bigger issues than climate change

Monday 14 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The statements attributed to the Prime Minister, Henry Puna in CI News on December 12 such as – “the Cook Islands is increasingly threatened by sea level rises driven by global warming” – are really quite amazing.

Letters to the Editor

Writer not travelling at taxpayers' expense

Monday 14 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I write in response to the letter from ‘Disgruntled Taxpayer’ which refers to my attendance as a Pacific Media Editor covering the Tuna Commission (WCPFC12) meeting in Bali this month.

Letters to the Editor

What's happened to our traditional dishes?

Monday 14 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was pleased to see the food competition advertised recently, with the focus on our local food.

Letters to the Editor

College claims may be premature

Friday 11 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to Thursday’s front-page story that claims that Nukutere College and the landowners of that land “...are confident they have secured Catholic secondary education on Rarotonga for the future.”

Letters to the Editor

Trip seems fishy

Friday 11 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Through your newspaper, can I enquire as to how MMR’s media consultant Helen Greig was funded to attend the annual Tuna Commission meeting currently being held in Bali, Indonesia?

Letters to the Editor

Thanks, but not my information

Thursday 10 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, May I thank “All the Best” for the kind words in his or her letter of December 3, headed “Tepaki letter enriching.”

Letters to the Editor

Letter critic a 'terrorist,' says Tim

Thursday 10 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, May I respond to Ex-CIP’s letter of December 4 by saying that if he or she left the CIP over EU fishers purse seining some of our 1,250 fishing days quota that we can’t fish ourselves, and paying our Government $9.6 million to aid our health and education, then he or she must be anti-Cook Islands and a terrorist.

Letters to the Editor

Missing links in controversial story

Thursday 10 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, A column in CI News last Saturday bv Te Tuhi Kelly referred to the debate on same-sex marriage.

Letters to the Editor

Who owns the fish?

Wednesday 9 December 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

There seem to be varying voices from those at the top regarding the fish issue. Ben Ponia says in the media that fish belongs to no-one and if we don’t harvest them, our neighbours will capitalise on the stock. PM Puna says fish belongs to the northern island group. So who is correct? Better make up your mind before releasing such statements; you are confusing us!

Smoke Signals

Time for united stand on Muri lagoon

Wednesday 9 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is with great urgency that the letters to the editor of CI News and calls to clean Muri Lagoon have been hitting the headlines lately, and this awareness, albeit half past the 11th hour, is what has been needed to address the problem.

Letters to the Editor

Patoi ia te parani a te Kavamani

Wednesday 9 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

E Tama, Kua taitaia toku ngakau ite kore anga i rauka mai tetai tika viviki mei roto mai ite uipaanga tei raveia i roto ite are uipaanga o Muri ite po Ruirua, kia akaatea viviki iatu teia remu e tupu nei i roto ite tai roto o Muri, ta te Kavamani i irinaki e, mama me rave, me akatika te iti tangata o Muri ki te parani maori.

Letters to the Editor

Family Law Bill could do with additions

Wednesday 9 December 2015 | Published in Opinion

I do not expect the important Family Law Bill to be put before Parliament for the two-day maximum priority Christmas party sitting of Parliament next week.


Allsworth stance 'hypocritical'

Tuesday 8 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing in response to Paul Allsworth’s article, “Pipeline proposal worth revisiting.”

Letters to the Editor

Muri lagoon weeps at weed invasion

Tuesday 8 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Our beloved Muri Lagoon is weeping and bleeding at the onslaught and stranglehold of this invasive weed.

Letters to the Editor

What kind of image are we portraying?

Monday 7 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was so happy when I read the December 1 news that Petrocean’s proposal for an over the reef pipeline was rejected.

Letters to the Editor

Water route looks like a BMX track

Monday 7 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Readers of Saturday’s Cook Islands News will have seen a prominent public notice indicating that the Takitumu inland extension of the water mains was halted last week after some of the affected landowners filed a legal proceeding in the Land Division of the High Court.

Letters to the Editor

That's awesome news, Bluesky!

Saturday 5 December 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

That’s awesome news, Bluesky!

Smoke Signals

How do the fish feel?

Saturday 5 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Hey Tim Tepaki!

Letters to the Editor

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