
Column provokes plenty of reaction

Saturday 5 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

To all those who corresponded to my thought-provoking opinion piece, “When is a Cook Islander not a Cook Islander?” and for those ordinary rikiriki and iti tangata who talked with me about this in your homes, offices, in the bank, at the beach, Vaianas, the shops, CITC, on the road, on my way home, emails and social media, blogs online and phone calls to my home, a big meitaki.

Letters to the Editor

Spinning a yarn on Pukapuka...

Friday 4 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I would like to congratulate Prime Minister Henry Puna, Minister of Finance Mark Brown and Mr Ben Ponia for a job well done in getting the people of Pukapuka to change their minds and agree to the Government’s proposal to allow the Spanish fleet of “super seiners” to fish in our waters.

Letters to the Editor

US elections and our flying leader

Thursday 3 March 2016 | Published in Opinion

The Republican candidates in the US presidential election have demonstrated in the last six months that these campaigns are certainly not for the weak and faint-hearted.


Respect of a leader

Wednesday 2 March 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“When New Zealand prime minister, John Key is seen in out in public, people want to take “selfies” with him and place them on Facebook,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

'There was no email error,' says Rasmussen

Wednesday 2 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Contrary to the story in Tuesday’s CI News, there was no email error involved in my statement about a plan to develop a fishing base on Penrhyn.

Letters to the Editor

A question of genealogy, says writer

Wednesday 2 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Te Tuhi Kelly has posed several questions recently in CI News, as to what is the definition of a Cook Islander and who qualifies to be called a Cook Islander.

Letters to the Editor

Traditional lore reduced to low status

Tuesday 1 March 2016 | Published in Opinion

With all the recent discussions over the Mato Vai water project I thought it timely to write about the low status given to Cook Islands traditional lore.


Views on nationhood a tad confusing

Tuesday 1 March 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Te Tuhi Kelly’s letter (CI News, February 27), is confusing.

Letters to the Editor

Leave Muri lagoon to the local people

Tuesday 1 March 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

The decision on what to be done to Muri lagoon should be left to the people of Muri, says a smoke signaler. “We don’t want outsiders making decisions for us. It should be the decision of the people of Muri and we want Captain Tama and the DPM to work together and dredge the area soon so we can have tourists back in Muri. Unemployment is becoming an issue, act now.”

Smoke Signals

Here is my number, Bill

Monday 29 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, May I reply to Bill Caruthers who suggested in his letter the other day that I stick to the facts by saying I beg to differ on the facts and here is my number – 27667! Tim Tepaki

Letters to the Editor

Tax amnesty must be well thought out

Monday 29 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Issue of tax penalties has been around for quite some time. During my by-election in Murienua with the full support of the Democratic Party, I campaigned hard on reducing the burden of tax penalties by introducing an amnesty.

Letters to the Editor

Origins not recognised

Monday 29 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It’s interesting how New Zealand Maori want to come here and recognise their rightful place in our genealogy and gain entry to our Cook Island paradise. When you live or visit New Zealand you will find that Maori do not promote, advertise or even admit they are descendants from the Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Caution urged over Muri's algal bloom

Monday 29 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Perhaps it would be timely to provide an update on the Muri lagoon situation after having raised the polluter pays principle in my initial letters on the subject which appears to have caused shockwaves among some tourism operators.

Letters to the Editor

Our rural roads in a 'shocking' state

Monday 29 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, It is very sad indeed to note the state of the roads around Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

Make people clean Muri lagoon before they swim

Saturday 27 February 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

Regarding the release of the entire force of public servants attend the Operation Namu on Friday (this was later postponed to another day), this initiative imposed by Cabinet is of national importance and just as important as the removal of algae from Muri lagoon. Why didn’t Cabinet think of the same thing and require the public to clean up Muri lagoon before the can go swimming there? The mess has apparently affected our tourism industry.

Smoke Signals

Where we have come from is important

Saturday 27 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I find it quite interesting that people make reference to historical links which have contributed to us as a people as being too far back.

Letters to the Editor

Useful information on access road

Saturday 27 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Local landowners of the land affected by a Warrant dated December 16, 2015 for a road between Avaavaroa and Papaaroa will now have seen an advertisement recently published in CI News, giving notice of several meetings of assembled owners scheduled to take place beginning on Monday February 29 at the courthouse.

Letters to the Editor

Take action before it happens again

Saturday 27 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Two years ago a tragic accident occurred in the village of Nikao where four young men between the ages of 18-22 lost their lives in a car crash because the driver was drunk.

Letters to the Editor

The joy of whole-hearted excellence

Saturday 27 February 2016 | Published in Opinion

When we think about a business, whether a shop, a hospital, or a service we hire someone to do, what stands out in our minds is the rare individual who brings his or her whole heart and soul to work.


Naval operation not so innocent

Friday 26 February 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Recently there was an item in CI News where the Commander of the US Seventh fleet called upon Australia to join the US in sending warships on naval operations within the 12 nautical mile zone within “contested islands in the South China Sea.”

Letters to the Editor

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