
Traditional leaders 'way out of line'

Monday 9 May 2016 | Published in Opinion

I may be treading on eggshells here.


Events suggest cabinet in chaos

Saturday 7 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The only explanation I can think of for cabinet ministers not reading and understanding important submissions like the EU Fisheries Agreement is their total negligence of public duty,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Penryhn travel problems very real

Saturday 7 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As a follow up to my letter printed in CI News on May 3, with the headline, “Tiare Taporo news revives bad memories.”

Letters to the Editor

'Leader of the opposition' wasting time

Saturday 7 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Having read Wilkie Rasmussen’s article of 1 May headed “Tongareva gold rush an illusion”, I could be excused for thinking the poor fellow is delusional: Gold rush teaa?

Letters to the Editor

Our sacred trust to care for the islands

Saturday 7 May 2016 | Published in Opinion

One way to think of the place where one lives is that it is a sacred trust.


Credit for water station belongs to New Zealand

Friday 6 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I appreciate some of points raised by Tupapa Maraerenga MP George Maggie in the Cook Islands News on Saturday April 30.

Letters to the Editor

Eating wild chickens not a great prospect

Friday 6 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

Are people really advocating that we eat our wild fowl? Do we really have to eat every living thing in sight? I hope not, as my chooks are like pets which I feed and watch over fondly.

Smoke Signals

Maromaroa e te tumatetenga tikai

Friday 6 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Letter ‘Tongareva goldrush an illusion’ - Arumaki vaarua auro e moemoea

Letters to the Editor

Decision-making cause for concern

Friday 6 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

After reading the May 3 front page story in the CI News involving Agriculture minister Kiriau Turepu’s interview about the EU purse seine fishing deal, I am very worried about how decisions were made by those in the “power seats” regarding this issue.

Letters to the Editor

Lack of labels causes water confusion

Thursday 5 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“If a blue sticker indicates that a water station is safe to use and a red sticker indicates it’s not, what are we supposed to do when the station has no sticker at all?”

Smoke Signals

Leaky boat needs urgent help from the PM

Wednesday 4 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“The Tiare Taporo has sprung a leak and is taking on water in Tongareva,” a smoke signaller says.

Smoke Signals

Promises far from watertight

Wednesday 4 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I see the government is offering free (non-taxed) water for all residents and wondering why we are not all jumping up and down and praising them, waving palm leaves.

Letters to the Editor

Answers needed over visitor's death

Wednesday 4 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I feel for the Australian family who lost their son to the consequences of his holiday here on Rarotonga a week or two back.

Letters to the Editor

Small fleet, but mighty big fishing boats!

Tuesday 3 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

Last Friday’s public meeting presumably called by the House of Ariki to discuss the EU purse seining deal really backfired for the government. Lots of omissions by MMR’s Ben Ponia,who must think we can’t read.

Smoke Signals

Tiare Taporo news revives bad memories

Tuesday 3 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

My heart cried when I saw the photos and videos via social media, regarding the Tiare Taporo’s current sail to Tongareva.

Letters to the Editor

What about us?

Monday 2 May 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

“Can someone tell me please why rental car firms seem to be taking over a huge number of parks at the airport?” a smoke signaller says. “What about ordinary members of the public who use the airport? Don’t we matter anymore?”

Smoke Signals

No crime in being born stupid

Monday 2 May 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

What desperation could be driving the Puna government’s determination to sign up the Spanish purse seine deal against the wishes of most Cook Islanders?

Letters to the Editor

Tongareva gold rush an illusion

Monday 2 May 2016 | Published in Opinion

I have a confession to make.


Pests didn't come from Cook Islands

Saturday 30 April 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals

While I appreciate what he is saying, may I just remind Mr Passfield from TIS that it was Europeans who introduced various pests to the Cook Islands, including vines that are now choking our bush, ship rats that threaten our birds, and no doubt cats that are also a threat to our birds and probably to our native and endemic moko too.

Smoke Signals

Read the plan before you start criticising

Saturday 30 April 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

I refer to your lead article of April 29, headed “Luxury plans for Penrhyn hub” and point out a couple of anomalies?

Letters to the Editor

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