
Mindfulness makes all the difference...

Monday 27 June 2016 | Published in Opinion

I WAS amazed while eating a salad at a restaurant in Rarotonga, when the owner stopped by and asked, “Is your salad a little dry?”


Political crisis more like a political circus

Thursday 23 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“SOMEONE ON THE radio on Monday evening was saying the Cook Islands was in the midst of a political crisis,” a smoke signaller says. “We rather think he meant political circus, different clowns, same circus. Or should that be same trough, different snouts?”

Smoke Signals

Political antics hit an all-time low

Thursday 23 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

It IS a low point in our history when our people have to endure the kind of antics which took place over the past few days in (and out of) Parliament.

Letters to the Editor

Time for real Demos to stand up

Thursday 23 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

WHAT THE heck is my Democratic Party doing to us?

Letters to the Editor

Begging a bad look

Thursday 23 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

GOOD ON James Beer for highlighting the government’s labyrinth of dodging tactics to tell us where the money is and how they are spending it and where it is going and coming from.

Letters to the Editor

Latest events hark back to the past

Thursday 23 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Call it an epiphany.

Letters to the Editor

If you aren't disabled, please keep out!

Wednesday 22 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

PLEASE ALLOW me to address the able-bodied people who blatantly disregard the needs of disabled people and continuously park in the very limited disability parking bays that we do have here on Rarotonga.

Letters to the Editor

Capped data problems continue to annoy

Wednesday 22 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I AM sorry to have to write again, but the alien forces that have taken over the management of Bluesky have once again excelled themselves in their seemingly unlimited capacity to antagonise and annoy their monopoly-bound customers.

Letters to the Editor

Alcohol the problem – not safety helmets

Wednesday 22 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ONCE AGAIN I cannot help but feel we are missing the point when it comes to motorcycle helmets.

Letters to the Editor

A festival of mistakes and bad habits

Wednesday 22 June 2016 | Published in Opinion

The LAST few days have brought to a climax all the bad decision-making by the Speaker and Clerk of Parliament.


Big on promises, short on delivery

Tuesday 21 June 2016 | Published in Opinion

DESPITE THE last minute flurry as to whether parliament was correctly adjourned, (which, with the doors firmly locked, provided camera opportunities but not much more), the June sitting of parliament came and went with an opposition promising much, but delivering little.


More to poisoning case than meets the eye

Tuesday 21 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“IN THE CRICKET news on Monday of last week it said a number of players from one team were missing due to food poisoning,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Restaurant meal not so well done

Tuesday 21 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

ON OUR wedding anniversary we decided to visit a restaurant which has had great write ups on their superior cuisine, we booked a table the day before the event which was accepted.

Letters to the Editor

Soccer meeting just embarrassing

Tuesday 21 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I ATTENDED the Tupapa Maraerenga soccer annual general meeting last Wednesday evening at the Tupapa meeting house.

Letters to the Editor

Freebies take priority over parliament

Monday 20 June 2016 | Published in Opinion

TIME AND time again, the self-serving needs of the prime minister and his cabinet have brought the Appropriation Bill to a sudden halt.


Justice delayed is justice denied

Monday 20 June 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

IT’S NEARLY 18 months now since the Chief Justice found MP Mona Ioane guilty of electoral bribery.

Smoke Signals

How parliament got into a sticky situation

Monday 20 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

“PARLIAMENT IS NOT adjourned!!”

Letters to the Editor

Time for soccer parents to cool down

Monday 20 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I WRITE regarding the anonymous letters by “Concerned Parent,” “Another Concerned Parent, “Mr & Mrs Concerned Parent,” and Curious” which you published over the last few days.

Letters to the Editor

Parliament 'a colossal shambles'

Monday 20 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I HAVE written previously that the running of our parliament is a shambles (CI News October 13, 2014). I would like now to amend that observation.

Letters to the Editor

Another view on Family Law Bill

Monday 20 June 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I CONCUR with concerns raised by MP Selina Napa and the Family Law Bill. Below is my written submission which I gave verbally to the committee as well last year:

Letters to the Editor

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